Chapter Thirty Seven

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Harry P.O.V

       A blast of cold wind made me open my eyes. I blinked to make my eyes focus and realized I was lying in dirt behind a bush. Wait what? Why am I here? Then I saw Arianna and suddenly remembered. Oh crap...we must have fallen asleep! What time is it? I sat up and my neck hurt from lying in a weird position. It was sunny outside, but it looked like early morning. I looked at my phone. It was 7:46 am. I nudged Arianna. Her hair was covered in dirt, I brushed it out for her as she opened her eyes.

          "Harry?" She said in a raspy voice. It was really cute actually.

          "Good morning, guess what we did?" I say to her. She looks at me for a second then her eyes get wide and she sits up.

           "WHAT?" She says.

            "No, no no!" I laugh. "I didnt mean...that...I ment we fell asleep behind the bush!"

            "Oh." She says putting a hand to her chest. "Got it."

             "Well its 7:46 right now.....dont we have to be somewhere today?" I say helping her up.

         "Um...oh crap! The commerical! Were supposed to be at the studio at 12:00." She says, brushing herself off.

                "Dont worry we have some time." I say. "I wanna go and get changed though before we go. What are we supposed to wear?"

                 "Oh it doesnt matter they will put us in some dorky outfit that they picked out. Probably mess up our hair too." She says walking down the hill. I catch up to her.

                    "Great. This is going to be embrassing isn't it?" I ask. Arianna smiles at me.

                 "It going to be very embrassing." She says. She was a fast walker early in the morning, I ran to keep up with her. I really wanted to go back to her apartment again and watch her get ready......but I didnt want to be awkward and invite myself over. I guess I needed to go back to my apartment anyway to change clothes.

                   "Harry....." Arianna says suddenly. "Wheres your car?"

                  "What do you mean its right over......ohhhh no." I say, looking at the grassy spot where my car should have been.

                    "Harry they towed it." Arianna says. I ran into the parking lot and looked all around for the car. It was definately gone.

                      "Crap! That was the X Factor car! If I lost it Im going to have to pay a huge fine that I dont have!" I say, getting flustered.

                     "Harry calm down, someone had to have towed it, we just have to figure out where they took it." Arianna says in a calming voice.

                     "But we cant go in and ask the people in there if they saw anything." I say looking in the windows.

                      "We have too Harry." She says. "Ill do it."

                  "But someone will recongize you!" I say holding her back. She puts sunglasses on and covers most of her face with her hair.

                    "Harry theres no other way, someone from inside had to have seen it happen." She says. "Now you stay out here, Im going to go in, ask, and were going your get your car back...ok?" I just shake my head.

                     "I hope that all works out." I say, then before i could say anymore she was already in the theatre. I watched her through the window, but I had to duck down becasue some people walked out. When I got back up, she was walking out with some guy that looked like a manager. I ducked down again and listened to what they were saying.

                       "Yay...the silver one?" I heard the man said.

                       "Yes, did you see anything?" Arianna says. I almost didnt recongize her voice. She can really disguise it well.

                    "Well, it was in a no parking zone, so I saw a tow truck come and take it away." He says.

                    "Where would they have taken it to?" Arianna asks.

                   "Well....uh...not sure. It could be down at a police station or some kind of car place." He says. Some kind of "car place" wow thanks for your help Mr.

                     "Well alright, thanks, I'll try to look around." Arianna says, then she walks off down the street and the man walks back in. After about 20 seconds, she comes running back.

                          "OK so the man said..."

                       Ya... I heard, "some kind of car place" Arianna that could be anywhere!" I say throwing my hands into the air.

                    "Harry, your really cranky calm yourself do you need food or something? We both havent eaten since yesterday afternoon." She says.

                     "Yes im starving actually." I say, then I try to get myself together because I really was acting kind of childish. I kind of get that way when I havent eaten in forever.

                        "Well...we could get something to eat...except there one problem." Arianna says.

                   "We dont have a car." I say slouching down against the wall of the theatre. Arianna sighs.

                     "Harry I sware the stupidest things always happen to us. Eleanor and Louis never have these problems. We just really need to stop falling asleep everywhere." She says, sitting down by me. "Ill call Eleanor."

                       "Ok." I say sounding all depressed. I really wasnt trying to though. Arianna looks at me.

                        "Hey buddy, its gonna be ok." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smile at her. How come shes so perfect? If I didnt have her, I dont know what i'd do with myself. She pulled out her phone and dialed up Eleanor.

                 "Hey Eleanor." She says. "Ya..umm I have a bit of a problem." Silence. "Can you pick me and Harry up from the X Factor theatre...his car got towed." I could hear Eleanor's voice through the phone freaking out. I kind of laughed. "Eleanor, Eleanor listen. We need you to pick us up quickly becasue we need to get down to the studio." Arianna says calmly. "Ya, were going to be in a commerical." She says. Silence. "OK ya..were fine just hurry.........alright...bye." She hangs up her phone and puts it back in her pocket.

                      "So shes coming to get us?" I ask. 

                     "Yup." She answers.

                      "But what about the car? We'll never find it." I say.

                      "Eleanor said she and Louis would look around at "car places" for it. They even said they would check the police station. We need to just get something to eat, get ready, and get down to the studio. OK?" She asks. I look up at her. She must be used to all this rushing around and getting to the studio stuff. I wasn't yet. But I wouldnt want to be doing anything else right now. As long as Im with her, Im happy. And just as if she read my mind, she kissed me again. their in a mess huh? The cars towed...they need to get to the studio, their not ready..AHH. Hopefully Louis and Eleanor will find it...otherwise Harry will have to pay a fine....and if he has to pay that fine...will him and Louis have enough money to pay for their flat?? I dont know!! AHH Ok leave a comment :)


Accidently in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora