Chapter Thirty Five

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Harry P.O.V

        I ran into the studio, Arianna following behind me. I held the door open for her, this time successfully, and we shot into the lobby. We were already five minutes late. Arianna seemed stressed, and that was making me stressed. Arianna motioned me to follow her down this hall, and just as we were making the turn, an important looking man stopped us.

          "Are you Harry Styles?" He asked with a thick british accent.

         "Uh, yes..uh sir." I awkwardly say. I turn to Arianna. She shrugs at me.

        "Ah, good then. My name is Edward Gilson. I'll be your new manager for the production of this film." He holds out his hand to me, and I try to give him a hard handshake. He turns to Arianna.

         "Ms. Arlington I assume?" He says, holding out his hand to her.

          "Yes sir, pleasure to meet you." Arianna says very politely. She had this business stuff down. I eyed this man up and down. Did he say he was my new manager? I had a manager on the X Factor, but he was basicly my age and just messed around with us. I didnt know managers for movies were so....serious. 

           "Mr. Styles, Listen to me when Im talking to you!" He suddenly says. I almost jumped. This man was scary.

         "Oh uh..sorry sir." I say uncomfortabley. He eyed me up and down, I felt like I was getting inspected in the army. He sniffed and made a rather unsatisfied face when he was done. I hated him already. And the way he called me Mr. Styles reminded me of my 7th grade teacher. I hated her.

           "As I was saying," He continues, "I run a tight schedule, and I dont like when people are late. From now on you will be at the studio at the time you are told, is that clear Mr. Styles?" I glanced at Arianna, she looked annoyed.

            "Yes sir, sorry sir." I blurt out nervously.

          "Well come along now, down the hall to the left is where the meeting is being held." He says, then turns on his heels, not even waiting to see if we'd follow.

         "Sorry Harry." Arianna whispers. "Thats Mr. GIlson. Hes famous in the studio for being the most pompous, arrogant, tight-nit manager you can get. They must have assigned him to you becasue your new."

             "Woah, woah, woah. So your saying I have to deal with this guy for the whole process of the movie?" I say in a rather loud whisper. We glance up to see if he heard us, he didnt thank god.

              "Ya..thats just rotten luck. Suck up to him and you'll be fine. My friend had him one time, she said you just have to do what he says, and he'll tolerate you." She explains.

            "He'll tolerate me? You have got to be kidding." I say, completely pained. Suddenly Mr. Gilson stops abruptly in the tiny hall and flings open a door. He did it so fast we didnt have time to react and it slamned into both us, knocking us to the ground.

               "You ok?" I say helping Arianna up.

              "Ya.." She says annoyed. "Fine, just fine."

              "What is going on out here?" A man looking stressed runs out of the room.

               "Oh hello Mr. Reed." Arianna says politely. "Sorry were late, we got caught in some traffic."

               'What I want to know is why you and....uh..Harry is it? Just ran into the door!" He says looking confused.

              "It was Mr. Gil-" Arianna cuts me off.

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