Chapter Two

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Four Years Later......

Arianna P.O.V

     "Work it baby work it!" The photographer excitedly yelled. I turned slightly so my hair would blow in the fan and gave the camera a sexy smile. "Oh my god." I heard someone in the background say. It was probably that dorky new assistent; he loves me, but then again, who doesn't? "Ok one last picture sweetheart! Give me somethin special!" The photographer cooed. This one always knocks them dead. I bent over slightly and put one hand on my knee then blew the camera a kiss. Nailed it. The whole studio broke into an applause. "Gorgeous!" Everyone shouted. I also heard some some "Simply divines."

"Alright boys thats enough for the day." I said like I owned the place. I stepped down from the pedestal and everyone watched as I swung my hips back to my dressing room. I love my job. When I was 15 my dad signed me onto a modeling contract and everything went from there. Now everyday after school I drive down to the modeling studio. Maybe you've seen some of my pictures on the cover of Life and Style or Glamour. I'm like a celebrity in the making. But my dad tells me I'm only 16, but I think I can pull off 22. I look at my made up face in my dressing room mirror as I take off my earrings when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell.  "Hey Arianna!" Eleanor said. "Hey girl! You done with your photo shoot?" I ask.

"Yup! I really think it was a good one. Anixous to see where those pictures will end up." She says excitedly. "Hey since were both done you wanna get some starbucks then go hang at my house?"

"Ya let's do it, i could really use some coffee. Let me just change." I call to her, she was already walking out.

"I'll be in the car." Eleanor calls back.

"K." I wipe off my makeup and change into yoga pants and and a purple V-neck. It felt so good to be out of those highheels and that tight dress, I could barley breath in that thing. I love being a superstar model, but sometimes I like just being me. My phone buzzes and I check it. One New Message From Eleanor Calder: Come on its getting late they're gonna close <3 Eleanor. I grab my purse and head out the door. Some lingerers from my photoshoot are waiting outside my dressing room. God can a girl have any privacy? Jeez. "Hey Beautiful." One says. I ignore him and keep walking. As i walk to Eleanor's car I hear a few cat calls. I turn my swag off. I wasn't in the mood. "Sorry I took so long." I say as I get in the car. Eleanor doesn't answer. I look up and shes talking to some guy through the window."Oh come on Ellie he's not even hot." I say, not caring if he heard me or not. "Text me!" she says and then we drive off. After awhile Eleanor starts looking into the rear view mirror nervously. "Why do you keep doing that?" I ask.

"That black car has been following us ever since we left the studio." She says, I can tell shes obviously creeped out.

"It's probably just some dork that wants our number." I say totally unconcerned. 

"Its a man, I can see him." she says

"Big whoop."

"No I mean like a man man. He looks like hes like 40." she says looking at the mirror again. We pull into starbucks and I have to say its a bit sketchy that the black car pulls in too. We park and run inside when the man runs after us and stops us. Eleanor freaks and takes out her pepper spray. "No wait young lady!" The man says. "I'm not going to hurt you!" I'm a movie produdcer! " He says taking out his card. I snatch it out of his hand and show Eleanor. She looks at him then the card then me and I shurg. "Lady's please believe me!" He turns to me. "I'm looking for a cast for a new film and I couldnt help but notice you. How old are you sweetheart?" 

"I'm 16." I say unsurely.

"Perfect!" He exclaims. "God its too perfect! Your face, your hair, your body....those eyes! Goodness sweetheart have you had any experiance in acting?" My heart skips a beat. Was he asking me if I wanted to star in a movie? I couldn't speak I was shocked. I looked at Eleanor. Her jaw was to the ground but she was still holding her pepper spray. I looked at him and lied. "Yes. In fact, I've had a lot of experience. I 've guest starred in many shows." I say with a straight face. Sorry if you think badly of me. I knew I shouldn't have lied but this was a one in a life time chance. I mean If I would have said no, maybe he would have said forget it. Did I mention I was an excellent lier?

"Wonderful! He said with a huge grin on his face. "Whats your name?"

"Arianna Arlington." I say, stressing the "anna" so it sounded fancy.

"Arianna." He said to himself. "I love it! Then you have to promise you"ll read this script and come to Starlight Studios tomorrow at 3:00." He says handing me a thick packet of papers. "I'll take care of all the legal stuff and papers. All you gotta do sweetheart is show up! This is a big time movie darling! Your career starts now! He says shaking my hand vigoriuosly. Then he runs off to his car and drives away.

 Me and Eleanor just stand there in shocked silence. I couldnt believe it. Was this really happening? I look at Eleanor, then she looks at me. A huge grin spreads across my face, then Eleanor throws the pepper spray bottle at me and we jump up and down screaming. "Arianna! I sware your the luckiest girl in the world!" she yells. After we calm down we walk into starbucks shaking our hips like it was our business. After we get frappicinos we sit down and examine the script. "Arianna this is alot, you sure you can do this?" Eleanor asks then sips her drink. "Gimme it." I say reaching across the table. I mean it was alot but I could do it. "It's not too bad" I say.

"Yes but are you forgetting something? Your not an acteress, you have no manager,no experience, and you lied." Eleanor says concerned. Gosh that girl worries too much.

"Its all good Eleanor I can use my modeling manager. He's a good freind, besides, he used to work in the movies anyway." I say gulping down my frappicino.

"Ya ok.....but that still doesnt make you an actress. Do you even know how to act?" She asks

"Of course I do! In fact its always been my secret dream to be an actress. Just ask my dad, I used to put on shows when I was younger all the time."

"Alright." Eleanor says with a worried smile. We drink the rest of our drinks and head to her car. I had a huge smile on my face that i couldnt get rid of.

Alright so theres chapter two. Now the book will probably be in Arianna and Harrys perspectives the whole time. This was ariannas chapter. Harrys will be next :) dont worry hes not forgotten

<3 1Dforever23

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