Chapter Eighteen

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Harry P.O.V

         My eyes opened suddenly and I stared at the ceiling confused. I was in my bed, but I knew something wasn't right. I tried to sit up, but somethng was on my arm. I blinked to get the foggy-ness out of my eyes. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Arianna. Suddenly the events of the previous night all came back to me. I thought it had been a dream.

         I didn't want to move in fear of waking her up, so I just layed back down. How did I get in my bed? I was so confused. But my thoughts stopped when I looked at Arianna's face. She was gorgeous. Her sweet face looked so perfect and peaceful. I wanted to stoke her soft cheeks with the back of my hand. She was breathly softly and was so still. I slowly reached out my hand to her face when suddenly her eyes opened abruptly. I snapped my hand back and she sat up with a start, her eyes wide with confusion as she stared at me.

         "How did I get here?" She questioned me. Then suddenly she looked away and got up. I got up too.

         "Do you remember last night?" I ask her gently. She stared out the window for a long time before she answered.

           "Harry, I'm so sorry, I'll leave now." She says walking to the door. I grab her arm.

            "No Arianna, please stay. It's alright." I say looking into her eyes. She looks at me for a moment then walks away from the door.

                "Harry, I don't know what was wrong with me last night. I just.....I felt so confused and alone and scared..and I didn't know why. I wanted to see you, I wanted to make sure you were alright. She looks at the ground when she says "I wanted to see you." I was about to say something when she started to speak again.

             "I didn't know where to find you, so i just...ran. Then a man started chasing after me and I was so scared Harry. Why were you outside?" She asks looking up at me. I didn't want to tell her. I looked down and started fumbling with my phone. 

                "I guess I was feeling lonely too." I say to the floor. "I was going out to find you." At this I look up at her, and her face was not what I expected. She was smiling and looked relieved. I just smiled back. We stood there looking at eachother for a moment when someone burst through the door.

              "You guys are finally up!" Louis says loudly. "So tell me what you two were doing last night huh?"

               "Louis, how do you know about..." I was cut off.

                "I was about to drive Eleanor home last night when I see you two just lying on the cold concrete together. We didn't know if you were passed out or asleep or what. You better think it scared the living daylights out of Eleanor who started to panic. She thought you guys got hit by a car or something."

                "What!?" Me and Arianna both say.

                 "I don't remember falling asleep." Arianna said.

               "Neither do I." I said looking at Louis confused.

             "Well you obviously did. Eleanor had me carry Arianna and you Harry, ya thats right I carried you, up to our room. Neither of you woke up, and Eleanor was this close to calling 911." Louis says looking at the two of us matter of factly.

              "Oh my god." Arianna said. "I need to call Eleanor, where is she?"

              "She at home, don't worry shes fine." Louis says continuing on with his story. "So then just when I think Eleanor's head might explode, Harry gets up and starts sleeptalking.

                  "What!?" I say, thinking theirs no way that happened.

                 "Oh yeah it happened Harry." Louis says with a huge grin on his face.

                  "Well what did I say?" I ask, then immediately regret asking.

                "First you said "Wheres Dusty! Wheres Dusty!" Louis said in a totally mocking voice.

                "Isn't that your cat?" Arianna says smiling.

                 "Ya." I say awkwardly. How did she know that?

                "Ya, and then you said something else." Louis says.

                "What now?" I say.

               "You kept mumbling "don't let go, don't let go" Louis answers. I look down, and Arianna stops giggling. 

                  "Don't let go of what?" Niall says barging into the room. When he sees Arianna he literally jumps backward. "Uhh sorry if I'm interupting anything."

               "No Niall come back." I say, thinking he could be the perfect distraction from this suddenly awkward conversation.

                  "Niall you know Arianna don't look so surprised." Louis says flopping down on my bed.

                 "Hi Arianna." Niall says, then sits down on the couch.

                  "Hi." Arianna answers.

                "Well anyway you two, I think we deserve an explaination." Louis says looking from Arianna to me. She shoots a glance at me then starts talking.

               "Well I was coming to give Eleanor her cell phone, because she forgot at at her apartment." she says and then looks at me for help.

              "Uhh ya." I say, trying to think of something.

               "So I was running because I parked in a no parking zone," she continues, "and all I remember is running head on into Harry, who was also running." Louis gives both of us a look and Niall coughs.

                   "So I guess we knocked eachother out." I say. Louis is still giving us a "this story is crap" look.

                "So, thats what happened?" Louis says.

              "Uhh yeah." I say. Arianna nods her head.

            "As much as that sounds extremely fake, I don't have another explaination sooo...ok!" Louis says.

               "Wait I'm confused, whats this about?" Niall asks

            "Niall, I'll tell you later." I say.

           "Well I should be going." Arianna says walking towards the door.

           "Wait," I say, then relize I had no reason for her to stay. She turns around. "Uhh I can drive you home." I offer.

          "No its fine, I have my car." She answers.

          "Oh ok." I say

           "So, see you later." She says giving me one last look before she leaves.

           "Bye." I say. I felt like I should have said more, but I didn't know what to say. I didn't want her to leave. Every time she left I felt like I would never see her again.

Alright, so what did you think about all this? Why did they feel they had to lie to Louis and Niall? And I wonder what Arianna thought when Harry said he was going to see her too. leave me a comment!

<3 1Dforever23







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