Chapter Fourteen

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Harry P.O.V

          I was sitting in our X Factor room with Louis when Niall walks in.

        "Hey, I heard you and Arianna went on a date last night!" Niall blurts out at me.

        "Well..." I say grinning, "It wasn't exactly a date, but you could call it that."

        "Well tell me what happened!" Niall says excitedly.

       "They don't know how to put seatbelts in, ran into a glass door, and then fell asleep on eachother halfway through the movie." Louis says before I could say anything.

         "Oh ok and what did you do that was so more advanced than us?' I shoot back at him.

        "We didn't run into a door, we snogged in the movie theatre, and I asked Eleanor out." Louis says with a satitsfied grin on his face.

          "You did?" Niall says. "Did she say yes?"

           "Of course she said yes!" Louis says.

          "Woah Louis nice." I say.

           "I wanna hear more about Arianna and Harry." Niall says sitting on the floor.

           "Ok, let me tell him Louis." I say before Louis could blurt out anymore. "We had a really fun time. Shes so sweet and nice, and All i can think about is her now."

           "Ooooo sounds like Harry's in love!" Niall says laughing.

            "I really do love her." I say looking straight at Louis, waiting for him to make some smart-alec remark.

            "What you looking at me for?" Louis says. I laugh then Niall shoots me with another question.

                    "Soo when are you going to see eachother again? You should text her!" Niall says.

                   "Well...I dont exactly have her number." I say a little embrassed.

                    "Harry! You have to get it.....I mean you guys cant even talk now." Louis says to me. I sigh and shiver. It was cold in here.

                    "Wheres my Jack Wills?" I ask. I stand up and look around then suddenly Louis gives me this huge grin.

                       "You should ask Arianna, I bet she knows where it is." Louis says.

                      "What?" I say confused, then remember. "Thats right! Arianna has it from last night!" Oh this is too perfect! Now we have to see eachother again!"

                        "Great plan you gonna see her if you dont have her number?" Louis asks me. It was finally my turn to give Louis the grin that he so often gives me.

                         "Whats that cheeky smile for?" Louis asks.

                    "Im smarter than you think Louis. I left my number in the pocket of my jacket." I say looking from Niall to Louis.

                    "Thats good, thats real good." Niall says to me.

                 "I'm impressed." Louis says to me. "Now thats the Harry I'm used to." Niall laughs then asks the question I was afriad he'd ask.

                    "So....has she texted you?" Niall says innocently.

                  "Um..well no." I say. "But shes a busy person, besides she could not have found it yet."

                 "Oh." Is all Niall says.

                "Well she'll find it Harry." Louis says to me.

                "I hope so, I really love her." I say to the ground. "I only hope she loves me back."

                "Hey um...Harry? " Niall asks.


               "Doesn't Arianna already have a boyfriend?" I stare at him for a moment. "Well that one guy in the movie? Rememeber? They were all kissy and stuff at the premiere?" Niall asks me. 

                 "Just because they were in a movie together doesn't mean their dating, Its called acting." I say looking at Niall.

              "Well why did they snog at the premiere then? They weren't acting, the movie was over." Niall says.

                   "They could still just be putting on a show for the audience." I say to Niall, but it was more just to reassure myself.

                  "Thats right, be hopeful Harry. Shes not yours yet but that doesn't mean she never will be." Louis says to me.

                  "Louis what do you think? In all seriousness, do you think Arianna and that guy are really dating?" I ask him. Louis sighs.

                  "Harry, you know its all very possible. And from what we've all seen from the premiere, it looks like they are dating. But you never know. Arianna wouldn't have been so readily to go basicly on a "date" with you, if she really loved that other guy." Louis says trying to cheer me up.

                  "So your saying she doesn't really love him? Its all an act?" I ask eagerly.

                 "Harry, do I look like I know everything to you?" No, I have no clue if she really loves him, thats her buisness." Louis says.

                   "Oh." I sigh.

             "Oh come on Harry don't be sad!" Louis says trying to make me smile. "Niall whydid you have to bring up this guy anyways?"

           "Sorry Harry." Niall says looking sad.

          "Hey guys its alright you didn't do anything I'm just being sulky." I say smiling at them. I always feel bad when I make Niall feel bad for me.

            "Alright good." Louis says. "But stop being sulky, we have our last practice before the final three in an hour so lets get all happy and energized." Of course Louis would say that, hes always happy and energized, so is Niall. Why aren't I? I just had an amazing night with Arianna, I've come so far since I was just sitting on my bed at home looking at her pictures on a magizine cover. I should be happy.

           "Ok i'm done being sad, lets go find Zayn and Liam." I say jumping up. Then we all run out the door and down the hall like we always do.

Ok Jason is just in the way for everybody, isn't he? Yay so I hope Arianna relizes who really loves her.

 <3 1Dforever23


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