Chapter 9: Sorry Vision, But Us Girls Stick Together

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Hope's POV:

Once Clint has his things I explain to him that we're going to get Wanda and then, surprisingly easily, teleport us into the compound. "Huh, didn't know I could do that." "While we're here, might as well get your suit. They left it in your room incase you came back." He informs me.

I nod. "You set of your plan to get Vision away from Wanda while I go change. I'll be there in a second." He nods and we take off in opposite directions. When I reach my room I find my suit laid out for me on the bed. I smile and grab it. I've missed it.

It's on the simpler side, but I look hot in it and it's very functional. Shaking my head I quickly change before grabbing a black leather jacket to throw over top and heading to the kitchen where Clint is, hopefully with Wanda and a detained Vision.

"Okay, they're considered." I hear Clint say. Then electricity fills the air right as I run in. "Okay, we gotta go." I say. Wanda's eyes widen. "Hope." She says in shock. I smile at her. "Miss me?" She smiles, then it drops and she looks down, not following Clint. "It's this way."

"I've caused enough problems." She says sadly." I sigh. Clint goes to give yet another motivational speech, but I stop him. His speeches are long and not effective enough for the situation.

"We don't have time. Wanda, listen to me, I know you're scared, but if you wanna mope, I'll enroll you in high school, I'm sure Dr. Saltzman would love to have you." She doesn't look too excited about the idea of high school.

"But if you wanna fully accept yourself and your abilities, you can't be scared of them, you have to get off your ass and you have to fight for the things you believe in because you have the ability to." I say.

Something changes in her eyes. "Uh oh." Clint suddenly says. I look up just in time for Vision to breath out of his restraints. He goes to shoot him, but the arrow phases through him. Vision grabs him by the neck and throws him backwards. I pull Wanda backwards while the boys fight.

I look her dead in the eye. "What's it gonna be Wanda? Are you gonna sit on your ass and do nothing as they force you to limit yourself?" I ask. Determination crosses her face. "Clint, you can't overpower me." Vision says, holding Clint in a chokehold.

"I know I can't. But they can." He says. Wanda's magic glows bright red as she forms a ball of energy. I walk next to her. "Vision. That's enough, let him go. I'm leaving." Wanda tells him. "I can't let you." She pulls her hands apart, controlling the mind stone.

She makes him phase Clint though his arms. "I'm sorry." She starts making his density higher. "If you do this, they will never stop being afraid of you." "I can't control their fear, only my own." With that I step forward. "Sorry Vison, but us girls stick together. Patere!"

Vison flies through the ground, further and further down. "Sorry Vison, but us girls stick together." I say. "Come on, we have one more stop." I say, rushing off. Sam sent me the coordinates of his guy so now we're off to get him.

Once we have acquired said guy, who is currently knocked out thanks to Clint, I grab onto all of them. "I've never done this with this many people before so bear with me." "What?" Clint asks, kinda worried.

I don't listen, just make sure my grip is tight on each of them before screaming with effort. Just like that I feel the straw feeling and am soon being flung through the air. We all land with a groan on the cement of the parking garage we're meeting Steve, James, and Sam at.

There's a van to our left. "Come on, put the sleeper in there and we can wait here while we wait for them. They shouldn't be long." I say. They nod and climb into the van. With that we wait. Then a small car pulls up beside us. I scrunch up my face.

"How do they all fit in there?" Wanda and Clint shrug as we all get out of the van. "Cap." Clint greets. "You know I wouldn't have asked Hope to get you if I had any other choice." Steve says, shaking Clint's hand.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt." He says, nodding to Wanda. Steve turns to her. "Thanks for having my back." She nods, glancing at me. "It was time to get off my ass." I smirk at this. I get the feeling she's gonna be a badass one day.

She already is for someone her age, but I see bigger things for her. "How about our other recruit?" Steve asks. I sigh and walk to the door of the van. "He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but Clint's head injury might negate it." I say, pulling the door open.

"He should be good." Clint says. "What time zone is this?" Scott Lang asks. His eyes widen at the sight of Steve. "Come on, come on." Clint says, pushing him forward slightly. He shakes Steve's hand. "Ca-Captain America!" He says, grinning. "Mr. Lang."

"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long." He says, letting go of Steve's hand. "Wow, this is awesome. Captain America." He then spots Wanda and I. "I know you too. You're great! You too!" He tells us.

Wanda and I shoot him a smile which is really just us holding back laughter at his excitement. He then touches Steve's shoulder and I can't help it. I turn my back so they don't see me laughing. "Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so...thinks for thanking of me."

He then spots Sam over Steve's shoulder. "Hey man!" "What's up, Tic Tac?" "Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I-" "It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again." Sam says, hinting at him to not bring it up.

Oh, now I really wanna know how these two met. "They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asks. "Something about some psycho-assassins?" "We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man." "Yeah, well, what else is new?"

"We should get moving." James calls out. "We got a chopper lined up." I say. Then the PA comes on, speaking in German. "They're evacuating the airport." James translates. "Stark." Sam says. "Stark?" Scott asks. "Suit up." They all nod and go off the change I walk over to James.

"Run into any trouble?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nothing I couldn't handle. You ready for this?" "Are you? You're fighting against your friends here." He says. I shrug. "I'm fighting for something I believe in. What better reason is there?" "So you're sure about this?" I smile.

"Yes, I am. Now stop trying to talk me out of it. We don't lose today. We can't." He nods before pulling me into a hug. "You've been there for me these past few months Hope, not faltering or regretting anything. Thank you." "You don't need to thank me James." He pulls away and smiles.

"Bucky, call me Bucky." I smile. "Well then, Bucky, let's get to work."

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