Chapter 12: This Is SHIELD

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Hope's POV:

When we reach the bridge Clint climbs off and I shift, racing forwards. "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium!" I scream, blue energy flies out from me and engulfs the bots, making them explode. We get the stragglers to a building that is still stable.

"The next wave will hit at any minute. Stark, what do we got?" Steve asks. "Uh, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear." "I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Steve tells him.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice." The coms go silent and I walk over to the twins. "You two ok?" I ask. "Yeah, some asshole doesn't know what 'cease fire' means." Pietro says, showing his arm. I laugh and place my hand over it.

My hand grows warm and when I pull away there is no wound. "I would have you drink my blood, but it was minor." I tell him. His face is one of disgust. I chuckle a little at his reaction. It's the same every time.

"Vampire blood heals wounds, but if you die with it in your system you become a vampire. My blood has my father's blood in it. He was one of the earth's original vampires. My blood heals." I explain. He nods, still not letting the look of disgust slip from his face. I turn to Wanda.

"You good kid?" I ask. She nods. "I thought about what you said. You sound like you know what it's like to think of yourself as a monster." I nod. "I do." "How could you ever think of yourself as a monster? I mean, you're an Avenger. You save lives." I sigh.

"I'm the product of a one night stand between a werewolf Alpha and the first vampire, werewolf hybrid, son of a powerful witch. I'm a Tribrid who everyone thought would be the end of the world. They've tried to kill me because of that my entire life." Her eyes widen.

I believed for the longest time that I was a cosmic mistake, someone who should have never been born. Both my parents died either because of me or for me. I had to learn to accept who I am because I can't change the past and who I was, I can only control who I become." She nods.

"We're not monsters Wanda, we're normal people the world turned their back to. We stick together because we are the only ones who know what it's like to not be accepted. The second you became apart of this team, you became family." A smile ghosts across her face.

"My family's motto is Always and Forever. I'm here for you. You're not alone Wanda, neither of you are. Not anymore. Always and Forever." She smiles. "Thank you Hope." I smile back and hug the girl. I pull Pietro in as well. "You too speedy." I laugh. Suddenly the coms cut back on.

"Glad you like the view Romanoff, it's about to get better." Fury. I grin and pull the twins outside with me. Helicarriers appear in the sky and I grin. "I see you fix my babies up. Did you factor in my upgrades?" I ask. "Of course Mikaelson, we'd be fools not to." "You're right, you would be."

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve says. "Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" He teases. I laugh. "This is SHIELD?" Pietro asks. "This is what SHIELD is supposed to be." I grin and pat his shoulder lightly before walking over to where Nat is. She turns and I engulf her in a hug.

"Glad you're ok." "Cant' get rid of me that easily." She grins. I laugh. "You'd be surprised. Thank you, for being ok. I don't think I would have been able to handle that." She nods, giving me a soft smile back. The life boats reach the floating city. "Let's load em up." Steve tells us.

We nod and set to work moving the civilians from the building to the life boats. As we move my section of people I create another shield, this time with no bots in it to protect the people. "Thor, I got a plan. "We're out of time. They're coming for the core." Thor informs us.

I sigh, straining under the force of my shield. Finally they're all on board and it takes off, leaving me and Pietro alone. "Avengers, time to work for a living." He tells us. I sigh, knowing we have to get to the core to protect it. Pietro turns to me and I know what he's trying to ask. "Fine." I say.

He laughs and races over, picking me up before taking off. It's different that running with my werewolf speed. It's worse. I groan as he sets me down in the church in the center of the city. I spot a bot and fling my hand out, throwing it into a wall, shattering it's body.

Pietro goes over to Wanda to make sure she's ok. "Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini. I grimace. "Seriously Tony?" I ask. He just shrugs. "Don't worry metalhead, not all of us can fly." She replies, showing up in a bulldozer.

I laugh as she joins out group. "What's the drill?" She asks. "This is the drill." Tony says, pointing to the metal core. "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Bruce then shows up. Behind him is Ultron. "Is that the best you can do?!" Thor yells.

I groan, he seriously needs to know when to shut up. Ultron raises a hand and all of the remaining bots flood towards us. "You had to ask." Steve sighs. "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possible hope to stop me?"

"Like the old man said, together." Tony states. I have no clue if my eyes are glowing gold or blue, but they're glowing. Hulk roars and they rush us. My teammates raise their weapons. I hold my hand up. "Let me have a go, I don't want any of you caught in the crossfire." I tell them.

They look at me unsure. "Hope, are you sure?" Steve asks, concerned. I nod firmly, stepping forwards. When the bots are close enough I let out an ear shattering scream. Blue energy flows out of my body in waves, destroying everything it touches.

The bots don't stop, they are destroyed a flood of blue magic

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The bots don't stop, they are destroyed a flood of blue magic. Finally I can't hold it anymore the the blue fades, still leaving hundreds of bots. Steve grips my arm. "Are you ok?" He asks. I nod, wiping the blood that leaked from my nose. "I'll be fine." He nods and we all get into position.

Then the bots hit. I use all the power I have left in me to make the bots explode, malfunction, disintegrate, or just rip apart. I feel the taxing effects on my body, but I don't let up. I see Ultron fly at Vision and then Vision uses the Mind Stone against him.

It's not working so Thor and Tony start to help I decide to add a little in as well. I race forwards. I conjure blue energy in my hands before pushing it towards the evil robot. We melt through his defenses before finally letting up. "You know, with the benefit of hindsight-"

He is cut off by Hulk punching him across the city. The bots try to leave but Vision and Rhodey take care of them. "We're gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You get to the boat, I'll sweet for stragglers, be right behind you." Steve says. "What about the core?" Clint asks.

"I'll protect it." Wanda chimes in. "Me too." I say, stepping up. She nods to me. They all nod before leaving. Pietro shows up. "Get the people on the boats." "I'm not going to leave you here." "I can handle this." She destroys a stray bot.

"Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before." "You do know I'm twelve minutes older right?" He asks. She laughs. "Go, I'll protect her. I promise." I tell him. He nods and takes off. I look and Wanda and she nods. We're in agreement. The core before ourselves.

Time to finally destroy this son of a bitch.

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