Chapter Twenty Four

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Harry P.O.V

           I hurried out of the small room and out the exit door. I kept my head down and put my hands in my pockets. What have I done? No really.....what just happened? I couldn't read Arianna at all. She had this blank face. Was she mad? I don't think so, she seemed very surprised to see me, but the rest of the time, she seemed so subdued and almost emotionless. But she grabbed my hand. She really did.  The warmth of her hands was so calming and soothing, she makes me never want to let go. I jumped into my car and drove to the hotel me and Louis were staying in. We didn't want to buy the flat yet, just in case i didn't get the part.

           Suddenly I remembered what the lady had said. She told me to come back tomarrow at the same time. Is that a good thing? Or is everybody told that? I thought for a moment. Arianna's expression did seem a little odd when the lady said that. I bet Arianna knows what it means, but she didn't look happy, she looked more...confused. I can't get that last look she gave me out of my head. She looked straight into my eyes. I wanted to kiss her, but now im afraid thats something I'll never get to do.

           I pulled into the parking lot of Hampton Inn and ran up to me and Louis' room. I burst through the door and scared the crap out of Louis who was napping on the couch.

           "What in the world Harry?" Louis said.

           "Wake up Louis! I have to tell you about the audition!" I said, shoving him off the couch. Louis fell to the floor with a thud.

            "Oh of course! I forgot! Well, how did it go? Did you get the part?" Louis asked jumping up.

          "Well, I don't know, thats the thing." I said sitting on the couch.

           "What do you mean? When will you know?" Louis asks.

          "Well the lady that was running the audtion told me to come back to the studio tomarrow at the same time." I said.

           "Is that a good thing?" Louis says

            "Yes! I think so..." I said.

            "What did Arianna do? I bet she was surprised to see you. I mean Eleanor and her thought we had already left." Louis said.

              "Well she jumped up when I walked in and studdered out some stuff I couldn't understand. I guess I really caught her off guard. But then the people told her to be quiet and sit down. After that, she never said a word and had a blank stare." I told Louis.

              "Well whats thats supposed to mean? Was she happy to see you?" Louis asks confused.

              "I don't know! I was almost afraid she was angry or something." I said.

              "Why would she be angry?" Louis asks.

             "Because we basicly lied to her and Eleanor saying that we had left, and here I randomly show up out of nowhere." I say getting a drink out of the fridge.

          "True....I never really thought of it that way." Louis said.

         "I bet shes going to tell Eleanor all about this, then they might figure out your here too." I say.

          "Your right, and i don't want to disappoint Eleanor if we don't end up staying." Louis says.

          "This is a complete mess. A complete mess Louis. I should have never done this. We should be back home where were supposed to be." I say sighing.

              "Hey woah there dont be so negative. Its not a mess. As of now everthings going according to plan. You might still possibly get the part." Louis says.

             "Well...ya...but I still feel bad for lying to the girls." I say. Louis sighs and gets up.

            "Ya I know...I guess we should have told them." Louis says.

              "We still can. How about you call Eleanor up and tell her the truth." I suggest.

             "So you want me to tell her that we stayed here so you could try out for the part in Ariannas movie?" Louis asks.

               "Well...I don't know. You dont want to make me sound all desperate, cause I'm not, right?" I say, kind of unsure myself.

         "Right Harry, your not. OK heres what I say we do. As of now, Arianna and Eleanor have no proof that im here. Arianna just saw you. SO I say we give this one more day. We'll see if you get the part, and if you do....well first of all, thank the lord, second of all, we'll tell them! Because then we'll be here for good. Does that sound good?" Louis asks smiling.

           "Ok ya...we'll do that. But Louis, what if Eleanor texts you and asks you point blank if your here? You couldn't lie to her." I say 

           "Well hopefully that won't happen, if it does, Im screwed. I guess I just won't answer, its better than lying." Louis says shrugging.

           "What if Arianna texts me? I mean I never thought of that...but, what would I say? Everything just got so awkward between us now." I say falling back onto the couch.

             "Well if she does, well, I dont know, you have to see what she says. I would answer though, It would be too weird to just ignore her." Louis answers.

             " guess." I say sighing. "My life is so freaking complicated." 

              "No, you just make it that way. I sware you have the mind of a girl sometimes Harry. You hand-ring about everything and think up every possible outcome, just go with the flow, everything will be fine." Louis says. I smile, I could only hope so.


OK then, so do you think that Louis and Harry should have told Arianna and Eleanor from the start what they were doing? Or do you think Louis' plan is a good idea? Hmmm....i dont know!!! And will Harry get the freaking part? I bet your all dying to know hehe

<3 1Dforever23






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