Chapter Sixty Seven

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Harry POV

Zayn's words didnt hit me at first....I didnt understand what he ment. But when the realization hit me, it was like someone splashed my face with a bucket of icey cold water. I didnt say anything for a second....I didnt know what to say..or do. I glanced up at Arianna, she was staring at me, like I was a ghost or something. Her face just as pale and frozen as mine. Im sure she heard what Zayn had said. I opened my mouth to speak but Zayn interupted me.

"Harry? Do you hear me right now? our flat. You need to get over here. Im litterally hiding in your room. I left Niall and Liam out there with her...Louis is gone somewhere." Zayn says...his voice almost sounded panciked. Looks like Im not the only one afraid of her.

"I'll be right there." I say back to Zayn, then press the end call button. I shove my phone in my pocket and stand up. Arianna stands up with me...her eyes staring deeply back into mine. My heart was beating so fast. I couldnt form words to say to her. I didnt know what I should say. What was right? What was wrong? She was waiting for me to say something...waiting for an explaination. But I didnt have one. I grabbed her waist and pulled her straight up against my chest. She was surprised but readily wrapped her arms around my neck. I moved my hands up and down her body. She moved closer to me,but her lips only reached my chin. I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up so that she was above me, and she put her hands around my face and kissed me. I tasted her sweet lipgloss on my tongue and her long hair fell upon my shoulders. I placed her back on my ground but she landed on her tip-toes so she could still be my height. She started moving her hands down my neck to my shoulders, then my chest. I held onto her hips as she moved down to kiss my neck. 

"I love you Arianna." I whispered in her ear. She went back down to her normal height, and placed a hand on my chest. She looked up at me.

"You heart is beating fast...are you scared?" She asks me.

"Yes." I reply shamelessly. She grabs my other hand and places it on her chest. I had never touched her there before, and with the tank top she was wearing....I could see straight down her shirt. She saw my eyes go slightly wider.

"Of me?" She asks in a whisper. I look down at my hand on her chest, then back up at her face.

"Im not scared of you." I say back to her. She runs her other hand through my hair, then pulls herself closer to me.

"Then what are you scared of?" She asks, then gently bites my lip. I kiss her back.

"Of losing you." I say in her ear. She pulls back and stares at me with her big brown eyes. I wait for her to say something back. She sighs, then looks up at me and smiles.

"Go." She says. "Go to your flat...its ok." I look at her confused.

"What?" I say.

"I said its ok. Zayn needs you to go. Help him." She says.

"But you dont understand what the problem is." I tell her.

"I understand more than you think Harry." She says back to me. I look down, not knowing how to respond to this. 

"Then you know that I love you and only you, right?" I ask.

"I do now." She says.

"Good. Please remember that. Please trust me." I tell her, then kiss her one last time.

"Goodbye." She says.

"Bye Arianna." I say, as I walk away from her..then shut the door. I didnt want to leave her, but I knew I had to. I couldnt leave Niall and Liam there without Zayn helping..with Susan Burell. Shes manipulative and intimidating....and she will mess with your mind. I dont want Liam and Niall to have to experience that. I got into the car, and rushed home to the flat. Not knowing how I was going to deal with her...and not knowing what she wanted. I was just hoping to get her out as soon as possible...but somehow I knew she would come back. I parked the car outside and ran up the stairs to our floor instead of taking the was faster. My heart was starting to beat faster and faster...and thought of Arianna again. I wanted to be with her. All I wanted was her right now....then why am I rushing back to a girl I dont love? Maybe part of me loved her once....maybe...but its sure not there now. I stood in front of my door...getting as nervous as I possibly could...then before I could think anymore...I flung the door the open. It hit the side of the how it always does when Louis comes in. The sound reverberated off the walls...and the flat went silent. I looked around. Liam and Niall were sitting on the couch, both of them nervous and confused. They stared up at me, then there eyes moved to the other couch. I followed there gaze...and I had to blink my eyes to make sure she was actually sitting there...but she was...this was real. She was sitting on the couch across from them, her legs crossed perfectly, her clothes perfectly smoothed out, her nails perfectly manicured...and her outfit color cordinated so much it was creepy. Her makeup was appiled beautifully, just like how Ari does it...but somehow it didnt make her look just made her look she always did. Susan Burell.

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