Chapter 11: The Airport Battle

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Hope's POV:

"Wanda, you cover everyone. I'll handle Vision." I mutter to her. She nods, grateful she doesn't have to go against him. We're all at a jog now. My undead heart is racing. I'm about to fight my teammates. I shake my head. I have to.

Before long we're all sprinting towards one another. When we meet the fighting erupts. Friend against friend. I leap high into the air till I have ahold of Vision's leg before using my magic to give me a stance so I can hurl him to the ground.

I vamp speed towards him, kicking him back a ways. "Dissulta!" I yell. A flash of light goes off and Vision is blinded for a second while I attack again. I grab his head and slam him onto the ground. Then I spot T'Challa fighting to kill with Bucky.

I race forward and hurl the King off of him. "Move Miss Mikaelson. I won't ask again." "He didn't do it. I was with him. Please, just listen to us. I lost my mom because someone betrayed me and my own selfish actions. I wanted to kill him, but I knew I was better than that."

He takes a step forward. "Even if Bucky did kill your father, his death won't bring him back. Honor him by going after the right guy." I plead. Bucky is gone now and T'Challa and I are just standing there in defensive positions. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because I know that pain. I lost both my parents because I made dumb decisions and trusted the wrong people. The wanted to kill the guy who betrayed me since I couldn't take it out of the woman who took my mother from me, but in the end I realized he wasn't the one who did it."

I really wish I could see his expression under the mask. "He was manipulated because he trusted her. I did not know your father, but I know that he would not have wanted his son to be a murderer. No father wants that for his child." I reason.

He pauses and I have time to finally listen in on what's been going on over the coms. "The rest of us aren't getting out of here." Sam says. I sigh. I knew this would happen. "As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint agrees.

"You speak well Miss Mikaelson. Know, I wish things could have turned out differently." With that T'Chall runs away. I sigh. "This isn't the real fight, Steve." I tell him. "Alright Sam. What's the play?" Steve asks. "We need a diversion. Something big." "I got something kinda big." Scott says.

"But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me." "You sure about this Scott?" Steve asks. "I do it all the time. I mean once, in a lab. Then I passed out."

Then there's a grunt that I'm pretty sure is actually him saying 'I'm the boss', but I can't be sure. Suddenly Scott is HUGE. He grabs onto Rhodey's legs to stop him. "Hope-" "Just go. I'll be ok." I tell Bucky. "Way to go Tic Tac." Sam yells.

At this I decide to go all out. I mean, I'm gonna be captured anyway. I don't think I've ever fought in wolf form besides Sokovia. I cry out and my arm snaps. "Uh, guys? This chicks bones are breaking. I'm gonna go see if she's ok." I hear the spider boy says.

"What? NO! Kid, get away from her!" I hear Tony yell. "Hey ma'am, are you ok?" Her asks. I look up at him, growling, eyes golden and fangs out. "Uh oh." The rest of my bones break and soon I'm in wolf form. I snarl at him. "Not good, she's a wolf!" The boy says, scurrying away.

I speed forward and bite down on his arm, not enough to break his suit, but enough to where I have a grip. "Ah! She bit me! I'm gonna be a werewolf now!" He yells, horrified. If I could roll my eyes, I would.

I jerk my head to the side, flinging him to the side before speeding up a few truck till I have the ability to leap onto Tony's suit. "Agh! Hope, down girl." He commands. I growl at that. "Ok, no dog jokes, got it." I start tearing at his suit as best I can before he flings me off of him.

I snarl and decide to go after T'Challa again. I run forward and leap onto his back, tackling him to the ground. I snarl. "Move Miss Mikaelson." I don't, obviously. "I won't ask again." I lunge forward, clawing at his suit, pushing him further and further away from Steve and Bucky.

Eventually he throws me off and I decide that I should probably turn back. When I'm in human form again I see Scott go down. "Shit." I mutter, vamp speeding forward. I see the kid fly into some boxes. I race over to him. "Stay down kid. I don't want to hurt you."

"Will your bite turn me into a werewolf?" He asks, groaning. I roll my eyes this time. "No, it won't. You have to be born with the curse. Also, I didn't break skin so you're fine." "Ok good, and I can't stay down." I say. "Then I'm sorry." "What?" "Ad somnum." He immediately passes out.

"What did you do to him?" Tony demands. "He's asleep. He was down anyway. He should be up in a few hours." I tell him. He nods as I race over to where Wanda is. "You good?" She nods. Just then the Quinjet flies out of the hanger and I grin. We did it.

I walk over to where Scott is and help him up. "Nice job Lang." "Thanks." He groans. I then see Tony and Rhodey chasing after Steve and Bucky. Sam is on their tail. "I'll be right back." With that I take off, running underneath them I have a bad feeling about this.

Suddenly Vision shoots at Sam who dodges, but it hits Rhodey and he starts to fall. No. I raise my hands, coming to a stop. "Casso tor." I chant. His fall slows until he is gently placed on the ground. I speed over right as Tony lands next to him, ripping his helmet off.

He's passed out now from the altitude change. I bring my wrist up and bite it, dripping the blood into his mouth. He gasps awake. Tony looks at me. "Thank you." I nod. "No matter what side we fought on today, I will always save you if I have the ability." He nods. "I'm sorry, but-"

"I know. I get it. I knew the risk." "I wish it were different short stack." "Me too, but it's not." He nods. Then police flood the scene. As soon as the vervain/wolvesbane hand cuffs are on me my eyes start to droop. "Hope?" Tony asks. "I'm fine." I mumble before I'm out like a light.

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