Chapter 6: The Death of King T'Challa

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Hope's POV:

It's been a couple of days, and like I thought, Klaue escaped. T'Challa and the rest of them all returned yesterday, but I haven't seen anyone. Apparently there was an explosion and they brought an CIA agent back to Wakanda for Shuri to treat him. 

I have to stay hidden just in case so it's just been me and Bucky in the room, alone, for hours, all so the CIA agent doesn't see us and immediately lead Ross to Wakanda to capture me and Bucky. I hate all this hiding. 

Wakanda was supposed to be the place where we could be free and now, because of one man, I'm holed up in a room. It's luxurious and far from a prison, but I still feel trapped inside. Since I've been placed on...let's just call it house arrest, I've been studying. 

Ever since I've became a full tribrid, I've felt as if my magic is has been maximized, which it should. I mean, I have my vampires side now which I can channel to make my spells more powerful. 

I can also channel myself to do spells that would normally require more than one witch. It's slow moving, but I've been learning different group spells that would help in battle. With how this world is today, I don't know when I'll be thrust into another fight. 

When I first became the tribrid, I had a hard time controlling not only my blood lust, but also my anger and my magic. I would have what I call magic shortages where my powers would go haywire. Freya helped me through them. 

She stayed with me in the cabin Wanda found me in all those months ago. There, we discovered something strange in our family history. Ever since I met Wanda, I knew her power exceeds that of which she knows. Her magical presence is devastatingly strong. 

When she found me in the woods, Freya was in the back room and she sensed her before my security did. She told me that our magical auras not only matched one another's, but they almost seemed intertwined. 

Since then I've kept in contact through magical means so no one could track me and Bucky when we first met. We've searched not only our family's history books, but also journals that were in Dahlia's possession when Freya lived with her. 

I also have a few of Esther's and then some from before Dahlia and Esther were born. Once I got my hands on them, I've been studying them. They're all written in a different language, but Freya has taught me everything I need to know to translate them. 

So far, all I've found are dark magic spells, different stories on how my ancestors lived and met their significant others, and so on and so forth. Honestly, it's been bit exhausting, but I know in one of these journals is the knowledge I need to understand mine and Wanda's connection. 

We aren't related, that much is clear, but according to Freya, there's something that binds us that might be stronger than a familial bond. Ugh, I hate not knowing things. I sigh and slam the journal I was reading shut.

I'm tired of staring at paged and pages of writings about how my great great great grandmother met my great great great grandfather and how they were madly in love and all the sweet gestures he'd do for her. 

Honestly, I'm glad Bucky and I don't really have that kind sappy love story. It would get boring real quick. I smile at the thought and glance back at his capsule. I set the journal aside and walk over to it, placing a hand on it. 

"Shuri says you're farther along than she expected. This'll all be over soon Buck. I promise." With that I turn towards the window. I'm glad this room has a window. If it didn't, then I'm sure this room would feel even more claustrophobic than it already does. 

I notice how there isn't anyone milling around the streets. That's strange. I glance into the distance. I reach out with my vampire hearing and I can't hear anything. Everything seems eery. Something bad is happening. I instantly call Shuri on my Kimono Beads. She picks up. 

"What is it?" She asks. There's nervousness laced with her tone. "What's happening? It's too quiet. Something isn't right." She looks hesitant to answer me. "Shuri, please, what's going on?" She sighs. 

"A man claiming to have killed Klaue appeared at the border. He then challenged T'Challa to a duel for the throne. T'Challa accepted. My mother and I are on our way, along with M'Kabi and the Dora Milaje, to the waterfall where the duel is to take place." She says, her anxiety clear. 

Shock runs through me. "Are you serious? This can't be possible. You already have the challenge day a a few days ago." She shrugs, seeming to agree with my confusion over why T'Challa would agree to fight him after the challenge day. 

"It is what T'Challa said he would do. I'm worried Hope. This man...he's angry and T'Challa is lost it seems. Apparently this man is our cousin who's father our father killed. He killed his own brother Hope." I stand there, shocked. This is a lot to take in all at once, especially for T'Challa. 

He won't have a clear head for the fight, and with who he is, he won't fight his hardest, guilty for the actions of his father. "The second the fight is over you call me. I just...I need to know." I say. She nods. "Of course. And Hope-" I nod for her to continue, but she looks conflicted.

Finally she tells me what she was holding onto. "If T'Challa loses. I want you to cloak Sergeant Barnes and I want you to hide on the east side of the barrier. I will meet you there later, when I can." I'm confused now. "What? But-" She doesn't give me a chance to ask anything. 

"With your cloak over him, this man, Erik, won't be able to find him, but if he finds you...he'll try to kill you and if you kill him, Wakanda will no long be a safe haven, no matter how much no one wants him to be King." I nod. "Ok." "Good. Now I have to go. We are arriving." 

I nod once again, and with that she hands up. I breath an stressed sigh. Everything seems to have fallen apart in seconds. First, it's the CIA agent taking away my freedom to walk around without fear of someone coming after me and Bucky. 

Now, it's this man, Erik, fighting to not only kill my friend, but also fighting to take away my safe haven. I guess when you're the tribrid, nowhere is safe. On the run, forever. It's why my father sought to kill all his enemies before they realized I was alive or even existed. 

No one can hurt you if they're dead. An hour goes by as I pace the room, fear clinging to me, waiting for Shuri to call with hopefully news that this Erik guy either yielded or is dead. When I feel my Kimono Beads buzz slightly, I immediately bring my hand up. 

"HOPE! GET OUT OF THERE! NOW! T'CHALLA IS DEAD! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" With that the connection breaks along with my heart. T'Challa, my newest friend, is dead. He offered me and Bucky a safe haven and now he's gone. I turn to Bucky, peacefully asleep in his capsule. 

I once again place a hand on the glass. "I'll be back for you. I'm not leaving you here for them to exploit. I'll be back and when I come back, you'll wake up and everything will be fine." I tell him, my voice cracking at the end, a tear sliding down my face. 

I close my eyes, feeling the pain of losing a friend. I might not have known T'Challa very long, but he was a good man with a good heart. He didn't deserve to die. When I open my eyes again I notice my reflection in the glass. Bright gold with veins under then. 

If I get the chance, this Erik guy is dead, and if I have to, I'll kill him myself. With one last glance towards Bucky I mutter a cloaking spell under my breath before speeding out of the room to find Shuri and the Queen Mother. I hope they're ok. 

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