Chapter 3: Inventions

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Hope's POV:

After the ceremony I go with Shuri to her lab while T'Challa goes with Zuri to reclaim the power of the Black Panter from the heart shaped herb. I quickly change from the beautiful, yet uncomfortable ceremonial outfit and into something Steve brought me the last time he visited.

Currently I am sitting next to Shuri as she develops something that far surpasses my mental capacity. Suddenly, I hear the guards all cross their arms in salute. T'Challa must be coming. I nudge Shuri slightly. "What?" She asks, not looking up from her work. 

"Your brother is headed this way. He's about to turn the corner." I tell her. She grins. "I love your super hearing." I  chuckle as we both stand and head towards the entrance of the lab where T'Challa is headed. When she sees him approaching we both stoop into a bow. 

"My king." She proclaims in an overly formal tone. I chuckle as we both straighten up. "Stop it. Stop it." He groans. She laughs and they do their little handshake. "Did you tell her I was coming?" He asks me. I smirk. "I mean, if you didn't walk so loud I wouldn't be able to tell her." 

He just rolls his eyes, but grins at me. Over the past few weeks T'Challa and I have gotten pretty close. He's a good man with a good heart. At this Shuri starts leading us further into the lab. I trail behind them, but not far enough to where it's awkward. 

"I've already sent a car ahead to Busan for you. Who are you taking with you to Korea?" Shea asks as we descend the stairs. "Okoye. I would ask Hope here, but seeing as she's an international fugitive, I've decided against it. Nakia is coming as well." He finishes. 

At least he remembered that I can't really leave Wakanda in fear of imprisonment. "You sure it's a good idea to take your ex on a mission?" Shuri asks. "Yes. We'll be fine. Besides, you'll be on call should we need backup." He tells her. "Yes!" She exclaims in excitement. 

"I have great things to show you, brother." She leads him over to one of the desks. "Here are you communication devices for Korea." He quickly snatches them off the desk as Shuri continues to lead us through the lab. 

"Unlimited range, also equipped with audio surveillance system." She explains. She then reaches for something on another desk. To be honest, I have no clue what most of these things are in here. I usually just draw while I'm in here. 

Though, Shuri did have me draw some new suit designs for him since his other suit was too bulky and needed upgrades anyway. "Check these out." She says, holding up the item. "Remote access Kimoyo beads. Updated to interface directly with my sand table." 

She places them back on the table as T'Challa moves towards something that I actually helped develop. "What are these?" He asks. "The real question is 'what are those!?'. Why do you have your toes out in my lab?" She asks him, pointing to his sandals. 

"What, you don't like my royal sandals? I wanted to go old school for my first day." He says, putting his foot up on the table. "I bet the Elders loved that." She jokes. He chuckles as she grabs the shoes off the table. "Try them on." She instructs. He quickly does so. 

The shoes forms around his foot. "Fully automated. Like the old American movie Baba used to watch. Hope actually came up with these, pretty ingenious if you ask me." I roll my eyes at her statement. 

"As the smartest person in the room, you should know how false that statement actually is." I say, rolling my eyes. "Anyways, I wasn't joking when I said you walk too loud. Shuri made them completely sound absorbent." I explain.

"I can't even hear them if I strained my vampire hearing and you're right next to me." He goes to stomp his foot, and there is no sound. "Interesting." "Guess what I call them?" Shuri grins. I bite my lip to hold back a laugh at the smart ass comment about to come out of her mouth. 

"Sneakers." T'Challa gives her a 'really?' look. "Because you...nevermind." She shakes off, walking to another part of the lab. "If you're going to take on Klaue, you'll need the best the design group has to offer. Exhibit A." "My design." He says. "Old tech." "Old?" 

"Functional, but old. 'Hey people are shooting at me. Wait let me put on my helmet'." She mocks. "Enough." "Now, look at these." She shows the two suits I designed. He stands in front of the gold one." "Do you like that one?" She asks. 

"Tempting. But the idea is to not be noticed. This one." He points to the silver. She holds her bracelet up to the side of his head. "Now tell it to go on." She instructs. He does and a black suit forms around the mannequin. 

"Ooh! The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace. Hope was the one who drew up the design." T'Challa looks at me, impressed. I shrug. "I looked at a few of your traditional warrior garments and took inspiration from that." I explain. He nods, a smile on his face. 

"Strike it." Shuri instructs. "Anywhere?" He asks. "Mmm-hmm." Shuri and I both back up as T'Challa sends the suit flying with a swift kick. "Not that hard, genius!" Shuri yell, running to pick up her mannequin. "You told me to strike it.You didn't say how hard." T'Challa defends. 

"I invite you to my lab, and you just kick things around?" She snaps, placing it back where it was. "Well, maybe you should make it a little stronger." He suggests. I smirk at what's going to come next. "Eh, wait a minute." He says, seeing how the suit glows purple where he kicked it. 

"The nannies absorb the kinetic energy, and hold it in place for redistribution." She explains. "Very nice." "Strike it again in the same spot." We both step back once again, but this time Shuri pulls a camera from her bracelet. "You're recording?" He asks, suspicious. 

"For research purposes." She shrugs. He sighs but kicks the same spot. This time a blast of purple sends him flying backwards. Both Shuri and I burst out laughing. "Delete that footage." He groans, standing up. I smile. 

That's when T'Challa's Kimoyo beads light up, informing him that it's time to leave for Korea. I take this as my time to leave. "I'm gonna head out for the day." I say, walking towards the staircase. Neither of them argue, just nod. They know exactly where I'm going." 

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