Chapter 13: Sacrifice

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Hope's POV:

As Wanda and I protect the core I patch through to Tony on a separate com. "Hey, do you have a plan." "Not yet. Why? You have one?" "Yeah, I do." "What is it?" "You're not gonna like it." "Hope, what are you planning?" "The best way is to blow this rock, right?" "Yeah."

"Well, we do that with an over surge of power to the core." "How would we get that much power, not even Thor's lighting" He says, realize what I plan on doing. "Tony, it's the only way." "Hope, you ca-" "Well I'm going to. Get everyone else off. I'll deal with the rock."

"You know Cap is gonna kill me when he finds out I knew what you were planning." I chuckle. "Yeah, well, he can suck it up." With that I drop the link. "What are you planning?" Wanda asks. I sigh. "Something big." She looks at me, concerned.

"It'll be fine. Now, we need to focus on protecting the core." I say, using a hand to fling a bot into the wall, destroying it. She nods, doing to the same the two others. We continue to protect the core before Wanda suddenly freezes. "What? What is it?" I ask. She doesn't answer.

A pained look I can only describe as agony takes over her face as she lets out an anguished scream, sending waves of red energy out from her body. I scream as I am flung backwards and groan when I hit a wall, falling to the ground. As I black out I realize something.

There's only one thing that could have made her react like that. Pietro's dead. He's gone. I feel her pain. She takes off sprinting as darkness takes over. When I come around I'm falling. I'm floating a little since I'm obviously lighter than the rock. "TONY!"

"HOPE, YOU HAVE TO DO IT NOW!" He yells back. I nod. "Hope! What are you planning! Thor, grab her, she's still on there!" Steve yells. I shake my head. "NO! I'm not getting off this rock Steve." I tell him, pulling my self to the core. "Hope? HOPE!" Steve yells, but I block him out.

"Everyone clear?" I ask Tony. "Yeah, we're clear." "Good." With a powerful scream I send all the energy I have left into the core of the rock. I feel blood leaking down my face from both my eyes and my nose, but I don't let up. I can't let up. My throat is raw from my screaming.

I'm no longer screaming with power, but in agony as every fiber of my body feels like it's on fire. Burning from the inside as I deplete my magic for this spell. Finally the rock shatters. I drop the spell and let my body plummet to the earth with nothing in-between me and the surface.

A smile graces my face as I realize I did it. There's no more threat. With that thought I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

3rd POV:

As the lifeless body of Hope Mikaelson plummets towards the earth Steve Rogers watches in agony as the girl he loves falls to her death. He then spots Thor racing towards the broken body of the girl, catching her easily.

He let out a breath of relief as Thor flies her towards the helicarrier. Steve race out to meet him. He lays her body on the deck and Steve is on his knees in an instant. Natasha, Barton, Tony, Vision, Rhodey, and even Wanda gather around Thor, Hope, and Steve as we pray she's fine.

Blood is running down her face form her eyes, nose, and the corner of her mouth. Steve check her pulse. None. Her heart beat. Not there. The Avengers stand there, grieving not only the loss of Pietro Maximoff, but Hope Mikaelson, who died to save them all.

For the first time Natasha Romanoff is in tears, holding onto an equally tearful Clint Barton. The two of them had known Hope the longest. Having been her partners and trainers when she first joined SHIELD.

Wanda looks at the dead girl, broken about having not only lost her twin brother, but the girl who swore to always be there. No one can see Tony's tears since he never raises his face guard, but Rhodey's reaction open for everyone to see.

Thor simply looks down at the girl and sadness fills his heart for the fallen warrior. Then there's Steve Rogers, the shell of the Captain that went into the ice in the forties and came out only a few years prior.

The girl he had allowed himself to fall for just sacrificed herself for everyone and he couldn't even be mad at her for not considering herself because it is exactly what he would have done in her shoes.

Hope Mikaelson's sacrifice that day not only ended the era that was the Avengers, but it started a new one. One where she was not only just a witch and a werewolf, but also a vampire who needs to feed on blood and is faster and stronger than any man or creature on the planet.

One where the unbeatable Hope Mikaelson became the unstoppable tribrid. Something she never wanted, but came to accept. She's dead, and so is the person she used to be.

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