Chapter Eighty

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 *Intense Chapter Alert* Just to let ya know :p Enjoy.

Harry POV

I pulled my sweatshirt up around my face and shut my eyes tight. I couldnt see anyway, the rain was pelting me at 100 miles per hour. I knew I had to go home, and this storm was the one thing that told me it was time. But I had to be miles away from the safety of my flat, and I couldnt see where I was going. Suddenly a loud crack of thunder shook the sky, and I jumped at the suddenness of it. I ached to be safe underneath the covers of my bed, with the boys around me again, but I knew that fantasy was far away at the moment. I put my head down and kept walking, but the rain was actually painful, stinging any part of me that wasnt covered. I tried to turn my head to the side, to see the road that I was walking alongside, but it just looked like a road, no sign or anything to recongize it. I took a deep breath in to steady myself, but I couldnt even hear myself think with the booming thunder and pouring rain. I hoped a car would drive by, so I could hitch hike a ride, but that seemed very unlikely. I've been walking for what seems like an hour now, and I havent seen anything, no car, no one. I felt an overwhelming sense of doom like I was going to walk this road forever, with the painful rain never stopping. But out of the blue, I heard a sound like a car engine, and I whiped off my sweashirt hood, using my arm to shield my face. I squnited desperatly into the the rain, my eyes searching for a car.

Arianna POV

I wiped the tears from my eyes quickly, they were not helping my vision, seeing as I could barely see already. I strained my eyes and leaned forward, I saw the old bridge ahead, and realized my car was approaching it at 80 miles per hour. I knew I had to slow down, and was about to release my foot gently off the petal, when something caught my eye alongside the road. I jerked my head to the right, taking my eyes off the road, straining to see. It was a person. My first reaction was shock that someone would be out here, but suddenly my mind clicked, and the blurry person became clear as day. My heart jolted to a deathly stop, and my whole body froze. Harry. My foot beneath me slammed on the break so suddenly. I knew that was a bad idea, but I had already pushed it with all my might, and the car wasnt listening to my demanding command. The car was hurled forward in an uncontrolable slide, swerling left and right as I tried to regain control. My hands became weak and slipped off the wheel and my breath stopped. My eyes got wide with uncontrolable fear as I watched the car sliding sideways onto the old bridge. My mind went blank and my body froze with shock. The car skidded along the bridge, and suddenly I felt a bump that sent me flying against the wind shield. My head slammed painfully against the glass and it shattered. Reality wavered in and out, and I suddenltly felt a weightlessness, as if the car was flying. But my brain kicked in just in time to realize what was actually happening...the car was free falling off the bridge into the water below. My throat closed up as I tried to scream, but just as I was about to hit the water, my voice cracked out one last sharp cry: "HARRY!!"

Harry POV

I heard the unmistakeable cry of my name, and the shock of seeing a car slide off the bridge suddenly became a nightmare. The realization kicked in, the car suddenly became familar, the voice was echoing in my head, and I knew who it was. "ARIANNA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Fear over came my body and I felt myself go numb, but my legs started to move beneath me without my command. I felt a surge of adrenaline rush through my veins, and the painful rain became nonexistent as I ran straight into it. I heard the sound of wood as I ran into bridge and saw a glimpse of the sinking car below. Without hesitation, I flung myself off the bridge and didnt even prepare myself for the painful impact into the water. For a second I thought I was heading straight for the car, and I shut my eyes, fearing the worst, but I felt my body hit the water so hard it knocked the breath out of me. My muscles tensed up with horriable pain, but I ignored it. The water splashed into my face in waves from the impact of Arianna's car, which was sinking fast.

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