Chapter 2: M'Baku of the Jabari Tribe

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Hope's POV:

By the time I'm ready for the ceremony I feel so out of place. I'm not technically a citizen of Wakanda. I feel like I shouldn't be here, despite the numerous times Shuri has assured me that I'm perfectly fine.

Currently we are standing right beside the pool of water where T'Challa will fight anyone who decides to challenge him. From what Shuri has told me, she doesn't think anyone will be willing to challenge him. Apparently T'Challa is well liked. Not that it's hard to see. He has a good heart.

I'm standing with Queen Romanda and Shuri, smiling as I watch everyone around us dancing and chanting as T'Challa steps out of the jet with a sword tucked into his shield wearing only shorts with his shoulders and face painted. He presents himself to his people.

Beforehand Shuri briefed me on a few of the customs at the ceremony so that I'm not just standing there like a disrespectful idiot. Finally Zuri starts the ceremony as everyone quiets down. "I, Zuri, son of Badu, give to you, Prince T'Challa, the Black Panther!"

People cheer as he takes out his sword and knees. We then all cross our arms over our chest and then bring them down in a form of salute. "The prince will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away." Zuri continues, holding up some form of liquid.

He walks over to T'Challa and feeds him the liquid. Veins appear on his body and his face contorts in pain for a moment before they fade. Once they're gone T'Challa takes a deep breath, probably in relief that the pain is gone, and stands.

At this Zuri begins the chants which I do not take part in since I don't want to mess them up with my lack of knowledge of the Wakandan language. "Victory in ritual combat comes by yield or death. If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior, I now offer a path to the throne."

The first tribe steps forward. "The Merchant Tribe will not challenge today." Another tribe. "The Border Tribe will not challenge today." "The River Tribe will not challenge today." "The Mining Tribe will not challenge today." That's all the tribes I think. Zuri speaks up once more.

"Is there any member of a royal blood who wishes to challenge for the throne?" He asks, looking directly at Shuri. Shuri raises her hand. Murmurs go through the crowd and my eyes widen. What is she doing?

"This corset is really uncomfortable, so could we all just wrap it up and go home!?" She calls out. I bite my lip to hold back my laugh as Queen Romanda pinches her daughters arm. "Mother!" She exclaims in shock. I glance towards T'Challa and see him smiling at his baby sister.

Suddenly there is chanting. We all turn our heads towards the source. A man wearing a tradition mask steps forward along with a few other men painted with white. "Are they Jabari?" Shuri asks the Queen. "Yes." She confirms. "Who are the Jabari?" I ask.

I had never heard of the Jabari tribe before. Who are they and why are they challenging T'Challa right now?The tribe keeps chanting until the mask wearing man is right in front of Zuri and T'Challa. When the chanting stops he takes off his mask.

"M'Baku, what are you doing here?" Zuri asks. "It's challenge day." Is his only response as he steps to confront the other tribes. I can't help but notice how much bigger he is than T'Challa. But that doesn't mean anything. I know T'Challa is a skilled fighter.

"We have watched and listened from the mountains! We have watched with disgust as your technological advancements have been over seen by a child! Who scoffs at tradition!" He raises his club towards Shuri. Instantly the Dora Milaje hold their spears out in protections.

Queen Romanda's arms goes in front of her daughter and I step forward, eyes glowing gold and veins evident under my eyes. "I have watched in horror as you have allowed an outsider, an abomination of nature to reside here!" His eyes face me. I don't back down.

"And now you want to hand the nation over to this prince who could not keep his own father safe. Mmm? We will not have it." I growl slightly and take another step forward, but Queen Romanda places a hand on my shoulder. "No, don't. This is T'Challa's fight." She reminds me.

M'Baku turns to face us again. "I said, we will not have it, oh! I M'Baku, leader of the Jabari-" "I accept your challenge, M'Baku." T'Challa says, cutting him off. "Glory to Hanuman." With this both prepare for battle. The people on drums start up once again and I wait with bated breath.

T'Challa is the one housing Bucky's cryotherapy here. If M'Baku wins then the news that Bucky is here might spread before those damned words are out of his head completely. I can't let that happen.

As they prepare M'Baku puts back on his gorilla mask as Zuri puts a panther one onto T'Challa's face. "Jabari!" M'Baku yells. The Jabari tribe circles around the two. "Dora Milaje!" Okoye and her warriors join the Jabari. They all raise their spears at the two.

"Let the challenge begin!" Zuri announces. I suck in a breath. Come on T'Challa. M'Baku attacks first, swinging his club forcefully, hitting T'Challa's shield. Finally he hits him so hard it sends T'Challs onto his back.

I flinch slightly as this happens and the Jabari warriors and the Dora Milaje get closer. T'Challa finally stands up and swings his sword first before sending a kick to M'Baku's chest, toppling him. M'Baku is quick to his feet and T'Challa charges.

The two send blows back and forth for a few minutes until M'Baku catches T'Challa sideways, sending him flying. His mask is ripped from his face as he falls into the water. The other tribes are cheering for T'Challa to get up in worry.

I can tell how worried Shuri and Queen Romanda are in this minute. I mean, how do you stand by when your son/brother is getting the shit beat out of him? T'Challa no longer has his sword or shield. "Where is your god now?" M'Baku taunts, swinging his club.

T'Challa grabs ahold of it and uses it as leverage to swing his body around, kicking M'Baku in the face. With another swing at the prince T'Challa gets a good few shots at his face with his fists. That's when M'Baku gets his arms around T'Challa and starts crushing and head butting him.

I flinch slightly when I smell T'Challa's blood begin to flow. "No powers! No claws!" He yells. Between each senate he head butts the prince, still wearing his mask. "No special suit, oh! Just a boy not fit to lead!" M'Baku calls out. "SHOW HIM WHO YOU ARE!" Queen Romanda yells.

T'Challa lets out a yell before bringing his elbow up and then down two onto M'Baku's mask, breaking it slightly. With another blow the mask falls from his face. Yelling in outrage M'Baku stabs the sharp end of his club into T'Challa's shoulder.

"I AM PRINCE T'CHALLA! SON OF KING T'CHAKA!" He yells to the man. "You can do this T'Challa!" Shuri yells. He rips the end out of his shoulder. When M'Baku goes to stab him again he rips it from his grasp and kicks him to the ground.

Finally he gets him in a headlock over the water's edge. The warriors enclose the two to a small space. "Yes!" Shuri yells. "Yeild! Do not make me kill you!" He yells to M'Baku. "I would rather die!" "T'Challa! T'Challa! T'Challa!" We all start to chant.

"You have fought with honor. Now yield! Your people need you. Yield man!" T'Challa yells as we continue chanting. Finally M'Baku taps out. Everyone starts cheering at our victory. M'Baku's men help him stand and then escort him out. Zuri steps forward.

"I now present to you, King T'Challa! The Black Panter." He glances the ceremonial necklace onto T'Challa's neck. T'Challa is beaming as he faces his people. He crosses his arms. "Wakanda Forever!" He yells. "Wakanda Forever!"

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