Chapter 4: Hammer Tricks and Party Crashers

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Hope's POV:

We find out way over to the bar and I order my own drink while Steve goes over to Thor and some other men who are eyeing Thor's Asgardian alcohol. Steve grabs a glass of it himself, though, with his metabolism he should be fine. 

After only a few minutes the regular men are gone and most of them are being escorted out. Steve walks over to me and we're just talking when I see him glance over my shoulder. I turn. "What?" "Romanoff and Banner." I grin when I see the two. 

Nat seems to be in her element while Bruce looks a little flustered. "Poor guy. Don't know if he can handle Natasha." I say. He laughs. "I'm gonna go talk to him." He says as Nat walks away. "And I'm going to go tease her like she teased us for months." I say. 

He laughs and kisses the side of my head before I walk over to my best friend. She smiles at me when I approach her. "So, you and Banner huh?" I ask. She groans. "Don't." "Hey, it's only fair." "How?" "You nagged Steve and I for months!" I say. 

"But I'm also the reason you two are together." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, whatever. We would have figured it out eventually." I say. "Probably. You know, before he looks the age he really is." She says. I smack her arm, but she just laughs.

The two of us talk until all the regular party guests have left before going doing to the sitting area with the rest of the team. Right now we are calling Thor out for his hammer. "It's a trick!" Clint calls out. We all laugh. "No, it's much more than that." Thor reassures. 

"Uh, whoever he beith shall haveth the power. What ever man, it's a trick." Clint says. We all laugh at this. "Well please, be my guest." Thor says, guesting to the hammer that is sitting on the table. "Alright." Clint says, standing. I roll my eyes and Nat and I exchange a look. 

This should be entertaining. "Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Tony says. We all laugh at this. He then grabs the handle and tries to lift it. It doesn't budge. "I don't know how you do it" He says, letting go. 

"You smell the silent judgement?" Tony asks. "Please, Stark. By all means." Tony gets up. "Never one to shrink from an honest challenge. It's physics." Tony says. He then turns to Thor. "If I lift it, will I then rule Asgard?" He asks. 

"Yes." Thor answers, completely confident that he won't be able to lift it. I'm certain of it as well. "I will be reinstitution prima nocta." Tony says, wrapping his hand around the handle. he tries to lift it and once again it doesn't budge. When it doesn't budge he lets go. 

"I'll be right back." When he does return he had one of his Iron Man hands. Still nothing, even with the jets. He then has Rhodey get one of War Machine's hands. "Are you even pulling?" Rhodey asks. "Are you on my team?" Tony fires back when it still doesn't move. 

After the two of them Bruce tries. It ends in him letting go of the hammer and coming up, thinking he's about to turn into the Hulk. "Nothing?" He asks. We shake our heads, laughing. Then Steve gets up. 

When he grabs the handle and pulls my eyes widen when I see the hammer shift a little bit. I look at Thor and know he saw the same thing I did. That's all the hammer does though, he can't pick it fully up. "And Widow? Miss almighty Tribrid?" Bruce asks. 

"Oh, no. That's not a question I need answered." Nat says. They all turns to me and I sigh. "Fine." They all clap as I stand and walk over to the hammer after I take my heels off. I grab the hilt and feel a spark of electricity go through me. I feel my eyes turn yellow as I pull on the hammer. 

Nothing, though a bolt of electricity does shoot out of it and shatter Clint's glass of bourbon. "Impressive." Thor says. I blush and let go, walking over to Steve and sitting next to him. "Does shooting lightning out of the thing count?" Tony asks. "No, it does not." He says. 

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be King, but it's rigged." Tony says. "You bet your ass." Rhodey says. "Steve, he said a bad language word." Maria says. I laugh as Steve's face goes bright red. "Did you tell everyone about that?" He asks Tony. 

"The handle's imprinted? You know, like a security code? Who soever is carrying Thor's fingerprint?" Tony asks. "Yes, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have another." He says, picking up the hammer with ease. "You're all not worthy." He says. 

Suddenly there is a high pitched sound. With my werewolf ears it's ten times worse. "AH!" I cry out, clutching my ears. Soon it fades. "You alright?" Steve asks me, worried. I nod. "Enhanced hearing." I remind him. He nods, still looking at me with a worried expression. "Worthy." I hear. 

We all turn to see one of Tony's Iron Legion bots that's all tattered with wires hanging out. He makes his way towards us. "No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers." It says. We're all on our feet at this point. "Stark." Steve calls. "Jarvis?" Nothing. 

The AI doesn't say anything which is weird. "I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or, I was a dream." He says. Tony starts giving orders, not realizing that Jarvis isn't answering. "There was this terrible noise, and I was tangled" The bot says again. What the hell is going on? 

"I had kill the other guy. He was a good guy." He says. "You killed someone?" Steve asks. "Wouldn't have been my first call, but, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." It says. "Who sent you?" Thor asks. 

"I see a suit of armor around the world." A very familiar voice says. Almost as if it were a recording. We all turn to look at Stark. "Ultron." Bruce says. "In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on mission." He says. "What mission?" I ask. "Peace in our time." 

Suddenly four more bots fly out of the wall behind Ultron. Debris goes flying. "Projectium deflecto!" I say, making sure I don't get hit by anything. All my friends scatter, leaving me in the middle, unharmed. I drop the shield and race towards the one about tot attack Rhodey. 

"Fluctus Impulsa!" I yell,, sending it flying in to the wall. It's held there. "Fluctus Impulsa!" I yell again. This time the bot shatters. Rhodey nods to me and I take off again. I look up to see Steve jump on the back of one before getting slammed into the wall. "Una scar." I say. 

The bot disintegrates and Steve falls. "Casso tor." He hovers for a second before falling lightly to the floor. Suddenly I am being picked up from behind. "HOPE!" Steve yells as I am flung through the air. I fly through one of the windows. "NO!" Steve yells. 

As I plummet to the ground my heart is racing. I've done this before. I'll be fine. When I get close enough to the ground I cast the spell. "Casso tor!" I stop an inch from the ground before dropping lightly the rest of the way. "Are you alright miss?" One person on the street asks me. 

I nod and race towards the front doors of the tower. Once inside I take the stairs quickly, suddenly thankful for my superhuman stamina. When I finally get up there all the bots are destroyed. I let out a tired breath "HOPE!" I hear. I turn only to be tackled in a hug by Steve. 

"I'm fine. You do realize that's not the first window I've been thrown out of." I say. He nods, smiling in relief. That smile soon vanishes as he turns to Tony and Bruce who are making their way to the lab. We all follow suit. What the hell did they do?

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