Idea. Part 45

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Emily's POV

"Talk.." Dean started. "Talk, about what?"

"What you guys just heard..." I squinted my eyes at them. I'm not stupid, I saw them speed walking away from the door as I was leaving the meeting.

"Heard what? We just saw those cameras for the total bitch- I mean total divas show and we just ran!" Dean said. Roman nodded.

"You know how I dislike getting caught on that show babe" Roman smiled.

I stared at them blankly before opening a random doors room. "Get in.."

They sighed before walking into the room as if they were being called into the principals office.

"Alright," I started "I just wa-"


"Dean, deep breaths" Roman put a hand on his shoulder. "But uh, Em, you're not really gonna join them, right?" He said nervously.

I took in a deep breath. "I am, Roman."

The room went silent.

"But, only so I can get the divas championship, and to help you guys out. So technically, I'm not really 'joining them' " I smiled.

Roman and Dean looked at each other. "You're gonna pretend to join them?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, pretty much"

"That's, THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!" Dean smiled. "You can tell us all their moves, what they're gonna have planned, plus you get your championship!"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Roman asked as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Yeah, I'm sure"


The plan was set. We had an hour till the show starts, so I made my way to Steph and Hunters office. I guess now was the best time to tell them. Was I a little scared, yes. But now that Dean and Roman know about everything, I feel a bit more safe.

"Emily" Steph smiled. "What-"

"I've made up my mind" I interrupted her.

The next thing I know someone's face pops up in front of me and says "Already?"

"Ahhh!" I jumped back. "Seth what the hell!"

"Haha, sorry Em." He walked towards Hunters desk. "So, you already made up your mind?"

"Yeah.." I mumbled as I walked back into the room and closed the door. "I-I would like to join The Authority"

"Hahah, yes!!" Hunter got up followed by Steph. "Well we're more than happy to have you be apart of our team." He said as I shook his hand than Steph's.

"But Emily, we would just like to get some things out of the way first. The hard stuff" Steph sighed "For starters, Seth has told us you're in a relationship with Roman, right?"

I sighed. I knew exactly what she wanted me too do. "Yes, yes I am."

"We're gonna need you to end that, it won't work with you working on our side now."

'Play along, play along' I kept repeating to myself.

I looked over at seth who stared back at me with a questionable look. He knew how much Roman and I had gone through, he knew how much I love him.

"Okay, I will, under one condition." I sighed.

"What's that?" Hunter asked.

"My birthdays on Sunday, I want to spend it with him.."

"Okay, fine." Hunter said. "Monday morning you end it, understood?"

I nodded then looked over to Seth who looked shocked.

"Adding on to that, you will tell nobody about this" Steph said.

"Okay, okay."

"We'll talk about what will take place on RAW on Monday. Enjoy these next few days Emily." He said before sitting back down at his desk.
I walked out of their office only to have Seth follow me. "You're actually gonna break up with him?" He asked.

I stopped walking and turned around. "Yeah, I want that championship.

"Huh" he crossed his arms. "Well, I'll always be here for you Emily" I nodded. "What about Monday, after RAW and the whole thing goes down, you ride with me to the next city."

"Sounds good" I shrugged.

"Cool" he smiled. This is gonna be hard.
I'm going back and editing old chapters bc my spelling sucks. So yeah.

This may seem boring rn but it's gonna get more interesting. Lots of you wanted her to join lol. AND SHE DID, not really but kinda yeah she did. Thanks for reading!

Vote and comment please <3

- zoya

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