Chapter 16: The Bad Guys Are the Ones Shooting at You

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Hope's POV:

Steve, Sam, and I run out of the building, trying to get on those helicarriers. "Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asks. "If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve says. I roll my eyes. 

Steve and I jump off of the main area and land on a helicarrier while Sam takes to the sky. Steve and I start sprinting. People start shooting at us. Steve uses his shield to protect himself while I use a spell. 

"Vados!" I yell, flinging a hand out, causing a whole section of men shooting us us to explode. "Hope?" Steve says. I look and he has a grenade in his hand. I remember what I did durning the Battle of New York and nod. He takes out the clip and throws it at the oncoming men. 

I turn to face them. "Ex Spiritum In Tacullum, En Terrum Incendium, Phasmatos Salves A Distum." I say. The fire engulfs them and I use the power over it that I have to spread it further onto the ship, taking out several more men. 

"Hey Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam says over coms. "You ok?" Steve asks. "I'm not dead yet. Mind giving me a hand Mikaelson?" Sam asks. I smirk. "My pleasure." I say, sprinting towards the inside of the shit. 

When I get close enough I raise my hands once more. "Una scar." I mutter. The guns shooting at Sam turn to dust. "Falcon, status?" Hill asks. "Engaging." "Tribrid?" "Ready to go." "Alright Cap, I'm in." I then see quinjet headed towards him. "Hope." "I've got you." I glare at the jet. 

"Sispann la agresè." I mutter. The jet sputters before crashing to the deck. I smirk. Then I see the other one already flying after Sam. Crap. I suddenly hear gun shots. A bullet scrapes my leg. I groan as I heal myself. Asshole. 

I run towards them and take out my batons, turning them back into a staff. I twirl it quickly, taking out one guy easily. The others tear clear, trying to get a shot in. I go up to one guy, electrifying him with my staff when it smacks him into the back.

He groans, but come sat me again. This time I push it deep into his stomach, causing his to pass out. I break the staff in half to go after another guys. "Alpha lock." Steve says. "Falcon, Tribrid, where are y'all?" She asks. "I had to take a detour!" Sam yells. I finch. 

I look at the eight guys approaching me. I groan. "Me ne de qual suurentaa!" I yell. Their necks snap to the side and I run to my station. This is supposed to be Sam's but he isn't here. I take my chip out and place it inside. "Bravo lock." I tell her. "Good." Sam lands next to me. 

"Really? I had that." "You were taking too long." I tease. "Charlie carrier is 45 degrees off the port bow. Six minutes." She says. "HEY SAM! HOPE! I'M GONNA NEED A RIDE!" Steve says. Sam looks at me and grabs the back of my suit. "Hold tight." "To what?" I ask. 

He doesn't answer, he just takes off. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. "Roger, let me know when you're ready." He says. "I just did." "GO!" I yell, knowing Steve already jumped. I see him. "I CAN GRAB HIM!" I yell. "GOT IT!" We get close enough and I reach out my hand. "Exsurgo!" I yell. 

Steve's hand is soon in mine as I telekinetically slow his fall enough for me to grab on. Sam groans with effort. He flies us up onto the last helicarrier. "You two are a lot heavier than you look." He says. "I had a big breakfast." 

"Sam, you should know never to comment on a woman's weight." I say, smirking. He playfully glares at me. Suddenly a metal arm comes out and punches Steve off the helicarrier. "STEVE!" Sam yells, going to fly after him, but Bucky grabs one of his wings and pulls him back. 

"BUCKY! STOP!" I yell, trying to reason with him. He glances at me, his eyes full of pain and hatred. Sam shoots at Bucky, causing him to hide before trying to go after Steve again. Bucky sends a cable, catching one of his wings and dragging him down. 

He then tears off the wing and drop kicks him off the helicarrier as well. He then turns to me. My pulse quickens. "I don't want to fight you!" I tell him. He acts like he doesn't hear me. He races towards me. Damn it. I race towards him. I know using magic at this point would be useless. 

I can't hurt him. Right before we collide I hear Sam and Steve talking over the coms. Thank God. I take out my batons and the two of us engage, calculating the other's moves before they happen. We're almost equally matched in this fighting. "Bucky..." I grunt. "Please!" 

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He asks. "You are. You're James Buchanan Barnes, best friend to Steve Rogers. Do you hear me, the man you're trying to kill is your best friend. Your brother!" I yell. He doesn't react to that part, he just keeps attacking me. 

Suddenly I move too slow and I take a hit from the metal arm. I groan and land on my back. He grabs me by the neck and drags me to the side of the ship. No emotion shows on his face, but his eyes speak volumes. 

"Please, you don't have to do this. I want to help you. Hydra is using you." I choke out. He stops, thoughts running through his head before his hand squeezes tighter around my neck I claw at it, but it doesn't help. The last thing I see before I black out are his eyes. 

I see something deep within them. Something that hasn't been there. Guilt.

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