Chapter 12: I'll Wait, I'll Always Wait

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3rd POV:

When Tony walks into the room where his fellow Avengers are locked up he's shocked to see Hope still asleep. "Why's she still asleep?" He asks Clint. The archer just rolls his eyes at his ex-teammate.

"Well, having an all powerful Tribrid conscious is hard to contain. Keep her sedated with a mixture of wolves bane and vervain and bam, problem solved." Clint replies sarcastically. Tony's jaw clenches as he moves on to Sam Wilson. Time to get some actual word done.

Several days later, while Bucky is seeking medical attention in Wakanda at the invitation of T'Challa Steve is doing what he promised. He's helping his friends. As he walks into the room where they're being held.

The male occupants stand to see what the commotion is and smile when they see the perfect blonde hair of Captain America himself. "You ready to get out of here?" He asks him. "Don't have to ask me twice." Sam scoffs, smile on his face.

Once all the doors of the cells are gone they all walk out. Steve helps Wanda get the equipment off of her and then he turns to Hope who is still in the same sedated state. "How long has she been like that?" Steve asks, worried. "Since the airport. They didn't want to risk it." Clint says.

Steve snaps the cuffs and and picks her up. "Come on, we need to get out of here." He tells them. They nod and make a break for the exits. When they're on the quinjet Clint flies them to his farm and then hands the controls over to Steve. "Don't you want to leave Hope here to rest?" He asks.

The girl still hasn't woken up yet. "No. She'd murder me if I didn't take her to him." Clint nods in understanding. "Be careful with her." "Always." With that Clint nods and walks off the jet towards his home.

Steve closes the door and gets into the pilot's seat, flying himself and his best friend towards Wakanda. When the reach the hidden country he lands right outside the palace where T'Challa greets him. Hope is still asleep.

"What is wrong with her?" T'Challa asks, worried for the compassionate girl. "She's had a mixture of her vervain and wolves bane in her system for over a week now. Those are her weaknesses so it might take some time for her to wake up." Steve explains.

"Very well, follow me. I shall show you to a room where she can stay." "Is there anyway she can be near Bucky?" Steve asks as they walk. "Of course. There is a room open right next to Sergeant Barnes." With that the two men walk into the palace.

T'Challa leads Steve to an empty room where Steve lays his friend on a bed. "I shall in form Sergeant Barnes that she is here." T'Challa says. "Thank you. I wanna keep an eye on her just incase she wakeup and is confused on where she is." He says.

The King nods and exits the room. Steve takes a seat right next to her bed and sits there, waiting for her to wake up. A few minutes later the door slams open and James Buchanan Barnes himself storms into the room, worried. When he sees the girl, his worry only grows.

"What'd they do to her?" "She'll be fine. Just sedated for a while. She should wake up soon. Bucky nods and pulls up another seat. With that the two friends wait.

Hope's POV:

When I open my eyes I blink at the light. Why is it so bright in this prison? When I can clearly see my surroundings I grow confused. Where am I? I sit up in the bed and look around, a sigh of relief escapes me when I see Steve and Bucky sitting in chairs right next to my bed, passed out.

They must hear me moving because they both stir. When they see I'm awake they are wide awake. "How do you feel? Are you alright?" Bucky asks, worry in his tone. I nod. "Fine, where are we?" I ask.

"Wakanda. T'Challa has agreed to have his specialist work with Bucky to get the trigger words out of his mind. Make them ineffective." I smile at this. "That's great. When do they start?" "Tomorrow. I'm going into cryofreeze while they figure it out. It's safest for everyone."

My smile drops. He notices. "But it won't be for a long time. I'm not going anywhere." Steve must sense the tension between us because he stands up. "I'm going to go walk around. Be back in a little." With that he leaves us alone. I look down at my hands.

"I know that this is the best thing for you, but...I really don't want you to leave." I mutter. "Hey, I'm not leaving. I'm simply going to sleep so I can get as close to normal as I possibly can without fear of relapsing." He says, taking my hand in his flesh one. Well...his only one.

He no longer has his metal arm. "I know, an I probably sound so selfish right now-" "No, you don't. I don't want to leave you either Hope. You've become my anchor to this time, to this world. You've helped me more than I can ever thank you for." He says.

For the first time I can see his emotions clearly on his face. He's never the open or vulnerable, but now he is, with me, in this place where he knows the people hunting him won't find him. "Bucky..." I trail off. I don't even know what to say. I can't say anything.

I have too many words in my head and yet, none at all. Then, it comes to me, and for once, I don't care to think if I'm moving too fast. "I love you." His eyes widen in shock and for a second I think I've said the wrong thing.

That is, until he surges forward and captures my lips with his own. My hands go to his hairs as I pull him closer, wanting there to be no space between up as our lips mold together perfectly, moving in synch. There are no fireworks. No sparks. Just him and me in this moment.

This is our moment. When we pull away we're both breathing hard. "I'll wait for you." I breath. "What?" "I'll wait. I'll always wait." He smiles at this and pulls me in for another kiss.

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