Chapter 8: A Talk with Nat

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Hope's POV:

After Thor leaves, Laura hands Steve and Tony chores while I go upstairs to my room that I usually stay in. I quickly shower before grabbing my spare uniform. I don't put on my outer corset, leaving my in just my pants, a tank top, and boots. 

I comb through my wet brown hair with my hands. I wonder what the others saw. Out of everyone Steve seemed to be doing the best. I wonder what he saw. I look out the window. I see Laura talking to him and Tony before both Laura and Tony leave. 

Now's my chance to talk to him. I get up and head outside. "Hey." I call when I'm close enough. He looks at me. "Hey." "I was wondering if we could talk." He nods, walking up to me. "Of course. Is it about that you saw?" He asks. I shake my head. 

"It's about what you saw. If it was anything close to how bad mine was then I'm shocked to see you functioning this well. I want to make sure you're ok." He looks down. "Uh, no. It-it wasn't bad." I furrow my brows together. "What do you mean it wasn't bad?" 

"I mean that she didn't show me my fear she showed me what I can never have." He says slowly. What? What could she have possibly shown him? He looks hesitant. "What did you see Steve?" I ask more firmly this time. He looks down. 

"I was in back in my time. The war was over...Peggy was there, waiting for us to start our life together." He says. My eyes widen in shock. Seriously? That's what he saw? "Are you kidding me?" I ask, seething. He looks at me, confused. "What? What did you see?" 

"I saw everyone who has died for me, alive again, but they kept on telling me the same things I've told myself over the years. That I'm a monster, that I'm a disgrace. That I'm the reason they are all dead." His eyes widen. 

"My dad said I was his daughter. I was then shown the graves over everyone I've ever cared about and I knew that they were gone because of me. My worst fear is losing the people I love because they were protecting me, but in the end, they realize I'm not worth it." I spit. 

"Hope-" "No Steve, you got to see the life you've always wanted...with the woman you will always love. I got my family's death on my behalf shoved back into my face." I say, tears forming in my eyes. He reaches towards me. I take a step back. He looks hurt. I look him in the eyes. 

"Tell me, if you could go back and live your life like you did in your vision or you could stay here with me...what would you choose?" I ask. I don't want confirmation of the answer I know I'm going to get, but it needs to be said. He hesitates. I nod, my lips forming into a thin line. 

"I get that you love her, but if you're not over her, then we shouldn't be in a relationship. I don't want your feelings for someone else pushed on me." I say, turn and walk away. "Hope. Hope!" He calls out, but doesn't chase me. He knows better. He'll give me the space I need right now. 

I head back up to my room, closing myself in. I sit on my bed, knees to my chest, and cry. I cry for all the times I've held it in. I cry for all the times I've had to be strong. There's a knock on my door. When it opens Nat steps in. "Hey there Supergirl." She says, smirking. I don't move or talk.

She sighs and comes into the room, closing the door behind her. She then comes and sits on the bed in front of me. "Tell me what's bothering you." She says, looking my straight in the eye. I lift my head a little. 

"You know, I've had a grasp on what effects my life since my dad and uncle died. I tried not to let anyone in who couldn't protect themselves. Even after the collapse of SHIELD. But people can die. Even immortal beings find a way to die when I'm involved." "Hop-" 

"It's true. When we were put together I thought I had a second chance to have a family. Yes I still have my Aunts and Uncles, but I saw you all as people I could protect because I'm strong enough. Truth is I've never been strong enough. Not even with all the power in the world." 

"Hope, you are the strongest person I know." "Then everyone else is pretty weak. Strong people don't lose the ones they love, they save them." "What was the vision the girl showed you?" She asks softly. "The people who have died for me telling me it was a mistake, that I'm not worth it."

Her eyes widen. "My dad disowned me. Then I saw every family member I have left dead. I was alone. I deserve it. Uncle Elijah was right. I'm not my family's hope, I'm their destruction. My biological family and you guys." I say. 

"Hope, you done nothing but fight your entire life, and it's not your fault. People are selfish and greedy. They want power and they was to tear those down who are more powerful than them. You are more powerful." I look down at my hands. 

"Look, just because you are the almighty tribrid doesn't mean you can save everyone. And you know that your mother and father would do what they did again in a heart beat if it meant that you were safe. They don't regret it." She says. "I know, but they shouldn't have had to die." 

"I know, but we can't dwell on the past, we can only seek to do better and do right in the future. You once told me that you promised your dad that you would do right by your family name. You're a superhero. You've saved the world multiple times. He'd be so proud of you." I look up.

"They would all be so proud of you. You're not the destruction of your family, you are what you were named after. You're the hope. Without you Steve would have never been able to put in the last drive into the helicarrier to finish the mission." I think back to DC.

"Without you Tony would be dead. Without you Clint and I would have died on so many missions. You saved Clint back in Sokovia when he was hit with the blast. You don't see how many people you save Hope Mikaelson." I start to see her point. 

"Just because you don't know them each by name, they're alive because you choose to fight." She says. I nod, a small smile forming. "Thank you Natasha." I say. I pull her into a hug. "I love you Hope, you're a sister to me." She says. "I love you too Nat." I mumble. 

We stay like that for a second before pulling away. "Now, one more thing." I raise a questioning eyebrow. "What happened with Steve? You stormed in earlier after talking to him." The sinking feeling I felt before comes back. 

"His vision was one where he lived his life in the 40s with Peggy and when I asked him if he could choose to go back or stay here with me, he hesitated. He loves her and those feelings aren't going away anytime soon. Trust me." She nods. 

"I said we shouldn't be in a relationship if he is pushing his love for her onto me. I don't deserve that." I explain. "I'm so sorry Hope." She pulls me into a softer hug than before. I squeeze her back with the same intensity. 

"I just...the feelings I have for Steve have always been there, but now I'm starting to question what types of feelings I have for him." She studies for me a second before her eyes widen in shock. "You love someone else." She says. I shake my head. "No, I don't." 

"But you connect more with someone else." She rephrases. I look down. "I don't know. These past few months while I've been with Steve I can't help but think about Bucky. He saved me from the river because someone, deep down, he knew it was the right thing to do." She nods.

"At first I was helping Steve find him purely to help him find his brother, but now I don't know what my intentions are. All I can think about is Bucky and how he's out there alone in a world he no longer recognizes. I'm search for him because of him, not Steve." I say. 

"Well...whatever you decide, know that Steve will understand. He would never sacrifice his friendship with you just maintain a relationship that isn't working out." She say. I nod. "Thank you Nat, for everything." She nods and we hug one more time. 

"Now, come on. Fury wants to talk to all of us. I furrow my brows. "Fury's here?" I ask. "Yep, and I'm sure whatever he has to say is going to be good." I nod and we both stand, making out way downstairs. 

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