Chapter 1: Wakanda

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Hope's POV:

It's been a few days since Bucky has gone into cryofreeze. Steve left yesterday and I've been left to my own devices.  I've met a few people since I've been here. First there's Okoye, T'Challa's right hand woman. Leader of the Dora Milaje...I think.

She's very formal and protective, but kind all the same. Then there's Shuri, T'Challa's little sister. She's a genius. I mean, I swear Tony isn't as smart as this girl. She's who I spend most of my time with since she's so laid back around here. I've met T'Challa's mother, Ramonda.

Surprisingly she was very welcoming to me. She has the same type of feel that my mom did. Regal and protective, yet kind and guiding. Wakanda is extraordinarily beautiful and I spend most of my days down by a small pond by the barrier, painting or drawing the landscape.

I've found a peace here that I haven't known in a while. It's different from my peace with Bucky while we were in Bucharest, more serene, but there's the feeling in my gut that is always there when I've found some sort of happiness.

It's not gonna last, but like all the times before I've chosen to live in the moment and not dwell on the horror that is sure to come. Currently I'm finishing up a drawing while sitting in Shuri's lab with her.

T'Challa left last night to go get someone he wants to have here when he's coronated or something. I honestly still don't know the traditions here, but I'm slowly learning. A guards walks briskly into the lab. Shuri looks up from whatever project she's working on.

"Your brother is about to arrive and the Queen Mother wishes for both of you to be there to greet him." She states. "Thank you." Shuri says. The guard bows and walks from the room. She puts her tools down and walks over to me, taking my sketch pad and pencil from my hands.

She pulls me to my feet and drags me from the room. I laugh at the excited skip in her steps. As much as she loves to pick on her brother, as normal siblings do, she worries about him when he goes out as the Black Panther, protector of Wakanda.

That is a legend I've heard several time in my short stay here. We finally reach the platform where Romanda and Ayo are standing, already waiting. Shuri greets her mother and after the two of them are done with their greetings Romanda turns towards me.

"Hope, how are you?" She asks. I bow my head in respect. "I'm doing well. Shuri here keeps me well entertained." I say, grinning towards the girl. Romanda smiles. "My daughter is special like that." "I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted."

"Take it how you choose. I know what I meant." Romanda says, grinning slyly. I smile at this. I love watching Romanda interact with her children. She oozes regality, but when she's with one or both of her children her motherly side comes out and it's beautiful to see.

Finally the plane lands in front of us. Shuri and Ayo stand on either side behind Romanda and I stand on Shuri's other side, a little ways back. The steps to exit the plane lower and T'Challa steps out followed by Okoye and another woman who I do not know.

When the three reach us the unknown woman bows to Romanda. "Queen Mother. comfort for you loss." She says, sincerity present the entire time. "Thank you Nakia. It is so good to have you back with us." Surprisingly Romanda turns, gesturing to me.

"This is Hope Mikaelson. She shall be staying with us for the time being. She helped find the man truly responsible for what happened." The woman, Nakia, nods to me. "Thank you." I nod back, not speaking. "Okoye turns to Ayo.

"Take her to the River Providence to prepare her for the ceremony." She commands. "Yes general." Ayo obeys, bowing her head and crossing her free arm over her chest before leading Nakia off.

I notice subtle glances between Nakia and T'Challa and I wonder what is up the two of them. Once she's gone I notice a smirk place itself onto Shuri's face. "Did he freeze?" She asks, grinning by now. "Like an antelope in headlights." Okoye grins back.

I smile at this while Shuri busts out laughing. "Are you finished?" T'Challa asks the general. She holds back another laugh before banging her spear on the ground and walking away, the rest of the Dora Milaje falling into step behind her. Shuri walks towards her brother.

"So surprised my little sister came to see me off before our big day." "You wish! I'm here for the EMP beads. I've developed an update." "Update? No. It worked perfectly." "How many times do I have to teach you? Just because something works doesn't mean that it cannot be improved."

He raises his eyebrows as he hands her the beads. "You are teaching me? What do you know?" "More than you. Come on Hope." She urges, walking past me. "I can't wait to see what kind of update you make to your ceremonial outfit. Also, try not to torture our guest please." He calls.

She doesn't face him, but flips him off. I laugh. "Shuri!" Romanda calls. "Sorry mother!" The girl calls back. Finally we reach the palace doors and walk inside. "What did he mean by you making improvements to your ceremonial outfit? I thought it was beautiful." I say as we enter her lab.

"Oh, don't mind him. He never knows what he's talking about, and anyway, it's time for your fitting." I furrow my brows. "What?" "Your fitting. You can't go to the ceremony in what you have on and I've looked through the clothes the Captain brought for you, those won't work either."

"I didn't know I was going to the ceremony. I don't want to intrude on such a long standing tradition." She scoffs, dismissing me. "Nonsense. T'Challa specifically tasked me with getting you ready." I look down. "Are you absolutely sure?" I ask one more time.

She grins, turning to face me. "Of course, now, time to prepare." With that she drags me out of the lab and towards another part of the palace. This should be interesting.

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