Chapter Seventy Seven

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Arianna POV

I had been awake all night. I had tired to close my eyes and sleep, but my mind wouldn't let me rest. One time though, I dozed off...for merely maybe a minute, but in that minute I just had a horrible dream about Harry. But the funny thing was, I knew it was horrible...but I couldn't remember it. My back and neck hurt from sitting up all night on the couch, and I couldnt move, becasue Niall was fast asleep on my shoulder...and I didnt want to wake him. Despite saying he would stay up with me, I knew he wouldn't be able to. But I was glad he was sleeping, he needed it. So did I...but... 

I looked at the clock under the TV, it was 9:00. I put my head in my hands and sighed. This was a mess. I needed to get back to my apartment and change. I needed my phone back. I needed to find Harry. But as of the moment, none of that stuff was happening. Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps walking down the hall. I dont know why but I closed my eyes and pretended I was sleeping. If it was Zayn, or anything of them for that matter, I wouldn't know what to say. I was so embrassed actually, becasue I feel like I was the cause of all of this. I heard the footsteps contiune down the hall, then disappear when they stepped on the carpet by the couch. He was standing over me, I could tell. I heard him sigh. I was guessing it was Zayn...but I couldnt be for sure. He knelt down to my level, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. It had to be Zayn.

"Zayn." Louis' voice said from behind the couch. When did Louis get here? Zayn took his hand off my shoulder and stood up.

'Yeah?" He says, his voice horse.

"How is she?" Louis asks. There was silence, I think they were looking at me.

"I dont know." Zayns says. "I also dont know how she got in must have been Niall, he's all cuddled up next to her." 

"He was probably scared, just like her." Louis says, his voice sounding so glum and serious. "I think we're all just scared." Zayn is silent. 

"I'm going to go out and try and find Harry again." Zayn says after a long pause.

"Zayn, hold on. Let me try calling him again, or something." Louis says. 

"Ok go ahead. He wont answer, you know that." Zayn says, sounding frusterated. Louis sighs.

"Im worried about him, and Arianna. She hasnt been awake since she feel asleep in your car Zayn." He says. Wow, thats a stretch from the truth. I havent been asleep all night..

"Well she had to have been awake to walk in here though." Zayn says.

'Oh ya...good point." Louis says. "I wonder what she was doing in here with Niall." 

"I bet Niall was awake, and she wanted company." Zayn says. "I wish I had been awake to comfort her." Zayn's words sounded so sincere.  They seemed so worried about me, and maybe I was worrying them further by pretending to be asleep. I opened my eyes, pretty quickly, to see Louis and Zayn both standing over me. Louis sees me first.

"Arianna!" Louis says excitedly. Zayn jerks his head to look at me.

"Arianna, babe, your awake." He says, kneeling down to my level.

"Hi guys." I say, but my voice was barely there.

"Arianna, how do you feel?" Zayn says. "Are you cold? Are you hungrey?" I stare at him blinking, my eyes having a hard time focusing.

"Im fine, Zayn...really." I say, trying to comfort him. Then there was silence.

"Good." Louis finally says. "We were worried about you." I give him a half smile.

"Dont worry about me, please. Be worried about Harry, we need to find him." I say. At the mention of Harry, their faces lose the small smiles that they were displaying for me.

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