Chapter Fifty Seven

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Harry POV

I put my hands in my pockets as I walked back down the street. It was starting to get really cold, and the wind wasnt helping. I didnt know if I should go back to Eleanor's apartment. They have probably left by now, I hope Louis didnt take the car, becasue I would have no way home. And who knows where Louis could have gone anyway. I sighed heavily. I dont know know how long I have been out at this point. I feel like I have been walking around for hours, trying to avoid going back, but I had to at some point. I just kept feeling more and more gulity, and I wanted to say sorry to all of them, becasue I wasnt really mad. I guess I can understand Louis' reason to tell them, but I just dont like embrassing stories to be brought back up again. I would have probably eventully told Arianna, just like how I told her about the X Factor and how I did it for her. Theres just something about her that makes me not afraid to tell her everything. I just feel like she'll never judge me. I wanted to see her right now and tell her I was sorry, but Im sure she would just say I did nothing blah blah blah. But why then do I feel so gulity? I turned the corner so I could see Eleanors apartment complex ahead. I strained my eyes to see if I could see the car. Either I couldnt see it, or it wasnt there. Suddenly my phone rang in my pocket, and I grabbed it eagerly, thinking it may be Arianna or Louis. I looked at the name. was....Mom? I answered it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi honey, how are you?" She asks.

"Um..fine." I say. She never calls just to call, there had to be something going on.

"Good. Well you know how we have had trouble with fans outside the house?" She says. Oh great...where was this going.

"Ya..did something happen?" i ask curiously.

"Well theres this girl, I thought she was another fan, but she keeps insisting that she knows you and wants to talk to you, and Im starting to believe her...shes really convincing." She says. I laugh.

"Mom I bet shes just saying that dont believe her." I say, walking up to the parking lot. Yup. The car was gone.

"Well thats what I thought, but when she told me her name, I thought it sounded familar." She says. I sigh. What was I going to do now? The cars gone and I have no way home. "Harry?" She asks.

"Oh sorry, what did you say?" I say, walking into the little shelter roof top.

"Her name sounded familar and I think you do know her, becasue I feel like Ive seen her before too." She says.

"Well whats her name?" I ask.

"Susan Barrel or something like that." She says. The phone slips out of my hand and cracks on the concrete. My whole body froze and I couldnt pick it up. No, no, no. It cant be her. It couldnt. How could she have found my house? Why would she come back? Why would she want to talk to me?

"Harry? Hello?" I heard my moms voice calling from the phone. I reached down and picked it up, the screen was shattered. My heart was beating so fast for some reason.

"Mom...did you say Susan Burell?" I ask.

"Yes, that was ok did you drop the phone?" She asks.

"Mom.....what else did she say?" I ask.

"All she said is that she knows you and wants to talk to you." She says. 

"Ok, what did you say?" I ask her,

"That I would ask you, is there a problem? What do you know her from?" She asks concerned. I didnt know what to think of this. Part of me was thinking run as fast as you can, but the other part...actually wanted to see her, and that made me feel gulity.

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