Chapter 9: Was It That Awkward?

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Hope's POV:

When our lips meet my heart stops. The only guy I've ever kissed is Roman. This is different. After a second Steve relaxes and moves one hand to my hair and the other to my waist. After a second I pull away and blush. Rumlow is passed us and Nat has stopped coughing.

"Still uncomfortable?" She asks him, smirking. "Not the word I would use to describe it." He says, still looking me in the eyes. I blush harder and turn away, following Nat as she begins to walk calmly the reset of the way down the escalator.

We are able to get away from the tact team and into the parking garage. "Come on, the car is this way." Steve says, starting to walk towards the car we borrowed from Uncle Kol. "No, they'll run the plates and know that my family owns that car." I say.

He nods and walks towards the nearest vehicle which is a truck. We get all in and Steve hot-wires the car. With that we take off. The dive is silent for a little bit before Nat breaks the silence. "Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?"

"Nazi Germany, and we're borrowing. Take your feet off the dash." He tells her. She rolls her eyes and does what he says. I remain silent. Our kiss is still going through my head on repeat. Playing over and over again.

"Alright, I have a question for you, which you do not have to answer. I feel like, if you don't answer it though, you're kind answering it, you know?" "What?" He asks, cutting her rambling off. "Was that your first kiss since 1945?" She asks, smirking. She then turns in her seat.

"Also, was that your first kiss kid?" She asks. I groan and put my head in my hands. "Was it that awkward?" I ask. My face is red hot. "I didn't say that. "Well it kind sounds like you're saying it." Steve says. "No, I didn't. I just wondered how much practice both of you have had." She says.

I look up and glare at her. Though, I feel slightly better when I see Steve is blushing as well. "You don't need practice." I say. "Everybody needs practice." She argues. "It was not my first kiss since 1945. I'm 95, I'm not dead." He says. She then turns to me. "It was not my first kiss."

"Was it your first kiss with someone who wasn't over 100 years old?" I smack her shoulder. "No, I don't even know when Roman was born, but I'm pretty sure he's younger than Steve, now, will you shut up." I say. She just smirks and faces the front.

"I can't believe the two of you haven't gotten together yet." She says randomly, making my blush burn brighter. "Nat." "What?" "With what we're doing, a relationship isn't something we need to focus on. Maybe once this is all over, but not now." Steve says. My eyes widen at this.

He wants to have a relationship with me? We make eye contact in the rear view mirror. The look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. 'We'll talk later, I promise.' I nod and he looks back at the road. Finally we arrive at the destination the file gave us.

"This is it." Steve tells us as we all get out. "The file came from these coordinates." I say. "So did I." He says. I look at him. We hop the fence and I start combing the grounds for the signal that led me here. "This camp is where I was trained." "Change much?" Nat asks him. "A little."

"Well this is a dead end, zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio." I say, putting my phone down. I look over at Steve who looks lost in his own thoughts. Nat and I exchange a look. This place is bringing up old memories.

I can't tell whether their good or bad, but they're affecting him. "Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off." Nat says. Steve squints his eyes to see something. "What is it?" I ask. He walks off and Nat and I quickly follow.

"Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place." He says. We walk to the door and he uses his shield to break open the lock. The first thing is a staircase.

The four of us walk quietly down the stairs single file, Steve in front and Nat bringing up the rear. When we reach the bottom I scan and quickly find the light switch. I flip it and the old lights turn on. On the back wall is an all too familiar logo. "This is SHIELD." Nat says.

"Maybe where it started." Steve adds. We walk deeper and deeper into the room. We go to one of the doors and walk in. There are three pictures on the back wall. "There's Stark's father." Nat says. "Howard." He then glances at the girl's picture.

I recognize her, she's the woman in the compass the Steve carries everywhere and looks at before every mission. "Who's the girl?" Nat asks. "Peggy Carter, she's legend at SHIELD." I say, trying to to also bring up the fact that she was the woman Steve loved back in the 40s.

It kinda stings a little, but I brush it off. She's probably dead by now, no need to be jealous of her or even who she used to be. I walk off, going down the far row of shelves. Suddenly I pick up something. Wind. An air current behind one of the shelves. Steve senses it too.

"If you're already working in a secret office..." He trails off, pushing the shelves out of the way. "why do you need to hide the elevator?" We walk over to it. I take my phone out and scar the key pad to get the code. I quickly get it and type it in. The elevator opens and we get in.

The doors close and we start going down. I don't even know how far. When we stop and the doors open we're looking at a pitch black room. Steve, Nat, and I share concerned looks. I have a really bad feeling about this.

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