Chapter Twenty Five

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Arianna P.O.V

     "WHAT?" Eleanor said, making a streak of lipstick across her face.

    "Thats what I said, he auditioned." I said staring at her. She stared back at me with this face. I started laughing.

    "He couldn't have! Hes in Cheshire!" Eleanor says snapping out of her shock.

     "Well he did!" I said, throwing my arms up. "I don't know how or why, but he did."

     "But that doesn't make any sense!" Eleanor said in denial.

     "Eleanor, I am just as confused as you are, I dont understand this at all." I say, sitting down on her couch. Eleanor walks out of the bathroom wiping the makeup smear off her face.

       "Well what did he say? How did he do?" Eleanor drilled me with questions.

       "He just walked in, answered their questions, kind of, and then read from the script. He did everything that the other guys did. But what was weird was he barely looked at me. Their was like no recognition of hey ya, we know eachother. It was like he didnt know me. The whole thing felt so weird." I explained. Eleanor gave me a half confused, half simpathetic look.

         "So he didnt talk to you afterwards or wait for the audition to be done so you guys could chat?" Eleanor asks

      "Nope, he just left. I mean Im not mad, i just want an explaination, this was completely random." I said sighing.

     "I just dont understand why he wouldnt tell you first you know? I mean you guys are friends, friends talk to eachother." Eleanor says.

     "Your right, but I don't think Harrys the type to just spill out all of his thoughts to someone. You know, I almost feel like he always got...a plan or something. He always seems to surprise me,  and be one step ahead. Its like he knows something I don't." I say. Eleanor looks at me for moment, she had to think about that one.

        "You know ....your right." Eleanor says, nodding her head. "I have noticed that. Like how he just so happens to be at your movie premiere. And how he happens to be Louis best friend, whos my boyfriend. And how he came along to the movie that was supposed to be just me, you and Louis." Eleanor says supiously.

        "Woah your right. I feel like Louis is kind of odd sometimes too. I feel like he knows so much and is only giving so little." I say.

          "OK...this is killing me. Call Harry." Eleanor says. 


         "You heard me, call him." 

        "Eleanor, theres no way im doing that, what would I say?" Eleanor thinks for a moment.

         "Just make it a casual conversation. Ask him what made him decide to try out and everything. And ask him why hes not in Cheshire. Maybe his flight was cancelled and he just wanted to mess around and see you one last time." Eleanor suggests. Gosh, she makes everything sound so easy.

          "But...this is really awkward though!" I say, flopping back onto the couch.

           "Hey look, you think falling asleep on eachother in the middle of a parking lot isn't awkward? Then why in the world would this be!" Eleanor says. I kind of laugh. Shes got a point.

            "Can't I just talk to him tomarrow?? Hes going to be back at the same time." I say.

              "Wait.....he was asked to come back!?" Eleanor says with that shocked face again. "Arianna dont pretend you dont know what that means. They are seriously considering him to be Jacob Walker."

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