Chapter Seventy Four

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OK everyone, ready for a little twist...Ive never done this before...but for the purposes of everyone understanding, Im going to have new a POV introduced. It will probably just be for this chapter, just becasue I think I would confuse everyone too much if I didnt. So get ready!! Things are about to go down here....enjoy :)

Harry POV

It was pretty late at night, and I was finally feeling good for once in what seemed like weeks. Nothing was perfect though, Susan was still here, causing problems, and Eleanor was still all wound up, and Zayn for that matter too, but at least Arianna wasn't mad at me. I tried to act cool about me and Arianna making up when I told the guys, but inside I still wanted to cry because I was so happy she still loved me. It sounds stupid, but she was really my everything, if I lost her, I don't know what I would do with myself.

"Hey Hazza." Louis says, walking into the bedroom. I closed my laptop and looked up at him.

"Hey." I say sleepily. Louis just continues on talking though without taking a breath.

"Well, Zayn is out somewhere, and Niall and Liam are asleep and Eleanor is at home cause she says she has a cold or something so Im bored and its Saturday night." Louis says in a semi-run together sentence.

"Where's Zayn at?" I ask, not knowing why I was so curious.

"Not sure...he didnt really say...he just kind of rushed off, saying he needed to do something was when you werent here. He was looking for you though." Louis says casually. I frowned. That sounded weird...something was going on.

"Well I should call him." I say. Louis frowns.

"Dont call Zayn, call Ari or something, invite her over." Louis suggests. I shrug, then think for a second.

"Well I mean, ya I guess I could call her." I say, actually glad that Louis just gave me an excuse to see her. I really wanted to have a quiet night with her and snuggle, quiet would be nice for once.

"Ok cool." Louis says, flopping down on the bed. I was just about to pull out my phone from my pocket, when it started buzzing. I was hoping it was Ari, asking me to come over to her flat. It would be nicer there, without Louis, nothing against Lou. I smiled widely when I saw Arianna's picture on my phone screen.

"Hello love." I say, answering the phone.

"Harry, this isn't Arianna, its Susan." Susan says in a very fast and almost panicked tone. I sit up abruptly, my eyes wide. Why does Susan have Ari's phone?

"Susan?" I say surprised. "Wheres Arianna?" I ask. There was silence on the other end for about 4 seconds. I started to get irritated. "Susan what did you do with her?" I say annoyed.

"Do with her? How could you blame me for doing something to her? I love Arianna, shes my friend, and so are you, that's why Im doing this." She says, her voice sounding very calm and controlled now. Louis looks at me confused. I put it on speaker for him to hear but put a finger up to my mouth for him to be quiet.

"Doing what Susan?" I ask, trying to sound calm.

"Look, I know this is none of my business, but, I just think you should know." She says. I frown at Louis.

"Know what." say sternly. I was starting to get nervous, where was this leading?

"Well, me and Ari went to the movies today. But at the end of the movie, we were gonna go home, but she asked me to drop her off that this place called the Love Shack." Susan says, a fake sound of concern in her voice.

"The Love Shack? Is she joking that's just a song, theres no such place." I say confused.

"Oh, apparently there is though, she knew just how to get to it. It was some kind of club, with a lot of trashy people. I mean it was no place for a girl like her." Susan says, sounding like she knows Arianna very well.

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