Chapter 8: A Fight For Wakanda

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Hope's POV:

Once T'Challa has clothes on Nakia starts filling him in. "Killmonger has the full support of our military and he burned the garden of the heart shaped herb." She explains. "Well of course he did. That's what he was trained to do." We all turn to Agent Ross.

"His unit worked with the CIA to destabilize foreign countries. They would always strike at transitions of power, like an election year, or the death of a monarch. You get control of government, the military..." "Our resources." T'Challa mutters. "Right." "The great mount."

"Our vibranium, all my designs." Shuri mutters. "He will send our weapons all over the world." He then turns to me and Ross. "You must get them out of Wakanda safely. "What?" "What about you?" Romanda and Shuri asks. "The challenge will have to continue."

"T'Challa, we will not leave Wakanda." Romanda argues. "It is my duty to keep you safe." "If he gets control of our technology, nowhere will be safe." Shuri reminds him. That's when she pulls out his necklace. He smiles slightly. She walks over and puts it on him.

"The Black Panther lives. And when he fights for the fate of Wakanda, I will be right there beside him." "As will I." Nakia says. I stand from my seated position. "Me too. You all have been so kind to me with my situation. I couldn't think of a better way to repay you for all you have done."

He smiles at me kindly. He's a good friend and a good King. "I'm in too." We all turn to Ross. "What? You're gonna need all the help you can get." M'Baku then yawns loudly. "Are you done?" He asks. We all turn. "Are you done?" He repeats.

"Could you give me and Lord M'Baku a moment?" T'Challa asks. We all nod and exit the room. A few moments later T'Challa walks out. He turns to me. "I need you with me. We have no army, but the Tribrid and the Black Panther together should be enough to get us started." I grin at this.

"I think it just might." With that I focus and my clothes shift into my suit. He walks up to me. "Thank you." I nod. "After all you've done? This is the least I can do." He nods. With that he shifts into his suit. "Think you can keep up?" I ask, turning to get into a running position. He chuckles.

"Go ahead of me. Make sure no ships leave the border before I get there." I nod, and with that, I take off at break neck speeds down the mountain, towards the great mount. When I get there, I'm lucky that no ships have left yet. I stand, waiting for one of two things to happen.

For either T'Challa to show up or for the first ship to take off. I wait a good hour and a half before T'Challa finally appears. Just as he does, the first ship heads towards the border. "Huh, perfect timing." I mutter. "Would you mind taking care of that?" He asks me. I nod, raising my hand.

"Vados." I mutter. The ship explodes. The ruckus causes everyone standing on the metal platform to rush to the side to see what just happened. That's when T'Challa and I emerge from the ruined ship, the fire surrounding us. I seriously need to get a soundtrack for these entrances.

They're always so epic and with music, they would be that much better. "N'Jadaka!" T'Challa yells. "Wassup?" The man in the front, Erik I presume, replies. "I never yielded. And as you can see, I am not dead!"

"All that challenge shit is over with! I'm the King now! Get those planes in the air! Carry out the mission!" He yells to the pilots. I smirk. "I wouldn't try that if I were you!" I call. We're seriously too far away for this conversation on his mortal ears. "Or what sweet heart?" He smirks.

"Shuri now." "Copy that." I hear her mutter through his earpiece. "W'Kabi, man, kill this clown." "W'Kabi, the challenge is not complete." I hear Okoye beg. "What will we do?" One of W'Kabi's men asks. "Border Tribe!" He yells. They chant back.

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