Chapter 1: Love the Old Fashioned Flare

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Hope's POV:

It's been a year since Washington. A year of taking down Hydra facilities and searching for Bucky with Steve and Sam with no luck. A couple of months ago Thor came back with news that Loki's scepter was in the hands of Hydra and ever since we've been raiding the last remaining bases.

Right now we are in Sokovia, trying to infiltrate the base, but the weapons are more high tech. It's nice the have the gang back together, I just wish it was under better circumstances. Right now I'm riding in an armed car with Nat and Clint. Nat's driving while Clint and I are attacking.

"Fumée chaleur vicieux enfermé les vitres la bas." I chant, sending a column of flames at the vehicle shooting at Nat, Clint and I. We reach a baracde, causing Nat, Clint, and I to throw ourselves out of the vehicle. The others have joined us now, all of us grouping up. 

If this was in slow motion we'd probably look pretty badass. I hit the ground rolling and take out my twin sai. I switched my batons out for these a couple of months ago. I slice and burn my way through Hydra's men. We've been at this for months and this routine has kind of become boring. 

Tony goes up to get into the building, but he hits something. "SHIT!" He yells. "Language." Steve calls. I laugh. "Me ne de qual suurentaa." I chant, snapping a guy's neck. Some guy grabs me from behind and lifts me off my feet. 

I use the momentum I have to swing my legs up and bring them down quickly, surprising the guy and causing him to flip over me when I hit the ground. He rolls and I shoot him with one of the widow bites Nat gave me. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asks. 

"The central building is protected by some form of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." Jarvis report. "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount his defense with out it. At long last." Thor says. 

"At long last is lasting a little long guys." Nat says. "Tell me about it. Sispann la agresè." I chant, causing another vehicle to crash and explode. I see a huge bunker firing at Nat, Steve, and Thor I run over to it. "Dissulta!" I yell. The entire thing explodes. "Thanks Hope." Nat says. "Of course."

"I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint says. "Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?" Tony asks. I grin as I cut down another guy. "I know, it just slipped out." Steve says. I laugh again. 

"Don't worry babe, the old fashioned flare you have is cute." I say. "Ok, could we leave the flirting for a different time please?" Clint asks. I just smirk and swing my staff at a few guards, taking them out quickly. I continue to fight until I hear Nat cry out over the coms. 

"CLINT!" She yells. "What happened?" I ask. "We have an enhanced in the field Steve says. "Clint's hit." Nat tells us. "Hope, could use you. And can someone take out that bunker?" She asks. "On my way." I say. Suddenly I am knocked off my feet. 

When I get up and I glare at the sliver haired boy in front of me. I flash my golden eyes at him. "Get out of here kid before I decide to lose my temper." I growl. His eyes widen and he takes off in a silver streak. Once he's gone I race in the direction of Nat and Clint. 

When I get there the bunker is still firing at them. "Vados!" I yell, blowing it up. "Thanks." She says. "Don't mention it. Here." I say, biting my wrist and offering it to him. He doesn't look happy, but he chokes down the blood. Soon his wound stops healing. 

"Stark, we need to get inside." "Yeah, I'm closing in." Stark says. There's a pause and Nat and I help a weakened Clint. "Drawbridge is down people." Stark confirms. "Hope, could use some back up, I'm going in." Steve says. I sigh and stand. 

"My job is never done, is it?" I ask aloud, racing off towards Steve's last known location. When I don't find him there I follow the sound of Thor's hammer hitting Steve's shield. "Find the scepter." Thor says. "And for gosh sake, watch your language." Stark says. 

I finally reach him as Stark says this. I grin as he lowers his head. "That's not going away anytime soon." He realizes. I smirk at him. "No, no it's not." I say, kissing his cheek. "Come on, let's get inside." I say. He nods and the two of us head towards the door of the compound. 

"We're locked down out here." Nat says once Steve and I reach the building. "Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby." Steve says. With that we enter the compound. There is one guard left. Steve looks at me. "Dimiterre." I say. He is sent flying into a wall. 

When we walk forwards we find another hall with a staircase. On that staircase is none other than Strucker. "Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug." Steve says. He smirks at the comment, but his smirk fades when he sees my golden eyes. 

"Technically I'm a thug for SHIELD." He says. "Well then 'technically' you're unemployed." I say. "Where's Loki's scepter?" Steve asks. "Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope." He says. 

"Sure, we'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." I say. "How many are there?" Steve says. Suddenly a girl appears at his side, sending red wisps at his chest and knocking him down the stairs. 

"Ictus."  I say, sending a wave towards her, but she uses her powers to get out the doors quickly and slam them shut. "We have a second enhanced, female. Do not engage." Steve says. We both glare at Strucker. "You'll have to be faster than-" 

But Steve cuts him off by sending his shield into his throat, sending him to the ground. "Prohibere." I say. Ropes appear and wrap around Stucker, tying him up. "Guys, we've got Strucker." Steve says over the coms. "Thor, I've got eyes on the prize." Tony says. Perfect. 

I turn to Steve. "Come on, time to go." I say. 

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