Chapter Fifty Nine

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Harry POV

It was getting late, and i was bored out of my mind waiting for Louis to come home. Everyone else had gone to bed, except Zayn...and we were in opposite rooms. I  contemplated telling Zayn about Susan, I mean, she was a part of his life too. I felt like if I told him he would know what to do...but something was holding me back. I couldnt quite place it...but I didnt want to tell Zayn..not just yet. Suddenly the front door slamned open and crashed against the back of the wall. Louis' home. I listened for a second to see if he was with anybody...but no. It sounded like he was alone. I got up from my bed and stretched, then walked into the living room.

"Harry! You're still up!" Louis says, happily surprised to see me.

"Ya..I am. Where were you anyway? Eleanors photoshoot could not have taken that long." I say, flopping down on the coach.

"Well I took the girls out for icecream after and then dropped them off." Louis says, sitting down on the coach next to me. Louis got to spend the evening with the girls. Maybe if I hadn't of walked out, I could have had an evening with them too. I sighed. Louis thought this sigh ment something else.

"Look Harry, if you're still upset about the whole..thing...I just want to say I am really sorry. And so are the girls. Arianna was so upset after you left she was crying. And I never saw Eleanor so deflated and down like that. It was awful." He says looking down, then back up at me. I know Louis was trying to say he was sorry but he was just making me feel worse.

"Its fine...really." I say. "I mean, I get it. Its ok that you told them. Its just that now I feel like such a big idiot, and I bet Arianna is pissed at me." I say, looking down at my hands.

"Oh god here we go again." Louis says, a slight grin on his face.

"What?" I say frowning.

"All day I was hearing Arianna say "Harry hates me! He'll never talk to me again!" And now here you go saying that Arianna hates you. Obviously you dont hate eachother, you're just mad at yourselves, which there really is no reason to be." Louis says looking at me with that little grin again. I shrugged my shoulders, even though I knew what Louis said was right. But does Arianna really think I hate her?

"Louis was Arianna being serious when she said that?" I ask, suddenly worried.

"Harry, I dont know. She seemed pretty convincing to me, but Eleanor seemed to just shurg her off and tell her to stop moping. Im not a girl, I dont understand them." He says, reaching up to scratch his face. I got a glimpse of his nails, all torn and ripped. Looks like the girls werent the only ones worried about me. Louis caught me looking at them and quickly pulled his hand away and hid it beneath the pillow. I opened my mouth to comment, but shut it again and grinned at him.

"What?" he says.

"Nothing." I say, grabbing a pillow and laying on it. I was so tired but couldnt fall asleep. I needed to tell Louis about Susan. I needed someone else to know this mom. She wouldnt understand. Suddenly Zayn walked in the room. It startled me, I had forgotten he was still up.

"Zayn?" Louis says, just as surprised as me.

"Hey." Zayn says, cracking his knuckles, then sitting down on the other couch.

"I didnt know you were up!" Louis says happily. But all I was thinking about was he probably heard all of our intense conversation.

"Where were you all day Louis?" Zayn asks.

" At Eleanors photoshoot. Oh shit! I need to tell you what happened Harry!" Louis says suddenly.

"Oh yeah! You said Mr. Gilson was there?" I ask sitting up.

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