Chapter 8: Anger Isn't Always a Bad Thing

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Hope's POV:

We fly through the air before we reach a parked bus. I land on my feet and continue sprinting while he lands in a roll. Just as the bus flips we leap off and continue on our journey. The aliens continue to fire at us. "Uh, Hope, can you do anything about this?" He asks. I nod.

"Projectium deflecto." I chant, holding up my fists. The blasts bounce off the shield. "It'll only hold while I have my fist up." I say. "It's good enough. Thanks." He says. I nod and we continue running. Although it's harder now that I'm holding the spell up. We finally reach the policemen.

We leap into the air and land on top of a cop car so that we have their attention. "You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they're going to be running straight into the line of fire. You take them to the basements or through the subway. You keep them off the streets.

I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." Steve tells them. They look at us like we're stupid. "Why the hell should we listen to you?" One cop asks. Steve doesn't have time to answer. A few blasts go off and several aliens head towards up.

Steve takes out his shield and I take out my batons, turning them into my bow staff. They attack me from the side. I turn, spinning my staff and decapitating one immediately. I turn to the other and stab them with the end, turning on the staff and electrocuting it to death.

I turn to see Steve has dealt with his own already. Just like that the cops start shouting the orders Steve just gave them. I smirk. "Come on, let's head back to the others." He says. I nod and we race back to where Clint and Nat are. When we get there they're almost over run.

I leap into the air and haul myself onto the bridge. They have a short break, but there is a ton advancing on them. "I've got this, stand back." I say. They nod. I raise my hands and walk towards the oncoming aliens. "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium." I chant.

I shove my hands forward, causing the oncoming aliens to al explode. "Nice one. Haven't seen that before." Clint says, smirking. I just shrug. There are a few more aliens coming, but they are quickly destroyed by lightning as Thor flies down to help up.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asks as we set to work regrouping before the next attack. "The power surrounding the cube it impenetrable." He says. "Thor's right, we've gotta deal with these guys." Stark says over the coms. "How do we do this?" Nat asks. "As a team." Steve says.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor says. I scoff. "Yeah, well get in line." Clint says. "Save it. Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things can run wild. We've got Stark up top. He's going to need us to-"

But he stops when we all hear a motor heading towards us. We look past Steve to see Bruce riding up to us slowly on an old motorcycle. He stops and gets off, walking towards us. "Well this all seems horrible." He says. I smile a little. "I've seen worse." Nat says. "Sorry."

"No, we could use a little worse." She says. "Stark, we've got him." "Banner?" "Just like you said." Steve tells him. "Well then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." He says. A second later Tony appears from around the corner with the giant alien worm thing.

"I don't see how that's a party." Nat says. I smirk. Stark soon flies past us. Bruce starts walking towards the creature. "Dr. Banner, now might be a really good time to get angry." Steve says. "That's my secret Captain. I'm always angry." With that he turns around and starts to grow.

His skin turns green. Once he is in true Hulk form the worm is right at him. In one second he punches it. The worm skids to a halt and its back half goes to flip over, making the armor fall off. Tony flies up to it and sends a missile into its unprotected flesh. It explodes.

Nat and Clint cower behind a taxi. Before I can put up a barrier Steve pulls me into his side and covers us with his shield. Once all the debris stops falling we all form a circle. I take out my batons again and hold them up, ready for the next attack.

The aliens around us scream at the loss of their worm creature. If only there was really cool superhero music playing right now, we already look pretty badass, but that would be epic. Our moment ends when Nat gets our attention. "Guys?" She says. We all look where she is.

Several more worm things and a ton more ships are flying out of the portal. "Call it Captain." Tony says. We all turn to Steve waiting for our assignments. My heart is pounding right now. This is different than anything I've ever faced before.

"Alright listen up. Until we can close that portal our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything, call our patterns and strays. Stark, you've got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out you turn it back or you turn it to ash." He says.

"Can you give me a lift?" Clint asks. " Right better clench up Legolas." Tony says, walking over to him. Grabbing him by the quiver the two fly off. Thor, you gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow em down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up." Steve says. He's gone as well.

"Us three, we stay here on the ground, we keep the fighting here. And Hulk-" The Hulk turns to look at him. "-smash." The green guy smirks before leaping high into the air. "You two ready for this?" Steve asks us as a horde of aliens advance on us. I spin my batons in my hands, smirking.

"Are you kidding me, this is the most stress relieving thing since I took out an entire room of vampires by just screaming." I say, racing forward and attacking the aliens. I use a combination of my weapons and magic, and I'm overall using my werewolf strength.

The three of us fight in sync, helping the others out if need be. It's going pretty good, but we're all tiring out. Especially Nat. One of the best fighters I know, but she's a normal human with no enhancements and it's taking a toll on her.

"None of this is going to mean a damn thing unless we close that portal." She says when we get a break in the fighting. "Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." Steve says. "Maybe it's not about guns." She says. We both nod, understanding what she means.

"If you wanna get up there you're gonna need a ride." I say. "I've got a ride. Could use a boost though." She says, looking up at the alien ships flying above us. Steve understands and steps back, readying his shield to lift her. "You sure about this?" I ask, worried.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." She says. I smile and shake my head. She runs at Steve, leaping onto his shield. He uses the force and throws her into the air. She grabs hold of the bottom of a ship and is gone. Just as she's gone more aliens approach us, almost hitting Steve with a blast. I growl.

"Ok, that's it." I say. I put my batons away and raise my hands. "Hope, what are you doing?" Steve asks. "Just watch, I'll be fine." I say. "Confuso fatina, ignos et ignos mortifina. Confuso fatina, ignos et ignos mortifina. Confuso fatina, ignos et ignos mortifina." I chant.

The water in the near by fire hydrants explodes, all of it rushing towards me. I engulf all the aliens near by with it and smirk. "Glace, solidatur. Glace, solidatur. Glace, solidatur. Glace, solidatur. Glace, solidatur. Glace, solidatur. Glace, solidatur. Glace, solidatur."

The water holding the aliens freezes and then explodes. I smile at my handy work. "Damn." Steve says. I laugh. "Come on, there's more coming." I say, pointing to the oncoming aliens. He nods. "Right." I take out my sais now. "Bring it on."

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