Chapter 2: What the Hell Nat?!

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Hope's POV:

Nat and I wind our way to the engine room. We see our first guy. I gesture for her to go first. She smirks. "Hey sailor." She says. He seems terrified. She kicks out his knees and wraps a grappling hook around his neck. "You coming?" She asks. "Why of course." I say, connecting with her.

We're connected back to back as we flip over, taking out our guns and shooting the men on the way down. Nat shoots the one under us, using him as a shield. Some guys shoot at us, only hitting their dead man. I reach around and shoot them.

We untangle ourselves from each other and continue on. "STRIKE's in position." Rumlow says. "Natasha, Hope, what's your position?" Steve asks us. Bad timing. We're sneaking up behind the last few guys. "Status, Hope, Natasha." Steve says again. Give us a moment.

We race up behind the guy. "HANG ON!" Nat yells right as we reach him, surprising him. I take out my batons and take him out quickly. Another guy comes around the corner. Nat takes this one in hand to hand. Another guy runs up to her with a gun.

I run up to him and connect my batons, swinging them at him. He dodges and goes to fire at me. I dodge before leaping up and wrapping my thighs around his neck and twisting my body, bringing him down. I kick him hard in the head, knocking him out. "Engine room secure." I say.

Nat starts to walk off. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I'll be fine." With that she's gone. I sigh and head towards the rendezvous point. Steve comes on over the coms. "On my mark. Three, two, one." I hear gun shots and wait from Rumlow. "Hostages on route to extraction." Rumlow says.

I then see him. He nods to me. "Where's Romanoff?" He asks. "Decided to detour." I say. "Romanoff missed the rendezvous point Captain. Mikaelson's here though. Hostiles are still in play." Rumlow says.

"Hope, I need you to meet me on the stern deck. Natasha. Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages." Steve says. I nod. "On my way." I reply. Come on Nat. I race through the ship, taking down hostiles on the way. Finally I find the two fighting.

Steve isn't using his shield and doesn't have his helmet on. This guy is good. I take my batons out and race towards him, I come in hot from the left, surprising him. Steve and I begin to fight him. He's very good. It's becoming sort of like a dance.

That is until Steve rams him through a door and takes out him focus, giving me cover. "Ad somnum." I say. He passes out. I let out a tired breath and help Steve to his feet. "Well this is awkward." I hear behind me. I turn to see Nat bent over one of the computers.

"What the hell Nat?!" I ask, walking up to her, Steve right behind me. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into." She says sarcastically. "Rumlow needed your help, what the hell were you doing here?" He asks her. We look on the screen.

"You're saving SHIELD intel." He figures. "Whatever I can get my hands on." "Our mission is to rescue hostages." "No, that was you two's mission and you've done it beautifully." She says with a smile. I let out an exasperated sighs.

"That's not the point Nat. You could've at least told us what you were planning on doing before you just randomly go off." I say. She doesn't answer, just goes to walk by us. Steve stops her by catching her arm. "You just jeopardized this entire operation." He says.

"I think that's overstating things." She says. Suddenly Batroc gets up. How did he come out of the spell that quick? He throws a grenade at us, but Steve bats it away. It doesn't go far. Nat bolts from the room.

Steve looks at me and grabs my waist, picking me up and the two of us jump over computers and leap through a window just in time to avoid the blast. We land with Steve on top of me, shield hovering over us. Nat crawls over to us from her position across the room.

"Ok, that one's one me." She says. I sigh as Steve rolls off of me and the two of us lean against the wall. "You're damn right." Steve says, obviously pissed. He stands up and offers me his hand which I accept gratefully. We race out to try and find Batroc, but he's gone. I sigh.

"I don't know how he came out of the spell that quickly." I say, blaming myself. "Hey, this isn't your fault. You couldn't have know what was going to happen." He says. I sigh but now. "Come on, let's get back to the plane."

With that the two of us head out, exhausted from the nights events. On the trip back the two of us sit next to each other. Finally I grow too tired. I lay my head on his shoulder, and just like that, I'm out like a light.

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