Of course he made such a suggestion. "Yes! Was that not such a nice addition...oh my the antidote! I almost forgot. One moment Loche."

As my body began to shut down, and my movements heavily weighed down my limbs, I felt my mouth being forced open. A cool liquid ran down my throat before my neck was being supported a bit by gruff hands.

Seconds to minutes ticked by of the struggles that previously plagued me washing away with the antidote given. Everything was slowly being restored...

"You fools," I spat, slowly able to sit up and glower at the dark haired woman clad in armor. She crossed her arms over her breast plate, a look of annoyance crossing her hardened features. Her eyes flashed one of challenge before she falsely smiled.

"You are the fool. You should have shifted when you had the chance," The General of our army spoke. She was correct of course. I was caught up in showing my own strengths, not relying on my behemoths unfortunately.

Alazar chuckled. "She is right. You let something as fickle and meaningless as pride get in your way. You could have died Loche!"

Why is this old fool yelling as if my head is not weighing a ton right now? "You always told me to exhaust my options as a human before shifting. How was I supposed to know you would be mad enough to poison me during a sparring match."

"You will be drugged, poisoned and even worse as King at any given moment. You are the sole heir to the throne!" Alazar lashed out, speaking as if I was a child again. Did I care about the old man's ramblings? No I did not.

My behemoth was apart of me who did not like authority or life. He enjoyed killing, he enjoyed eating and he enjoyed being angry. Once he started it was nearly impossible to get him to stop.

"...Prince Alazar as much as I enjoy you berating Prince Loche, are you not supposed to be traveling soon?"

Alazar and I exchanged looks, before a groan slipped past my lips. I laid back down on the dusty earth and growled out in frustration. Today was a day to train not to deal with dolts from another kingdom.

My Uncle cursed himself before speaking. "Lochelan get up. We have to head to Faenor. You have to pick out your future wife."

"You choose for me. I have more pressing matters to tend to than to entertain an old king and his nuisance daughters." Of course I never met them before but my king always complains about how weak and spineless the Fae King is. He had to be right in that sense. Only a hopeless coward would agree to not even have a simple army in their kingdom. Peace was their way and it was incredulous.

General Iona sighed. "I rather be skinned alive than speak of marriage. I wish you luck in finding your wife." I did not need luck, I needed my uncle to gather his wits and just choose a daughter for me. Having to pretend to be diplomatic was worse then being poisoned in my eyes.

"Loche I will not choose for you! This is your job as the only heir to the throne. I do not know what kind of woman you like and he has three daughters," my uncle complained as he grabbed me, helping me stand to my feet.

Three daughters? I forget how many he had. I have been avoiding such a topic for the past few years.. "I want the quietest one. The one who will not be a nuisance."

The ground seemed to shake with his laughter. "Well lucky for you I have intel on such matters. The eldest is the one you speak of. The second eldest is boisterous and the last is quite clumsy but has a voice of gold I hear."

I did not care for clumsy women who made careless mistakes. Nor loud women. I suppose the eldest was my only choice. "Let us get this over with."

Alazar chuckled. "I would think a male prince would be happy to sow his royal seed with one of the most beautiful, delicate of women. Or so they say."

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