Chapter 5: Fix Things Now, Explanations Later

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Hope's POV:

I fly straight into Steve and Tony, taking them both down with me. I groan as I roll off the two. "Sorry." I say. They ignore me."Put on the suit." Steve tells Tony as they both stand up. I follow them. They both turn back to me, unsure.

"Look, I know you don't trust me and I get it, I do, but I can help." I say. They're still for a second before they both nod. We run off when Hill's report comes through about the number three engine needing external repair. "Stark, you got that?" Fury asks through the coms.

"Copy." He then turns to the two of us. "Engine three, I'll meet you there." He says. We nod and Steve looks to me, not knowing where to go. "Come on, this way." We race off towards the damaged engine. We finally reach it. It's very bad. "STARK!" Steve yells into he open.

"STARK WE'RE HERE!" "Good, let's see what we've got." Tony says, flying up to the damage near us. "I need you two to get to that control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position." He tells us. Steve nods.

He backs up a little before leaping across the hole and landing on the platform. He turns to me. I back up and with my extra werewolf strength I leap across. Steve catches and steadies me when I reach the platform. "Nice jump." He says. There's a silent question of 'how' in there as well.

I shake my head. "I'll explain everything later, I promise." He nods. We then go over to the panel and open it. "What does it look like in there?" Tony asks. "It seems to run on some form of electricity." Steve says. "Well you're not wrong." I roll my eyes.

"Half of the relays are not intact. Give me a minute." I say. "Ok, do your thing Mikaelson." Stark says. I nod and get to work. Once I'm done I close it. "Ok, the relays are intact. What's our next move?" I ask him, closing the panel.

"Even if I clear the rotors this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm gonna have to get in there and push." He says. My eyes widen. "Stark if that thing gets up to speed you'll be crushed." I tell him. "That stater control unit was reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev-"

"Enough with the Geek English!" I snap. I may be good with computers but engineering slips right by me. He sighs. "See that red level? It'll slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it, wait for my word." Tony says. I look at the lever on a different platform.

Steve jumps across and I follow. Now we wait. Suddenly I see men dressed in black with guns running straight for us. One takes out a grenade and tosses it towards the engine, trying to damage it more. Steve leaps across the gap and deflects it. It explodes in mid air.

The men start firing at us. I manage to stay at an angle to where the bullets can't reach me. Steve can hold these guys off while Tony is in need of someone to help him when he gets the rotors up to the right speed. Steve is all over the place, attacking left and right.

Doing a damn good job in my opinion. Suddenly the helicarrier leans sideways and I almost fall over. Steve is then by my side, catching me. "You ok?" He asks. "Yeah, you?" I ask, as he continue to fire his gun. The ship tilts again. Steve lets go of me and slides.

I go to grab ahold of him, but I miss and he starts to fall. With a cry I grab onto the damaged railing with one hand and the other flies out to stop Steve with my magic. He floats there as I try to bring him my way.

I struggle to hold on myself as the helicarrier continues to descend towards the ground and my grip on the railing becomes precarious. Actually the railing is worse off than my grip. The magic isn't helping me either. "I've got you!" I yell to Steve, trying to reassure him.

"Cap, kid, hit the lever." He says. "Just a second!" I call out. I have to get Steve to the lever without the two of us falling. "Lever! NOW!" Stark yells. "Steve hold on!" I yell. With a final grunt I swing the arm I have attached to Steve towards the lever.

He sails over my head and lands on his stomach on the platform. Not taking anytime to recover. Steve stands and pulls the lever. The helicarrier levels out and I relax my grip on the railing. Steve walks over to my kneeling position, offering me a hand up.

I gratefully accept it and stand. "Thank you." He says, sincerely. I nod and wipe under my nose. My hand comes up crimson with blood. I go to say something else when I hear it. Those words. The ones I hoped I'd never hear. The ones signifying the loss of someone else I love.

"Coulson is down."

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