Think About It?... Part 41

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Roman's POV


Oh god. Will he ever shut up? I feel like he's been talking for years. We already finished our breakfast, Emily's been gone for an hour. But Dean's mouth hasn't fully shut since she left. I'm dying. Me ears are gonna start bleeding if I have to hear him say 'that son of a bitch' one more time. I love him like a brother but gosh.

"OH, AND-"

"DEAN. SHUT. YOUR. MOUTH." I snap. "Please, I beg you, I'll give you money. Just don't speak, please." I let out a deep breath.

"Well jeez." He puts his hand on his chest. "You didn't have to just snap at me like that Roman. Can't you see I'm kinda going through something right now?!"

I shook my head at him.

"Hey. We had it all man. We were doing so well, we were on top!" Dean sighed. "...we trusted him. We were like a family, you know? It just hurts, not because of the fucking chair shots, because he actually did it. He was being selfish. He could have done it any other way. What he did last night, was bull." He slammed his hand down on the table. "Smackdown, me and you are gonna get into that ring and set him straight, fucking sell out." He let out a huff. "Monday, I don't know about you, but I'm going right after him." He leaned back and licked his lips.

I just started at him. No, I stared past him. I stared out the window right next to Dean's head.

Fuck. No.
Emily's POV (earlier in the day)

Lucky, Seth has kept his mouth shut the whole ride. THANK GOD. I felt so wrong being in the car with him. I want to talk to the cab driver so the car wouldn't be full of silence, but he's kinda creeping me out.

We finally arrived at some fancy restaurant. Seth payed the man and we hopped out of the cab.

"It's not even noon yet..." I looked over at Seth. "I don't want to go eat some fancy food when I haven't even had breakfast ye-"

"Just follow me." He rolls his eyes.

We got lead to a privet room where Steph, Hunter, Kane and Randy sat. I watched as Seth went over to sit next to Randy.

"It's nice of you to join us Emily." Steph smiled.

I bursted out laughing. "Oh my gosh, what is this?" I chuckled at them. Their smiles slowly dropped. Except for Kane's, he was never smiling in the first place. "Oh come on guys. Please don't tell me this is gonna be how you ask me to 'join the authority'. " I sat down and grabbed a pice of bread. "Because I'm not gonna join, I'll start with that." I ripped a pice of the bread off and tossed it into my mouth.

"Maybe if you just listened to us first." Steph focused on a smile.

"Okay, shoot." I smirked.

"Seth told us about your plans for your sister."

"Really Seth, really?" I squinted my eyes at him. He didn't say anything.

"Yes, um well you see, we would like to help you with that. We could make it happen for you, fast." She sighed. "Honestly Emily, we're not big fans of AJ Lee, or her soon to be husband...CM Punk. But we're big fans of you. We think you would be a great addition to our team. Nikki has just agreed to join us last week. Although she won't 'official' join us on TV until...that's not important." She chuckled. "What do you say Ms. Lee?"

Is it bad that I'm actually considering saying yes? Is it bad that I was leaning more towards a yes...

I remember a while ago AJ asked me to hold her championship while she did her shoes up. I remember how nice it felt to hold it. I was dying to know how it felt to have it belong to me. Would this be my chance? I mean, if I said no. They would ruin me..if I say no, they're gonna tell AJ or something like that and that'll mess everything up..

"AJ?" Hunter said grabbing my attention.

"Oh, yeah can I have time to think about this?" I asked as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yes, yes of course. What about you give us an answer in....two weeks?" Steph suggested.

I nodded.

Randy and Seth smirked at each other. Steph and Hunter smiled at me like I had just told my parents I got an A on a test. And Kane. He was currently my favorite. He was just eating his food and listening. No creepy stare, no weird anything surprisingly.
Since I came here with Seth, I ended up leaving with him too. He didn't shut up the whole way back either. Once we arrived back at the hotel Seth payed the cab driver and we hopped out.

"Think about it, okay em?" He smiled. "You know I still love and care about you like you're my sister." He put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I did what I did, but it had to be done."

I nodded then moved away from him. I walked back into the hotel and went to Roman and I's room. I had a lot to think about.
Hello peoples.

It's already December, what the hell? DEAN'S BIRTHDAY IS ON THE 7th THO OMFG xD already started making them video edits for IG...even though he's never gonna see them :-/ OH WELL. Thanks for reading.

Vote & comments plz! <3

- Z

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