Chapter 2: Meeting Phil's Idol and A Locator Spell

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Hope's POV:

The next morning I wake up to my alarm going off. Sighing I roll over and turn it off. Checking the time I realize that I have thirty minutes to be up and out of the house. I climb out of bed and quickly get dressed. Once I'm dressed I do my hair and a little bit of makeup before heading out.

I call a taxi and am driven to the airport where I'm going to meet Phil. When I get there I pay the man and head to the Quinjet. Phil is already there. "You're almost late." He says. "But I'm not." I quip, throwing my bag into the plane. "Now, who are we waiting for?" He doesn't answer.

A second later a motorcycle can be heard and a Harley pulls up. "You've got to be kidding me. Since when are we recruiting super soldiers?" I ask. "Since now. Please try not to bring up your friends step-father. It'll just confuse him." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Fine. I won't say anything about Stefan." I tell him. "Thank you. Captain Rogers, it's an honor." Phil says, approaching him. "And you are?" He asks. "Phil Coulson." "Pleased to meet you." He says, shaking Phil's hand. I take this time to approach the two.

"Hi. Hope Mikaelson." I say, extending my hand. "Steve Rogers." He says, shaking it. I nod in acceptance. "Come on, we should get going." Phil says. We nod and all board the plane. The entire trip Phil is fawning over Steve and its absolutely hilarious.

When we touch down on the helicarrier Nat is waiting for us. I grin and embrace the red head. "Agent Romanoff, this is Captain Rogers." Phil introduces. "Ma'am." "Hi. They need you two on the bridge. They're starting the face trace. Hope, you know what to do." She tells me.

I nod and Phil and I go inside. When we hit the bridge I walk straight up to Fury. He ands me a test tube with blood in it. "Barton's, get me a location." He says. "Right away sir." I say, walking away from the unknowing agents. Only Fury, Phil, Nat, and Clint know about me.

When Fury had the helicarrier built I requested a space that only I can access that I can store things that I need do so spells such as locator spells. I get to the room and swipe my ID. The door slides open and I immediately set to work. I place a map on the table and sit down.

I light my candles and pour the blood on the map. I hold my hands up and close my eyes. I feel the power inside of me pulsing. I start to chant my grandmother's locator spell. It's the most potent one I know.

"Où tu fuis, A pouvoir la trouver. Yonn souri nan zeb. Où tu fuis, A pouvoir la trouver. Yonn souri nan zeb. Où tu fuis, A pouvoir la trouver. Yonn souri nan zeb. Où tu fuis, A pouvoir la trouver. Yonn souri nan zeb. Où tu fuis, A pouvoir la trouver. Yonn souri nan zeb."

The blood stops over Stuttgart, Germany. Smiling at my find I clean my work space just in case some one does find this room they don't think SHIELD is actually crazy. Once its all put away I head to the bridge. "Mikaelson, got anything?" Fury asks. "Yeah, Stuttgart, Germany." I tell him

"Good work, Captain, be ready in ten." Fury says. Steve nods and looks at me. "How did you find him?" He asks. I smirk. "I have my ways. Now come on Cap, we have a Norse god to take down." I say, walking off so I can change into my suit. I quickly change before heading to the hanger.

By the time I get there Nat is waiting for me, but Steve isn't there yet

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By the time I get there Nat is waiting for me, but Steve isn't there yet. "You sure it was him?" She asks. "Unless Fury gave me someone else's blood then yeah, I'm sure." I tell her. She lets out a breath. "Great, then let's go." She says. I nod and climb in just as Steve arrives in a bright suit.

I smile at him. "I'm guessing Phil had a say in the suit?" I ask. He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, something like that." He mumbles, but of course I hear it and laugh. "Come on, let's go get this guy." I say. He nods. "Let's go get him." With that Nat takes off and we are on our way to Germany.

The ride is silent as Steve looks over the files once more. He's reading mine at the moment. He looks up at me confused. "You've been with SHIELD since you were sixteen? Why?" He asks, looking up at me, interested.

