Chapter 11: You Are An Avenger

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Hope's POV:

As we fly towards Sokovia Steve gives us one of his infamous speeches. "Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. That's what we signed up for. The people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." We all nod at this.

"All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that's not gonna happen today, but we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us." There's silence.

Steve continues to talk. "Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve and I make eye contact. When we land we go off to do our own jobs.

Banner and Thor go to the compound to get Nat and figure out what Ultron has been building, Wanda uses her mind powers to get people out of their homes, and Pietro races around the city to get the police aware of the situation and to get people out quickly.

Clint goes to a high place to keep watch and Tony, Steve, and I stand with the jet, waiting for Ultron to arrive. Steve looks at me. "You know, after this whole thing, the two of us need to talk." He tells me. I nod, looking down. "I know." "Hey, we'll all be fine." "Can you promise me that?"

He stays silent. "Yeah, I didn't think so." I walk a little ways away. I hate this. I hate the tension between us. Steve was my best friend before we were together because he understood. He understood my fears and insecurities. I told him everything.

We've been to hell and back for each other and now we can barely hold a conversation without things being awkward. Suddenly Tony flies off. I guess he found Ultron. A few minutes later several Ultron's burst from the ground. My eyes widen. "Uh, Steve!" I call.

"Get people out!" He calls back. I continue to rush the people around me. "Come on! Run!" I yell at the ones who are stopped, ogling the bots soaring above them. When the first explosion goes off they all snap out of it and start running.

I race towards the bots, leaping into the air, shifting immediately. I speed from bot to bot, ripping them apart with my teeth and claws. Suddenly the ground start to shudder and I notice that the piece of land we're on is starting to rise into the air.

I sport a little girl fall off the side and I race over, grabbing onto her shirt with my teeth and hauling her up onto the stable ground. Her parents nod to me as I take off towards the other side of the city.

I shift in midair and tackle the Ultron about to hit Steve, sending both of us to the ground. I roll and the bot goes to blast me. "Vados!" The bot explodes. "Thanks." Steve breaths. I nod and take out my sai. I start attacking bots left and right, using a combination of magic and weapons.

I spot a cluster of people cornered by an Ultron bot. "Oh no you don't." I grunt as I sprint towards them, sliding underneath the both and putting myself between it and them. Three more bots show up. "Una scar." I breath out. The bots crumble to dust. I turn to the others.

"Go, get with the others. Now!" I yell at them. They race to where the other civilians are sheltering. "Stark, you worry about getting the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job. You get hurt, hurt em back. You get killed, walk it off."

"Wanda, Pietro, if someone fatally injured alert me. I can heal you." I inform the two new comers. They don't say anything, but I know they understand me. People are still running and most of the attacks are coming from the sky. "Hope, can you do anything for cover?" Steve asks. I nod.

"I can try something." "Do it." I sigh and raise my hands. I grunt with effort as I push a shield out from my body to cover the top of the pedestrians running to safety. Bots are bouncing off of my shield, and I'm taking the brunt of the hits.

Some are still under the shield and I can't do much about them, but Steve has that covered. I cry out and fall when Hulk comes in and lands on my shield, shattering it. "HOPE!" I hear Steve yells. He's by my side in an instant.

"Remind me to bitch slap Bruce when all this is over." I groan, allowing him to help me to my feet. "You ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go check on the twins. Clint can't handle them on his own." I say. He nods. I shift and take off, knowing I'll get there faster with my werewolf speed.

Let me tell you, breaking all your bones at top speed hurts like a bitch. When I find Wanda and Clint they are surrounded by five bots. I shift back and land in front of them. I raise my hands. "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium!"

I shove my hands forwards and the bots explode. More come towards us and I don't have time to cast a spell because Clint drags Wanda and I into a nearly destroyed building. Wanda crawls to the wall and puts her head between her knees.

"How could I let this happen?" She mumbles to herself. "Hey-" I cut Clint off. "Go, I'll talk to her. Be out shortly." I tell him. He nods and exits the room. "Hey, hey Wanda, look at me." Her terrified eyes connect with mine.

"Look, I know this is scary, I know you think this is all your fault, but it's not. You didn't know, you were angry, I get it. I do. You're here because you realize that the side you were on wasn't the right one, you're here because you believe this is the right side to fight for." She is shaking.

"Now, you don't have to fight. If you're done you stay here and I'll have your brother come and get you when this is all over, but know this. You're powerful, you're strong, you can do things people can only dream of and you can do them for a reason." She looks at me dead in the eye.

"It's hard to have power capable of destruction and it's hard to not think yourself a monster because of it, but it's what you do with that power that defines you." So many emotions are flashing through her eyes.

"Now, I'm going to go out there because I chose a long time ago to use my gifts to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. If you follow me, if you step out of those doors, you're an Avenger." She doesn't respond in anyway.

I nod to her and stand, racing out of the window of the building. "Una scar!" I yell, making the bots around me crumble to ashes. More bots approach. before I can do anything the doors the building fly open and Wanda emerges, hands and eyes glowing red.

She flings a bot into a building before making another shoot another and then tearing that one apart. "Alright, we're clear here." Clint says when all the bots are gone. "We are not clear, we are very not clear!" Steve yells. "Alright, coming to you." I tell him.

Suddenly Pietro appears and sweeps Wanda up, rushing off. "Keep up old man!" He yells back. I laugh and turn to Clint. He knows what I'm thinking. "Laura doesn't find out about this." I laugh and shift. Clint gets onto my back and I speed down the road towards where Steve is.

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