Chapter Eleven

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Harry P.O.V

          I eyed Louis suspiously as he strut into our X factor room. He seemed to be seriously up to something, and he had this grin on his face that was making me grin.

            "Ok, what Louis?" I ask finally.

            "I was just over at Eleanors apartment, and guess who was there?" He said.

          "Oh my god Louis, you were in an apartment with ARIANNA and didnt tell me?!" I said jumping out of my chair. "What was she doing? Was she wearing modeling clothes? Did she look beautiful?"

         "Woah there, one thing at a time." Louis says all knowing.

       "Louis tell me what happened your freaking killing me!" I yelled.

       "So first I would think you would like to know that we were talking about you..." Louis says. 

       "ME!? Wait seriously? How was I brought up? What did she say?" I asked eagerly. I was getting that excited feeling in my chest. (Haha does everyone know what I mean by that? Cause I feel that all the time lol) Louis stared at me for a dramatic pause.

        "Well she said that she remembers you from school and she got....very excited when I said you have been telling me about her." Louis explains

       "She actaully got exicted? Like what? What did she do?" I ask quickly flinging my arms in the air.

         "Well Harry....she called you cute.." Louis says slowly, grinning. I jump out of my chiar again.

       "Oh my gosh Louis really?" I say trying to contain how happy that made me. I seriously could have ran down the hall again. "But saying I'm cute doesn't mean anything..." I said frowning. "She could have just been being nice." 

          "Oh come on Harry! I was there. I could tell she ment it by the way she smiled and looked at the ground when she said it. I think she digs you." Louis says nudging me. I thought about this for a moment. What if Louis is right? Is there a chance that Arianna could actaully like me? I brushed that aside, at least I know she knows I exist now! A couple weeks ago, I don't think she had thought about me since school. "And guess what else?" Louis says with that grin again.

            "What?" I ask staring straight at him.

            "You, me, Eleanor, Arianna...movies,tomarrow, two o'clock." He says abruptly. I freeze and get that excited chest feeling again."

             "Louis your lying." I say.


            "But how did you...? I jump up and fling my arms around him. "I LOVE YOU LOUIS YOU ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!" I yell. Louis seems extremlely satisifed with himself. He then stared at me, and looked like he was about to say something, then sat back down.

            "What?" I ask

            "Oh nothing." He says

           "No seriously you were about to say something I could tell." I say

          "Nope." He says with that stupid grin on his face again. Louis was obviously withholding some important information. He just had that look. But I was so happy about my "date" with Arianna that I could care less at the moment. Suddenly Liam ran in the room.

             "Practice on the stage in 5 minutes." Liam says to us then runs down the hall.

              "Thanks for waiting for us!" Louis calls.

             "Jeez I forgot all about our practice, crap the final is getting too close." I say changing my shirt into something nicer.

                 "Ah we'll be fine." Louis says. I just hoped so.  But I was too happy to think bad thoughts at the moment. I ran down the hall singing "Isn't She Lovely"  at the the top of my lungs with Louis running behind me.

Ok so this was a shortish chapter but I just wanted you to see Harrys reaction to the whole conversation. Ok so are you excited for the movies? That will be a fun chapter to write :)

<3 1Dforever23

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