Chapter Twenty Eight

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Arianna P.O.V

          "Harry listen to me you have to!" I say pushing him. He wouldn't budge. Jason was getting closer.

            "What do you mean?" Harry said confused.

             "Get away from my girl." Jason yelled in a very strong voice. I looked at Harry. By his face I think he had just relized the situation.

             "Im not going to leave you with him, hes dangerous." Harry said in a low voice. I started to panic.

           "You have to!" I yelled. "He wont hurt me but hes going to hurt you! Go!" I screamed. Harry didnt look frightened at all. In fact, he looked angry. I had never seen him with that look before and it scared me.

              "Harry..." I said, "Don't. He'll kill you, hes much bigger." I was about to scream for help. I hate fights, utterly hate them. Harry wasn't backing down though. Jason suddenly came up from behind me and grabbed my arm.

                "Get out of the way sweetheart, I dont want you to see this." He said in a snarl that sent a chill up my spine.

               "Get off of me!" I screamed at him, hitting his back in a feeble effort to stop him. He just tossed me aside like tissue. I looked up at Harry. He was standing stone still with his hands in tight fists at his sides.

                    "Leave her alone." He said in a deep voice.

                    "What did you say to me?" Jason said, coming almost nose to nose with Harry. I turned away, I couldnt watch this. 

           "LOUIS!" I yelled despertaley. "LOUIS HELP!" Jason turned for a split second when I yelled this. And before anyone could even think, Harry threw the hardest punch I had ever seen straight at Jason. Jason stumbled backwards in shock, his hands to his face. Harry stood there with his hand still in the air, I think he shocked even himself. Louis came running outside just then. He stopped in his tracks, looking from Harry, to Jason, still in pain, to me on he ground from when Jason threw me.

              "What in world..?" Louis said shocked. He raced to me on the ground. "Are you alright?"

               "Im fine, but Louis J-Jason!" I blabbered. Louis ran to Harry as Jason was aproaching him. He looked madder than ever and I was stone still from what was about to happen. Jason pulled his fist back, his face full of rage. He whapped Louis out of the way and aimed straight for Harry. I shut my eyes.

            "Stop right there Mister." A voice from behind us said. We all whipped around to face two very large men and half the Starlight Studios staff. Jason slowly lowed his fist, and I scrambled to get off the ground. My whole body was shaking. Harry helped Louis up, but we were all scared, this wasn't good.

               "What do you all think you're doing?" The other man said in a scary voice. Nobody wanted to answer. Jason spoke first.

                 "This kid came out of nowhere and just hit me!" He said pointing at Harry. "Look, look at my face! Do you see this bruise?" I was just trying to defend myself!" Jason spit out lies.

              "Thats not true!" I sputter out. "Hes lying! Harry was acting in self defense, Jason was going to hurt him!" I yell. The men just stare at us. I recongized them as my security gurads. "You have to believe me!" I say.

           "You can explain yourselfs down at the police station." They say coldly. The words hit me hard. Police station. No. Its the kiss of death for all stars careers. I tried to hold in tears that were already streaking down my cheeks. Louis and Harry looked at eachother. Complete doom filled their faces. They knew this wasn't good. We all walked in shameful silence to the police cars waiting outside, except for Jason. He was still blabbering out all this crap trying to make himself seem innocent. My head was pounding. "Shut up." I mumbled. no one heard me.

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