Chapter Sixteen

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Harry P.O.V.

           "Nice job." Our singing coordinater said as we finished our song. We were going to be singing "Your Song" by Elton John for our final performance. Well, I can only hope it wont be our final performance. "Alright, so you guys sound great. Zayn, just remember to walk forward when you sing your verse, and Niall on the refrian really pronouce your words, ok?" besides that you guys are pretty prepared." he says.

          "Do you really think we can do it?" Niall suddenly asks. The coordinater was silent for a minute looking at all our our nervous faces.

            "Alright, group meeting, come here guys." He says. We all silently walk over to him.

            "I know you guys are stressed out, but you've made it to the final three! Even if you get voted off you should be proud of yourselves. You all have amazing talent, and I believe in you that you can do this, just have a little confidence in yourselves." He says.

           "Ya guys, I mean, we should be proud of ourselves whether we win or lose, we've come so far." Louis said.

             "But I want to win." Niall said.

            "We all do." I said looking at the floor. This competion has become important to me, and more than anything, I just want to win. I don't know why, but I haven't wanted to win anything more in my life.

               "We'll be fine guys." Liam says.

               "Ya, we'll be fine." Zayn echos him. 

             "Alright good." the coordinater says. "Now you guys need to go get some sleep, the competions tomarrow. "Good luck"

                 "Thanks." We all say in unison, then slowly walk back to our room. I took a shower, and when i got out, everyone was already in bed. I sat on my bed thinking. I couldn't get to sleep. I was so tired, but my eyes wouldn't close. I was thinking about everything. Don't you have those nights where you can't stop thinking? I was thinking about the competion. Then that made me nervous so I tired to think of something else. I started thinking about Arianna. I wonder what shes doing right now. I wonder if shes lying in her bed thinking about me too. Suddenly all I wanted was to see her right now. I wanted to smell her sweet perfume and have her warm, soft hands in mine. I wished more than anything, I could go back to that day at the movie theatre. I wished I could just hear her voice, see her face, i wish...suddenly my thoughts were interupted by my cell phone. It was vibrating. I picked it up, it said new message from 5137085780. I  opened my phone and read it: good luck tomarrow, I'll be watching you. Arianna :). My heart raced as I read and re-read the simple message over and over. Arianna had found my number in my sweatshirt, and actaully texted me good luck. 

         I layed down on my back with a huge grin on my face. Arianna will be watching me on TV, she wished me good luck, she actaully cares about me. That means that she had to have been thinking about me. Now I couldn't get to sleep, not becasue I was nervous, but because I was so happy. Now I was wide awake. Wait, should I reply? I grabbed my phone off the table and re-read the message. Then I put Ariannas number in my phone, can't forget to do that. I replied with a simple thanks :). Then I looked at the time. It was almost 12. I seriously needed to get to bed. I layed down and closed my eyes, still smiling.


               "Harry, come on, get up!" Louis shook me and I opened my eyes, suddenly rememebring what day it was.

                  "What time is it?" I asked. Even though I just woke up, I was wide awake.

                 "Time for us to get dressed and go down to our stylists." Louis answers.  I get up and look at the time myself. It was almost 12:00, we had until three, thats when the competion started. We are supposed to sing our song at 4:00, and we find out who was voted off at 6:00. I was already incrediably nervous. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs with the other guys to our stylists. As I sat in my familair chair, I relized that this could be the last time I sit in it. As the other guys were talking, I kinda just sat in my own world and was completely silent. I took out my phone and read Arianna's text again. I wanted her to text me again. I guess I could text her, now that I have her number, but shes probably busy and I don't want to seem desperate. So I just sat there with my phone in my lap, willing her to text me.

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