Chapter 9: When In Doubt, Nuke It

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Hope's POV:

The fighting ensues. Every once and a while Tony or Thor will come down here and help out, but for the most part it's just me and Steve. I'm starting to feel the draining effect of exerting too much energy. Whether that be from my magic or the fighting, it's not good.

"Captain, the bank on 42nd past Madison. They've cornered a lot of civilians in there." Clint calls over the coms. "I'm on it." He says. He then turns to me. "Can you handle this on your own?" He asks. I nod. "I'm good, go." I say. He nods, running off. Sighing I turn to face the oncoming aliens.

"Come on Hope, you've got this." I tell myself. With that I sprint towards them, sais raised. I attack like I haven't been fighting for over an hour. Taking them out one by one. Suddenly I hear an explosion to my left. I turn to see Steve fly out of a fourth floor window.

Sighing I kill the last alien from this flight before racing towards him. When I reach him he's leaning up against the cop car, looking completely exhausted. I walk up to him. "Hey, you ok? That was a nasty fall." I say. He smiles lightly at me. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Then come on, this isn't over." I say, offering my hand to him. He nods and grabs my hand, hauling himself off of the car. "No it is not." "There's more down there, you ready?" I ask. He nods. "Let's do this." He says. I nod. We walk towards the oncoming aliens.

I take a grenade off of my belt. "What are you planning on doing with that?" He asks me. I don't answer I pull the pin and hurl it at the aliens. "Ex Spiritum In Tacullum, En Terrum Incendium, Phasmatos Salves A Distum." I chant right as it explodes.

I make the explosion cover the not only the oncoming aliens, but also the aliens flying by up above. "Hope, your nose." He says. I wipe a hand underneath my nose. Blood. I wipe it all off and shrug his concern off.

"It's fine sometimes when a witch uses a lot of magic she gets a nose bleed. It's fine." I say, putting the matter off. "Ready for the next flight?" "Are you?" I just smirk. Then the aliens are upon us. Thor comes down and start to help a little. Suddenly Steve goes down beside me.

Having been hit in the chest. I growl."Me ne de qual suurentaa!" I scream, twisting my wrists. All the alien's necks around us snap and they fall to the ground. I kneel down above Steve who is groaning and shakily standing to his feet. "You ok?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm good." He says.

I smile and pull him into a hug. Thor walks over to us. "You two ready for another bout?" He asks. "Why? You getting sleepy on us?" Steve jokes. I smile. He's clutching his stomach. "Here." I say, biting into my wrist. "My blood will heal you." I say.

Unsure he brings it to his mouth. He flinches at the taste and pulls away. All the cuts on him start to heal and I sigh in relief. "Why did that heal me?" He asks, extremely confused at what just happened.

"I have vampire blood in my system because of my dad. Vampire blood heals humans. Just don't die in the next twenty four hours. If you do you'll become a vampire." I say. He nods in understanding. "I can close it. Can anybody copy. I can shut the portal down." Nat calls out.

"Do it!" Steve says. "No, wait." Stark calls. "Tony these things are still coming." I say. "I've got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute and I know just where to put it." He says. "Stark, you know that's a one way trip." Steve says. Tony doesn't answer him.

Suddenly Tony is above us, nuke in hand. He's heading towards the portal. I hold my breath as Tony disappears into the portal. A minute goes by. "Come on Stark." Steve mutters. Nothing. "Close it." Steve tells Nat.

Tears form in my eyes as the light disappears and the portal starts to close. As the nuke goes off the aliens around us fall to the ground, dead. Just as the portal is almost closed Tony falls out of it. I let out a breath of relief. "Son of a gun." Steve says.

"He's not slowing down." Thor says, swinging his hammer. Before he can take off however, the Hulk crashes into Tony, catching him. The two of the kid down a building. The Hulk lays Tony's unconscious form in front of us. Thor takes off his helmet mask. He's not moving.

I use my enhances hearing. No heartbeat. "Damn it Tony." I say. I lay my hands over his chest. "Tardus pulsatio." I mutter, willing his heart to beat again. He gasps awake. "What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me." He says. I laugh. "We won." Steve says.

It doesn't seem real. We did it. We actually beat an alien army. "Alright, yay. Alright good job guys. Let's just not go in tomorrow. Let's just take a day off. " I nod in agreement. I might just have to take a lot of time off.

"Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks form here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it." He says. I laugh little. "We're not finished yet." Thor says. "And then shawarma after?" Tony asks. I nod and we all stand, Steve giving Tony a hand up.

Then Clint is there. Thank God. I walk up to him and hug him. "You did good kid." He says. "I'm so glad all of you are ok. I couldn't take it if I lost someone else." I mumble. "I know kid." He says. Once we're all grouped we walk into Stark Towers and head to the floor where Loki is.

Nat meets us up there. I run over and hug her. No word are exchanged as we leg go and take our position in front of the groaning Loki. He's just starting to wake up. He crawls out of the hole he was in and turns around on the steps. His eyes widen. I can tell my eyes are yellow by now.

This man came for everything I love and killed Phil. He's lucky he's still breathing. "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink right about now."

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