Little One. Part 18

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(Picking up from last time)

I stared at Roman a little longer before I spoke.


He looked up at me. "Y-Yeah"

"D-Do you wanna be alone or-"

He cut me off by hugging me. I hugged him back. "No" was all he said.

After that we walked inside the room with Tara still asleep in the stroller. We sat down on the bed and looked at her. I did feel a little awkward but this isn't about me.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Right now I...I don't know" he ran his fingers through his hair. "What if she doesn't like me."

"She'll like you" I smiled. "From what Sandy said I think she'll like anyone who isn't Sandy"

We both laughed. "Poor kid" he sighed. "Emily..if you don't want anything to do with her that's fine-"

"Shhhhh" cut him off making him smirk. "I told you I love you. That hasn't changed. I'm gonna be here for you"

He kissed my lips then wrapped his big arms around me. "Thank you"


We talked about life. Roman has a huge family that could take care of her one she has to starts school. But she still has a year till then, meaning Roman has a year to get to know his daughter. As for me and him things are gonna stay the same. He still loves me and I still love him. I'm gonna support Roman and help him as much as I can! I'm his girlfriend! That's what I've got to do.

We stopped talking once we starter to see Tara walking up. I got butterflies in my stomach. I moved back on the bed getting ready to watch Roman and Tara meet for the first time. I mean she might be scared because she'll have no idea who he is but he'll explain.

She rubbed her eyes then fully opened them.

"D-Dad" she said as tears started to build up in her eyes.

That's not what I expected.

She jumped up then hopped into his arms giving him a big hug. She wrapped her little arms around his big body. She was crying, I couldn't tell if she was happy for sad because her face was stuffed into Romans shirt.

Roman stayed quite. He must have been just as confused as me.

She finally brought her head up. Her face was now bright pink and covered in tears. She stared right into Romans eyes. She sniffed before she started to talk. "Y-You f-found me" she smiled before whipping away her own tears.

"Uh" was all Roman could get out. "Did Sandy tell you?" He asked.

"No." She used her little fingers to move the little pieces of hair out of her faces. "I listened to Sandy talking to h-her mom about you s-so I searched you on YouTube" she giggled. "I always thought I didn't h-have a dad"

"You do" I could hear the smile on Romans face. "I'm here now, okay?"

"Okay" she smiled. "No more Sandy?"

"No more Sandy"

Tara gave him another hug.

"Your a wrestler" she said.

"Yes I am"

"You wrestle with Seth and Dean in the shield..and your like superman in the ring! Seth is like a ninja and Dean is super crazy! But your my favorite...because..because your my..DAD!" She had with the biggest smile on her face. I felt like crying at that point. It was so cute! So heart warming!

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you"

"I-It's okay. I know you never knew about me"

"Yeah..I'm here now tho. We're gonna spend a lot of time together!"

"Uh I can call you dad right?"

"Yeah yeah of course!"

"" she giggled.

She isn't really like most five year olds if you ask me. She acts older then most five year olds I met. That's good since her 'mom' acts like a 16 year old slut.

"Uh Tara" Roman said. "This is Emily..she's gonna be hanging out with us a lot" he smiled.

Tara finally looked over at me. I had a bad feeling about Roman introducing me so early. Buts it's his choice.

"Hi" I smiled and waved.

"Hi" she smiled back.

I've never felt so awkward around a child before..

"Do you like playing dolls?" She asked.

Now you would think i would just lie and say yes but the truth is I won't be lying when I say yes. I smirked. "Sure"

She hopped off Romans lap and sat next to me. "Well I don't have any"

O_o what am I suppose to say..

"Oh uh..we could always buy some" I shrugged.

She smiled again. "I like you"

"I like you too" I said calmly but on the inside my heart was pounding and I was holding back the sweat.

"We'll go buy you some toys and get to know each a bit more tomorrow..but right now I think it's time for bed" Roman said like he's been a dad for ages.

"Okay" she hopped off the bed and grabbed her little backpack. She walked right back to me. "Do you mind helping me get ready?"

"Not at all" I said as I got up and followed her into the washroom. I looked over at Roman and smirked he sent to me a wink.

I brushed Tara's long hair and then put it's up into a ponytail for her. I picked out her pjs and then helped her brush her teeth. I told her about my dog since she told me she really loved dogs.

"What's its name!" She said as we walked out back into the bedroom.

"His name is Chico"

"Awww! Can you show me a picture"

"Yeah sure" I pulled out my phone and showed her my puppy. "He's really cute" she gave me my phone back. "Emily can I ask you something"

I nodded.

"Do y-you think my dad really likes me?"

I smiled. "He really really likes you..he might just love you" I smirked.

She giggled. "Good." She hugged me. I hugged her back. She's so little and happy! How could Sandy want to get rid of her? "Goodnight Emily" she got under the blankets. Roman came back in to tuck her in. I left so they could be alone. I waited on Roman and my bed so we could talk.

if you where reading my other book *falling for you* the sequel is up!! It's called *our life* it's a Dean Ambrose story! A few people asked for the sequel so I made one! I only have one chapter up right now but there's more to come! Thanks!!

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