Chapter Six

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Arianna P.O.V

"Hey, hey Arianna" Eleanor said for the millionth time. 

" I don't wanna hear anymore about what you bought at the mall." I said chewing my bubble gum and painting my nails. I was hanging out at Eleanor's place for the day. And she's in a really hyper mood for some reason. She just keeps rambling on about stuff I don't really care about, but I love her so I listen. I should be the one whose pumped though. The big premiere for my movie is tonight. After what seemed like a super long time, I finally finished the movie. And now I heard for the premiere tonight people are already lined up and the streets are blocked. This is going to be crazy. I get to strut around in my pretty red gown and smile and wave to the crowd as they wait to watch my movie. I would never have thought that this silly movie would be such a big hit! Maybe Eleanors excited because she gets to come along too. Her modeling manager convinced my director to let Eleanor strut around with me for publicity. Did I tell you their trying to make Eleanor a star too now? I look over at her and she's got that I just saw a cute guy look so I decided to listen to what she had to tell me. "Ok fine what Eleanor?" I say blowing a bubble. 

" Have you heard about those guys called One Direction?" she says with a huge smile on her face. 

" You met some guys all named One Direction? What werid club were you at this time?" I ask smirking. She laughs at me. 

" Nooo Arianna their five guys in a band!!!" she says giving me the duh look. 

"Oh it's a band? A boy band? Didn't those go out of style in the like 90s?" I ask.

" I don't know. But these guys are really adorable!!!! They can all sing so well and they are sooo frickin hot.....especially the guy whose always wearing stripes. She says all excited. I smile. Eleanor gets hilarious when she talks about hot guys.  

" Ok well if their so hot, why haven't I heard about them?" I ask her. 

"Well do you watch the X Factor?" 


" Well then I guess you wouldn't know then." Eleanor's says acting all knowing . 

"Well shuckie darn." I say. "So did they win or something?" I ask. I was never interested in that show so I have no clue how it works. 

"No they haven't won yet but their in like the final three." she says. 

"Awh cute you'll have to show me them sometime. What are their names?" I ask, examining my freshly painted nails.  

"Well theres Louis Tomlinson....uhhh....Liam...somethin....uhh I know one that's started with an H but I can't place it... And two others. Ooo and one is Irish." She concludes all proud of herself.  

"Well it looks like Louis seems to be the fave....seeing as he's the only one whose whole name you know." I say giving her a nudge. 

"Oh he definitely is...." she says looking at the window all dreamily. Wow what a dork. I laugh and give her a hug. Then suddenly something dawned upon me. 

" Woah woah woah. Did you say their we're from the X factor?" I ask getting excited. 

" Ya... Why?" she says confused. 

" Holy crap Eleanor brace yourself...." I say with a huge grin on my face. 

" What! What! What!" she squeals jumping up and down on the coach. 

"I just remembered that my manager said something about some X Factor contestants showing up at the premiere for publicity. And I remembered him saying something about a boy band...." this was too much for Eleanor. She literally was bouncing off the walls squealing "Oh my god oh my god oh my god." 

"Are you freaking kidding me??? Why didn't you tell me this before?!" she says with a high pitched voice. I laughed at her...she truly gets overly excited about things. 

" I didn't know you watched the X Factor! I didn't even think anything of it! Alot of people go to movie premieres for publicity because alot of people show up." I said laughing. 

" Arianna I have to look perfect for this!!! She screamed. Then she started dancing around singing "Im gonna meet Louis!! I'm gonna meet Louis!!" 

"Don't worry about it Eleanor. First of all your a model...second of all you get you hair and makeup professionally done!" I say 

"Ooo now I'm nervous." she says. "what if he doesnt like me!? 

"You're nervous? Unlike you and those one dimension people I'm actually supposed to be there promoting my movie. You and those guys just get to have fun and talk to people." I say 

"Ya ya's One DIRECTION by the way. " 

"Ok ok whatever. I say. "oh crap look at the time? We gotta get down to the studio to get ready!!" I say checking myself in the mirror then grabbing my purse. "Come come Eleanor!" I call. 

"Coming!!" she says as she bounces out of the room. We walk down to the limo waiting outside of Eleanors place. I love being famous.

Ok. So time for the big premiere!! But Harry's gonna be there!!! What's gonna happen?? And what is Harry thinking about knowing he's gonna be at Ariannas movie premiere!? Well next chapter it will be Harry's turn so we'll find out!!! Comment on what you think is gonna happen! 

<3 1Dforever23

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