Don't...Part 40

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"...Roman..." I whispered as I cuddled up closer to him. "Roman, wake up I'm boredddd." I sigh.

His eyes slowly start to open. He still had an annoyed, sad, confused look on his face. Still don't blame him for that.

"What do you want me to do, entertain you?" He slowly looked over to my and smirked.

"Duh." I kiss his cheek. "Morning"

"Good Morning, Emily." He sighed as he looked back up at the ceiling.

"You still, um, how's you back?" I asked nervously as I bit my lip.

"I can't feel it."

"Well then..." I took in a deep breath. "We'll get you checked out later today, okay?.."

"I don't-"

"I said, we'll get you checked out later today, okay?"

"Okay-okay." He chuckled.

"Good!" I kiss his cheek once again before getting up out of bed. I adjusted my shorts and shirt before I started walking to the washroom.

"Hey babe" Roman says. I turn around to face him. "I love you."

"I love you too, butt face." I smile at him before walking again. God I'm lucky to have him...
Roman and I sat at the hotels restaurant waiting for Dean so we could order our breakfast.

"Here he comes." Roman sighs.

Dean at at the table with his hair in it's normal messy sate, he was wearing black basketball shorts and a black blank hoodie. He had such a pissed off, sleepy look on his face.

"Morning" I smile at him.

"Don't." He growls.

"Wow. look Dean, I'm sorry your boyfriend betrayed you." I chuckled.

"Roman, control her."

Roman just smirks at us. "Dean, are you-"

"Yeah I'm still pissed, and I don't see why your still me pissed either. In fact, I'm getting more pissed that YOU'RE not pissed." He raised his voice. "God dammit Emily, you drugged him didn't you!"

"Dean!" I giggle. "You didn't sleep at all last night did you?"

"No, I didn't." He sighs.

"Hey ass crake, what makes you think I'm not pissed? Because I'm actually smiling an shit. I'm just happy because I've got her, and I'm about to eat. That's the only reason I'm smiling." He rolls his eyes.

As Dean and Roman go on arguing, I look down at my phone to see a text from Seth.

Seth: I'm in a cab waiting for you outside.

Emily: ew why. Go away.

Seth: Emily, the meeting? With your bosses?

Emily: I can drive there myself.

Seth: you don't even know where the meeting is.

Emily: tell me.

Seth: no, I'm waiting hurry.

"Uh guys." I sigh. "I've got to go to a meeting." I say before picking up my bag.

"With WWE?" Dean asks.

"Well I do work for them." I gave him a blank stare.

"Love ya Ro Ro" I kiss his cheek feeling like shit. I'm about to get in a cab with the guy who just beat the shit out of him. I should tell him, but I'm honestly scared..

"Shut up." I say right away as I get in the cab.


"Seth, I'll will hurt you. Badly, worse then the way you hurt Dean and Roman last night. I will make you cry as hard a all the fangirls did last night if you for shut your mouth." I growl.

He just nods.

Thank god.

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