Chapter 15: Let's Go Stop These Sons of Bitches

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Hope's POV:

After making the plan Steve leaves to go think. I know he's thinking about Bucky. Sam stands. "Where are you going?" I ask. He turns to me. "I'm going to go talk to him." I stand as well. "Let me. I know his situation." I say. He looks hesitant, but nods.

I follow where Steve went, and find him staring at the trees all around us. "Hey." I say as I get closer. He turns to me. "Hey." "You know he's going to be there, right?" I ask. He nods. I walk closer to him and stand next to him. I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Steve, whoever Bucky was in the 40s, he's not the same person now. You may just have to be the one to stop him." I say. "I don't know if I can do that." "He may not give you the choice. Steve-" I start, turning him around to face me.

"-I'm going to help you do what ever it is to get Bucky to remember before it's too late, but you're apart of my family. I won't lose you to him." "I can't fight him, he's my best friend. To the end of the line." He mutters the last part.

I look down, knowing that I won't change his mind on this. It's like my family's vow 'always and forever'. I'd be a hypocrite if I told him to forget that. "Fine." I say. He looks at me, shocked. "Fine?" I nod.

"My dad has probably the highest body count in history. My family's murders date back thousand years. Millions of people probably between the six of them, but I love them all unconditionally." I say. He nods, his eyes looking glossed over, like he's not really here with me.

"I would protect them before I protected the earth any time. 'to the end of the line' is your version of 'always and forever'. That vow is sacred. You're apart of both vow and in upholding my end, I will help you protect the other you made to your best friend." I say.

He smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you Hope, for everything." He says. I hug him back, not saying anything. When we pull apart we keep our arms around each other, just staring at the other. I notice his eyes flick down to my lips. Mine do the same.

Our eyes meet again and we both understand what the other person wants. In a second our lips are connected. One of his hands remains on my waist while the other tangles in my hair. It's not like what the books and fairytales tell you. There are no sparks or butterflies.

It's just us, which is enough. I don't know how long the kiss lasts, but when we pull apart we are both out of breath. I lean my forehead against his. My eyes are still closed. "I won't let anything happen to you." He tells me seriously. I lift my head to our eyes are meeting again.

"I can take care of myself." "I know you can." "Good, and know that I will be right by your side the entire time." He nods. Before anything else can happen someone clears their throat behind me. It's Sam. "You two done?" He asks. I blush and pull away.

"It's time, gear up." Steve says, walking off toward the direction of the woods. I turn back to him. "You gonna wear that?" Sam asks. "No, if you're gonna fight a war then you're gonna wear a uniform." He says. With that he's gone. "What about you?" Sam asks. I smirk.

"I can teleport. I'll be back in a second." I say. With that I close my eyes. The feeling of being weightless comes over me again before I hit the ground with my feet. Hard. I bite back a groan as I open my eyes. I'm in my apartment.

It seems like forever ago that Steve and I were here, having movie night. Sighing I walk over to my closet. I open in and push all the clothes back to reveal a key pad. I punch in the pin and the wall separates, revealing an extra uniform and weapons. I always kept my spare here.

I grab it and throw it on

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I grab it and throw it on. I attach all my weapons and pull my hair into a pony tail before teleporting back to the building. When I go in Steve is still gone and Sam and Hill are putting the finishing touches on their uniforms. "You ready?" Hill asks. I nod. "Where's Steve?" I ask.

"Right here." I hear him say behind me. I turn and see him in his uniform from the 40s. I smirk. "Don't' He says, knowing what I was about to say. I just smile wider. Nat is already gone, set off to do her part, so the four of us head out, heading straight for the helicarriers. I hope this works.

Sam gives us a lift to the roof which we use to access the building. Sam gets out his gun and I take out my batons, making them into a bow staff. We knock out the dish and wait. The door opens, a tech guy standing in front of it. His eyes widen when he sees us. "Excuse us." Steve says.

He raises his hands and gets out of our way. Steve gets to the intercom. Someone goes to stop him. When they get close my flash my golden eyes at them and growl menacingly. Terrified they back off.

"Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you knew the truth." He glances up at me, as if hesitating. I nod to reassure him that this is what has to be done.

"SHIELD is not who we thought it was. It's been taken over by Hydra. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are Hydra as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building." Many around us look horrified.

"They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They short Nick Fury, and it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, Hydra will be able to kill anyone who stands in their way. Unless we stop them." There is less fear in their eyes.

"I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. If I'm the only one, then so be it, but I'm willing to bet I'm not." He says, cutting the intercom. "Did you write that down first, or was it off the the top of your head?" Sam asks.

I smirk at this. Maria gets behind one of the computers. "They're initiating launch." She says. I exchange looks with Sam and Steve. "Let's go stop these sons of bitches."

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