"After my parents died I sought ways in which I could help out other people, you know, do right by our name. That's when Phil found me. The rest is history that I don't like to explore." I say. "Right, sorry for being nosey." He says. I give him a tight lipped smile. "You're fine." I say.

I like Steve, I really do. He's a good guy. But I don't want him to know about the supernatural unless he has to know. The rest of the trip is silent. When we get to Stuttgart we find Loki standing above a crowd of people with his scepter pointed at an old man. "Steve." I say.

"I got him." He says, jumping out of the jet. He shields the old man just in time. Once he arrives people get up and start running away. "Tell me when you have a clear shot at him Nat." I say. "You got it." With that she turns on the mic. "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." She says.

He sends a blast at us, but we swerve out of the way just in time. Steve and Loki begin their fight. "This guy's all over the place." Nat tells me. Suddenly 'Shoot to Thrill' comes on over the sound system. "Hey kid. Agent Romanoff, did you miss me?" Stark asks.

I roll my eyes as he flies in and lands in front of Loki, aiming numerous weapons at the god of mischief. A gold shimmer goes over Loki, changing him out of his armor. Nat lands the jet and Steve and Stark bring Loki on  board. "Hey kid." Stark says. "Stark."

"You know I never got your full name." He says. "Hope Mikaelson." I say. "Aren't you a little young to be working for a spy organization?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "I don't know, aren't you a little old to be traipsing around in a metal suit?" I ask.

I see Steve hold back a laugh behind me. "Haha, very funny kid." Stark grumbles. I just smile and go sit with Nat. I hear Stark and Steve talking, but decide to leave them be and try to get some rest before we get back to the helicarrier.

Suddenly there is flashes of lighting and rumbling thunder all around us. "Where is this coming from?" Nat asks, glancing at me. "I have no idea." I say. "What, scared of a little lightening?" Steve asks Loki. "I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki mumbles.

There is a sudden thumb on the roof. "What the hell?" I mumble, getting up and standing beside Steve and Stark who have their weapons raised. Stark opens the hatch in the back. A hammer comes flying in, taking Stark out immediately.

The hammer flies back to the entrance, into the hand of a blonde man with long hair and red armor that looks like it was made in the same place Loki's was. He rips Loki out of the seat and flies off with him. "Well that's new." I say. "And then there's that guy." Stark says, ignoring me.

"Do you think this guy is friendly?" Steve asks. "Doesn't matter, if he kills Loki or frees him, the Tesseract is lost." Stark says, walking to wards the entrance. "Stark, we need a plan of attack." I tell him. "I have a plan, attack." With that he flies after the two men.

Steve automatically grabs a parachute and I do the same. "I'd sit this one out Cap." Nat calls back, knowing that she can't stop me. "I don't see how I can." He says. "These guys come from legend, they're basically gods." I say, finishing with the straps on the chute.

"There's only one God ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that. Hope, you sure you want to come?" He asks. "Yep." He nods at my decision and together we jump out of the jet. Once we pull the chord we slow down. "You get Loki, I'll get the other two." Steve says. I nod.

"Sounds like a plan." With that we finish our decent and go our separate ways. I walk up to Loki. "Hope you had fun on your little trip, but it's time to go back to the plane." I say. "You puny mortal, how would you force me to go with you?" He asks. I roll my eyes before raising my hand.

One of the Widow Bites that Nat gave me shoots towards the Norse god. Loki sinks to his knees in pain. "You see Loki, I would be nicer to me if I were you." I growl, dropping my arm. He coughs, slowly climbing to his feet. He grins.

"Ah you must be Agent Mikaelson. Barton has told me all about you and your family. Hope is it?" He asks. I glare and raise my hand to do a pain inflation spell when Steve walks up to me. "Hope, we're all good, I'll get him." I nod and march back to the plane.

I'm pissed at Loki for bringing up my family. No one brings up my family. It's an unspoken rule at SHIELD. Once everyone is on the jet we take off for the helicarrier.

Agent MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now