Chapter 6: Bucky Brainwashed...Again

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Hope's POV:

Sam, Steve, and I are sitting in the little conference area just waiting when Sharon walks in. "The receipt for your gear." She says, handing Sam a piece of paper. "'Bird Costume'? Come on." "I didn't write it." She tells him. She clicks a button and James appears on the screen.

Steve and I look back at her, me sending her a grateful smile while Steve sends her a nod. "I'm not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are James?" Silence. "I can't help you if you don't talk to me James." "My name is Bucky."

Steve's head lifts slightly and smile spreads across his face. In the time I've been with James we've decided to stick with me calling him James instead of Bucky because it's what he's comfortable with, but now I think we're getting to the point to where he feels more like himself.

I mean, at least a little bit. Sharon places a file on the table and Steve and I turn, grabbing two of the pictures inside. The guy in them looks exactly like James. "Why would Task Force release this photo to begin with?" Steve asks.

"Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?" Sharon suggests. "Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Well, people." He says, looking down at me. "Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Solider."

"You're saying someone framed him to find him?" I ask. "Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing." I nod. "He came to me, I didn't find him." I add. "We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads."

"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would." Sharon tells us. It think about it for a second before looking back at the screen. I think Steve has the same idea because we're now both eyeing the psychiatrist.

"Yeah." He breaths. Something is not right about this guy. Who is he? "Tell me, Bucky. You've seen a great deal, haven't you?" He asks. "I don't want to talk about it." James tells him. "You fear that if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop." I narrow my eyes at this.

He clicks something on his tablet. "Don't worry. We only have two talk about one." With that the power goes out. I stand and Steve and I turn to Sharon. "Sub-level five, East Wing." She says. I turn to Steve. "Go, you'll get there the fastest." I nod and vamp speed out of the room.

I hear a pained cry as I get closer. I hope Sharon realized I don't know where the hell he is just based on what she gave me. Then I hear a crash. Oh no. I run faster until I come to the room where James was being held. His cube is empty with the door thrown off.

There's a man in lying on the ground. The psychiatrist. "Help." He grunts. I glare, my hybrid face coming forward as I grab him and slam him up against the wall. "Where is he?!" I yell in his face. "You're too late, Agent Mikaelson." He smirks. This just makes me angrier.

"Hope!" I hear Steve yell behind me. I turn my head, veins still under my glowing gold eyes. "Put him down." He demands. I snarl, but throw him towards Steve and Sam. He lands at their feet with a groan.

Now that Steve is sure I won't kill him, though I'm still debating it, he grabs him and it's his turn to slam him up against the wall. "Who are you? What do you want?" Steve snaps. "To see an empire fall." Is all he says.

Sam walks into the room fully and James comes out of nowhere, barely missing Sam's head when he punches the wall. He the grabs his face and hurls him across the room. "James stop!" I command, but he doesn't listen. Steve lets go of the psychiatrist and goes towards James.

As the two start fighting I turn to the psychiatrist. I'm conflicted. Go after James, or watch him. "I got him, go." I hear. I turn to Sam who is just now standing up. I nod and vamp speed after the fighting best friends. They're at the elevator now.

I get there right as James throws Steve town the elevator shaft. "James, stop. Please, this isn't you." I try. He swings at me and I don't I can't use my magic. I won't hurt him. He swings a couple more times with me dodging all him attacks. I was a SHIELD agent for several years after all.

I'm trained for these situations. When I get the chance I sweep my foot under his, knocking him down, but he takes me with him, kicking me across the room. I stand and vamp speed towards him, leaping into the arm and punching him right across the face.

"Remember! Come on James, remember me! I'm Hope." I try, but he just grabs my arm and twists it behind my back. "Dimiterre." James flies over my head, landing on his back with a grunt.

I quickly flip over his head still I'm kneeling with one knee on his chest and one arm places firmly on his neck. "Snap out of it." No luck. He kicks me off of him. I don't go far and soon he's up, hand around my neck.

He lifts me off the ground with his metal arm, my feet not supported bye anything. "Please." I choke out. There are no emotions on his face. It's like he shut them off. When I get my hands on that psychiatrist again, he's dead. I'll kill him myself.

That's when I guess James is done with me because my head snaps to the side and everything goes black.

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