Toys And Boy's. Part 20!

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Roman Tara and I entered the huge toy store.

"What do you wanna get?" Roman asked as he lifted her up into his arm. I was happy that he's starting to feel good around her. I mean...this is only the first actual day. I still don't know how we're all taking this in so well but we are and that's good.

"Dolls and books..uh...markers..ummm" she rubbed her chin. "And a teddy bear" she said in a soft voice. "This one time I got a teddy bear, I named him Mix." She smiled. "I had him for a week then Sandy got mad..I don't know what happened to Mix but I really miss him so i wanna get another Mix....Mix number two" she smiled proudly

Roman looked at her then back at me. "Let's go get you all the Mix's we can find" he smiled before kissing her cheek for the first time.


::later::....4 dolls 6 doll clothing sets 1 Mix number two 3 new packs of markers 2 new drawing books, 10 new books 2 new bags later...we arrived back at the hotel.

"OH MY GOSH LOOK AT ALL THIS STUFF ITS CRAZY!" Tara yelled as she jumped on the bed. "I can't believe it's all mine, just for me all for me!" Her face lit up. "THANK YOU SO MUCH" she jumped into Romans arms. "Thank you" she mumbled into his shirt.

"Anything for you" he said as he held into her tight.

It was so cute I had to take a secret picture.


"OPEN THE DOOR!" Somebody yelled. Although I'm 110% sure it's Mr Dean Ambrose and Mr. Seth Rollins.

I skipped over to the door and answered it. Dean stood there with a six pack and Seth was playing with a deck of cards.

"Poker night" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes" Dean smirked. "Oh and after a lot of thinking I'm gonna allow you to join the game"

I laughed. "Wow thanks but I don't think poker night will be happening.."

"Why's that? What did you do to Roman" Seth asked with a smirk.

"Nothing" I shrugged. "You know what, I'll go get him. He'll explain his new..this new chapter or this new person in his life"

"Your not pregnant are you?" Dean asked.

"Hell no" I said sounding more serious. "RO!" I yelled.

He ran over within seconds.

"Hi, what do you want I'm busy" he said to the boys.

I turned him to face me. "Put your big boy pants on and explain"

With that I left.

I walked into the bedroom and watched Tara play. She couldn't stop smiling. One thing she did was never let go of Mix. I like that name by the way.

"Hey Tara" i said as I sat on the bed.

"Hey Em" she said as she dressed her doll.

I smiled than hot closer to her grabbing a doll and a pair of clothes.

"So..." I started. "What's your favorite toy you got other then Mix"

"Ummm" she looked at all her new toys. "Well Mix is number and I know this isn't a toy but I really like the books"

"You like to read" I smirked. "You don't hear that a lot now a days."

"No toys...books were all I got. My grandma taught me how to read. When I start school I'm gonna be a pro" she smiled.

"You sure are"

Dean walked into the room and hopped up on the bed. "Hi" he said looking right at Tara. This should be interesting .

"H-Hi" she said. I know she knows who he is.

He picked up a doll witch surprised me then started dressing it up. Seth joined in with the fun.

"I'm playing dolls with a crazy guy and Ninja" Tara said making Seth and Dean smirk at each other. "Cool" she giggled before playing again.

I looked over at Roman then walked over to him, I kissed his lips then wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What's going on in the big head of yours" I smirked.

He chuckled. "C'mon" he pulled me to the bedroom. "I asked Seth and Dean to hang out with Tara for a little"


"I wanna be alone with my girl for a little" he chuckled before kissing me.

I pushed him away. "I am not doing 'anything' with your best friends and Tara just a door away from us!" I whisper yelled.

He rolled him eyes. "That's not what I meant."


"Damn girl" he laid down on the bed. "It's not my fault you're so-"

*knock knock*

I skipped over to the door leaving Roman.

I opened the door and saw AJ jumping up and down. I hadn't told her about Tara yet. I guess nows a good time"

"I have news" she said once she calmed down.

"Me too" I smiled.

"Okay okay" she took in a deep breath. "Me first"

"Okay I shrugged.
Gonna have to wait till next sorry.

*****I have a few Dean story's I've been writing and haven't posted yet. They're different from my other one. I have a few I really like and I've wrote a few the next chapter of this book at the end if I picked a top three and put their story Bio things in them would you guys vote for the best one so I know witch one to upload first? Tell me what you think!*****

Thanksssss. <3

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