Chapter 1: Kick Ass Now, Set Us Up Later

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Hope's POV:

It's been two years since the Battle of New York. I spent two months in New Orleans with my family before deciding to head back to New York only to be reassigned to Washington DC. While in New Orleans Steve visited for a week. I was able to show him around town.

I took him to all my favorite places and we even spent a day in the bayou. It was nice. When I got to DC Fury informed me that Steve and I are mission partners. It's been a good few years. We know how each other fights. Where our strengths and weaknesses are. We work well together.

Nat occasionally helps out, but she's mainly with Clint overseas. Right now I am just waking up in my apartment, which happens to be right next to Steve's, when I get a text.

Nat: Mission Alert, extraction imminent, pick up pretty boy.

I smirk at this and roll my eyes.

Me: Will do <3 :)

Sighing I roll out of bed and walk over to my closet. My suit is at the airbase so I'll change there. I grab some clothes before heading downstairs and making myself coffee. Once that is done I grab my keys and head down to my car. Uncle Kol gave this to me on my twenty-fourth birthday.

 Uncle Kol gave this to me on my twenty-fourth birthday

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Once inside I take off. I know exactly where Steve is. Every morning he goes on a run. I grab my phone and text him exactly what Nat told me.

Me: Mission Alert. Extraction imminent. Meet my by the curb. : )

Smiling I set my phone down and continue my drive. I soon find him talking to another man. I pull up and roll down my window. "Hey fellas. Anyone know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil." I tease, smirking. Steve just grins at me and walks over. "That's hilarious."

"I sure though so." I grin. I look over at the other guy. He's admiring the car. "How you doin'?" He asks. "Hey." I reply. "Can't run everywhere." Steve tells him. "No you cannot." The other guy says. With that I roll up the window and speed away. "Who was the guy?" I ask.

"Sam Wilson, Vet." He says. I nod. "So, any idea what the mission is?" He asks. "Nope. Got exactly what I texted you from Nat this morning." I say. "Well, let's get to it." He says. We continue casually talking all the way to HQ. There Nat is waiting for us.

"Get dressed, we head out in twenty." She tells me. I nod and head off to the girl's locker rooms. I go over to my locker and grab my suit. Changing quickly I walk out to where Nat is, still waiting on Steve. "You would think with how long he takes getting dressed, that he was a girl." I joke.

Nat only smirks at my comment

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Nat only smirks at my comment. Finally Steve is ready. "Finally stopped starting at yourself in the mirror?" I ask him. "Shut up." He says, nudging me. We finally are get to the plane that we are taking with Rumlow and his team. Once we're on board we take off.

"Where are we going?" I ask. "Indian Ocean." Rumlow says, not giving any specifics. I know we'll be briefed soon. The trip takes all day, but finally we're approaching our target. It's time to be briefed on the situation.

"Target is a mobile satellite launch platform, the Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago." Rumlow says. "Any demands?" I ask, looking at the outline of the ship closer. "A billion and a half." Rumlow says. "Why so steep?" Steve asks.

"Because it's SHIELD's." "So it's not off-course, it's trespassing." Steve figures. "I'm sure they have a good reason." I joke. "You know, I'm getting tired of being Fury's little janitor." He says. "You and be both." I mumble. "Relax, it's not that complicated." Nat says. "How many pirates?"

"25, top mercs led by this guy. Georges Batroc. Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had 36 kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties." Rumlow explains. "Hostages?" Steve asks.

"Oh, mostly techs. One officer. Jasper Sitwell. They're in the galley." "What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?" I ask, looking up at Steve. "Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Hope, you and Nat kill the engines and wait for instructions." I nod.

"Rumlow you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to life pods, get them out. Let's move." Steve says. While I do prefer to be more hands on, I know that this is the best play. "STRIKE you heard the Cap, gear up." Rumlow says. Nat, Steve, I walk towards the back of the plane.

"Secure channel six?" Steve tests. "Six secure." I say. "Secure channel seven?" "Seven secure." Nat replies in a bored tone. "Did either of you do anything fun Saturday night?" Nat asks us. I roll my eyes. "Well, all the guys from my barber shop quartet are dead, so, no not really." Steve says.

"Yeah, nothing much. Saturday was Star Wars night." I say. I've been helping Steve adjust to life in the 21st century. He wasn't too big of a fan of Star Wars, but he defiantly liked it better than Star Trek. "Coming up on the drop zone Cap." Someone calls.

"You know, maybe you should ditch the boring movie night in and actually take her out to dinner or something." She says. I roll my eyes. She's been at this for months. Steve and I spend a lot of time together so naturally Nat thinks we'd be the best couple out there.

In all honesty I think Steve and I would work well together, but he's still adjusting to this work and I'm trying to focus on the missions. If we're together we could get sidetracked on a mission and ruin the whole thing. The relationship we have right now is perfect.

"You know, I'm pretty sure Hope would say yes if you asked her out for something other than nerdy movie night." She tells him. "There's a reason I don't ask." He says. "Too shy or too scared?" She asks him.

"Too busy!" He yells back before leaping out of the plane without a parachute. "Was he wearing a parachute?" One guy asks. "No, no he wasn't." Rumlow says. I laugh at this. Nat turns to me. "You at least see that you two would be perfect together, right?" She asks. I shake my head.

"He's my friend Nat, nothing more." I say, strapping on a parachute. After a few minutes it's time to jump. Nat, Rumlow, and I jump first, followed by the rest of Rumlow's team. When we reach the deck there's one man left with a gun pointed at Steve.

"Ad somnum." I say and the man hits the floor, unconscious. Steve looks up at me as I land. "Thanks." He says. I nod and unstrap myself from the parachute. "You know, you seemed a little overwhelmed without me so I thought I'd help." I tease. "Haha." He mutter.

Smiling I walk over to Nat. "Come on, Hope lives right next door to you." She says. I sigh and turn to her. "Kick ass now, set us up later." I tell her. "I'm multitasking." She calls. I shake my head and turn to Steve. "Good luck." I say. He nods and I follow after Nat.

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