Chapter 7: Suit Up

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Hope's POV:

"How did you get me back?" Clint asks Nat as she sits on the sit of his bed. "Cognitive Recalibration. I hit you really hard on the head." She tells him. She then leans forward to undo the restraints on the bed. "Natasha, how many agents did I-"

"Don't. Don't do that to yourself Clint. This is Loki. This is monsters and magic." She tells him. They both glance at me. I sigh and sit on the other side of the bed, across from Nat. I look both of them dead in the eye.

"It's a world I wanted to keep both of you far away from. In this world humans are just collateral damage. They are a means to an end." I tell them. "Loki, did he get away?" Clint asks. I sigh and nod. "Yeah, I don't suppose you know where." Nat says. "I didn't need to know. I didn't ask."

Nat stands and goes over to the closed door, looking out of it. Clint swings his legs over the side of the bed. "He's going to make his play soon though. Today." He says. "We've gotta stop him." She says. "Yeah? Who's we?" He asks. "I don't know, whoever's left." She says. He nods.

"Well, if I put an arrow through Loki's eye socket I'd sleep better I suppose." He says. I smile and this. I've miss this. The three of us. "Now you sound like you." I say. Walking around to sit on one side of him while Nat takes the other.

I lay my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around me in a brotherly way. "But Nat doesn't." He tells me. She looks at him confused. "You're a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into a war. Why? What did Loki do to you?" He asks her. "He didn't, I just..." She trails off.

"Natasha." I say softly, letting her know that it's ok to talk to us. We're her family after all. "I've been compromised. I've got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out." She says. I sigh, knowing exactly what she means. Clint nods. "Go clean yourself up." I tell him.

He nods, understanding what I'm saying. I want to talk to her alone. He walks off and heads into the tiny bathroom. I scoot down the bed and sit right next to her. "Don't say what I think you're going to say." She tells me, a smirk on her face. I smile. "And what might that be?" I ask.

"I don't need to wipe out anything." She says. I shake me head. "I wasn't going to say that." "Well then what were you going to say?" "I was going to say that sometimes we think we're to blame for everything." I glance over to see her look down at her hands.

"How we grow up, all the bad things we've done, all the people who've died for us or by our hand, it's not all on us. Yes those things are partially us, but in the end it's how we deal with them." She looks at me, confused.

"If you want to go out there and take on an alien army then do it, but that's not what is going to wipe out the red. It'll be wiped out when you decide that it's wiped out. Only you can know when that is." I say. She nods. "You know kid, I'm really glad SHIELD recruited you." She says.

I smile. "And I'm glad they paired me with the best trainer imaginable." She smiles at this and we hug. When we pull away Steve walks through the door. The two of us stand up. "Time to go." He says. "Where?" I ask. "Tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" He asks.

Before Nat can nod or say anything Clint walks out of the bathroom. "I can." He says. Steve glances at the two of us. I nod. "I did a purification spell on him. Any remnants of Loki's control that were still there after Nat hit him are gone." I say. Steve nods and Clint looks at me, confused.

"They know?" He asks. I nod. "Steve kinda walked in on me in the middle of a spell." I say. He nods. "You got a suit?" Steve asks Clint. He nods. "Then suit up." He says, walking out of the room. "I'm headed off, I'll meet the two of you in the hanger." I say. They nod and I walk off.

I quickly make my way to my room and use my magic to open the damaged door. I walk over to the rows of dark objects the my Aunt Cami gave my mom who intern left to me in her will. I grab the Devil's Star. I stuff it into one of the compartments on my hip.

If I run into Loki this'll come in handy. I also grab the Illusion Ring. How do you out smart the god of lies? You play his game of illusions better. Once they are both safely tucked away I grab my extra suit and throw it into a bag. If I shift I'll have something on the jet to change into.

Once I have those things I walk over to my weapons wrack. I grab my weapons and strap them to their usual places. Once They're set I exit the room, sealing it behind me. I head to the hanger to find Nat, Clint, and Steve waiting there for me. "Where's Tony?" I ask.

"He's meeting us there." Steve says as we start to walk towards one of the undamaged jets. "Where?" "Stark Towers. That's where Loki's opening the portal." He says. I nod as we reach the jet. "Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here." One of the engineers says.

"Son, just don't." Steve tells him. He gulps before nodding and getting off the jet. Clint heads towards the controls and closes the hatch. "Everyone buckle up." He says jokingly before we take off. When we get close to New York I see the portal. Damn.

"Stark, we're on your three, headed Northeast." Nat tells him. "What? Did you stop for drive through or something? Swing up Park, I'm going to lay them out for you." He says. When we finally get in ranger Clint starts shooting down the aliens that fly by.

After gunning down several we fly to where we see Thor and Loki fighting on the balcony of Stark Tower. Before we can do anything Loki gets a shot at us with the scepter. It hits our wing and we start to go down. Steve and I are standing and not strapped down.

We grab the ledges above us and hold on for dear life. When we crash we slide to a halt. Once we're stopped Steve and I let go while Nat and Clint busy themselves with undoing their seat belts. Once they're out the four of us run out of the jet. "We gotta get back up there." Steve says.

We start running towards the Tower when from the portal emerges a giant alien worm. It's huge. "Stark are you seeing this?" Steve asks. "Seeing, still working believing. What about Banner, has he showed up yet?" He asks. "Banner?" "Just keep me posted." He says.

We nod just before we start getting shot at. We hide behind a taxi. "We have civilians trapped inside." We hear. I look at Nat and Clint, knowing that Steve and I need to take care of this. "Loki. They're fish in the barrel down there." Steve says. "We got this, it's good. Go." Nat says.

"Do you think you can hold them off?" Steve asks. "Captain. It would be my genuine pleasure." Clint says. "Hope, go with him." Nat says. I nod. "After you Cap." I say. He nods and we take off running. We leap off the edge of the bridge.

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