Chapter Twenty Six

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Harry P.O.V

        "God Louis I want to kill you." I say throwing a pillow at him.

         "What did I do? Who were you talking to?" He asks, throwing the pillow back.

          "That was Arianna." I say with a blank face.

          "Oh my god your kidding...she didnt hear me did she?" Louis asks worried.

          "Well she did, but I told her it was room service. I dont know if she believed me." I said frowning.

          'What did she say though?" Louis asks.

        "She wanted to know why I tried out, and why I wasnt in Cheshire. I didnt really give her a direct answer though. Im going to see her again tomarrow, by then, I think I would know if I got the part." I say.

       "But...if you get it..will you tell her the truth? And what if you dont get it....will you still tell her the truth.?" Louis asks. I didnt like the words "if I dont get it." I knew that there was a slim chance...but for some reason a part of me always thought that I would. I sighed.

          "Either way Im telling her. I want to tell her how much she means to me, because i dont think she knows. It could be the last time we speak if I dont get the part......" I say looking away from Louis. Louis stared in silence. He always has something to say, but i think for once he was at a loss for words.

          "Hey look Harry, dont be so sad. You could still get the part. And can you imagine filiming a movie with her? I mean...all those romantic scenes..." Louis says, trying to cheer me up.

        "I really would be nice...but I want the love to be real. I dont want it to be movie love. I want to know if she really loves me...because I love much." I say. Louis stares again then sighs.

         " cant make someone love you. Its possible that Arianna really does...but if she just have to accept that and move on." Louis says quietly. I turn away from him. His words really hit me...hard. "Im sorry Harry..." Louis says. "I shouldnt have said that."

          " should have. Maybe Im chasing after something thats not there." I say blankly.

          "Harry...thats not what I ment. Im just saying you have be able to accept that...Im not saying its true." Louis says. I put my head in my hands.

          "Im really tried...lets go to bed." I say.

          "You ok?" Louis asks. I just switch off the light. I hear Louis sigh.

                                                              The Next Day

Arianna P.O.V

          I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing by my ear. I rolled over and sighed. Whos calling me right now?

           "Hello?" i said sleepily.

          "Hey babe." a voice said. I groaned inside.

           "Hi Jason."

          "Hey, I was wondering if me and you could go out to lunch or something today, we havent talked in awhile."

          "I wonder why...."

         "Whats that supposed to mean?"

          "Well after your little episode with grabbing me and everything..."

         "Ok that? Come on baby, you know i love you. i was just kidding. No harm done."

         "Jason," i say sitting up, "If you want to keep up this have to start treating me with more respect."

          "I always treat you good sweetheart." Jason says innocently.

       " dont. I cant tell if this love is for us...or for the fans." I say sternly

      "i dont know baby, you tell me." jason says. I sigh heavily. Everything i say to him always back fires on me.

       "Alright look, I dont have time to deal with this right now, I have to be at my movie auditions in an hour."

       "Ok..ok...but you never answered me about lunch. We could talk everything out then...hows that sound?" Jason asks. i think about it for a second.

        "Ok...fine." i say unsurely.

       "Great! Ill pick you up from starlight studios when its over."

      "Ok then...bye." I say hanging up the phone before he had a chance to say anything else. I wasnt sure what I just got myself into. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and got out of bed. The floor was cold on my barefeet. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face. I took extra care to putting on my makeup today because i was going out with Jason. Not that its for Jason, it because the paperazzi is bound to snap about fifty photos of us.

        I get dressed in pale pink jeans and a white blouse. Just as Im putting my 200 dollar boots on my phone buzzes. I pick it up, one new message from Eleanor Calder: Hey girl..just saying good luck. Im going to be gone at a photoshoot so come to my studio afterwards K? <3 Eleanor. I smile, shes always so on top of things. i text back then look at the time, crap I have to go or im going to be late. i quickly smack on some lipgloss and bolt out the door. Am i ready for this day? I dont know...

Ok so the next chapter is going to be interesting so get excited. i have all this stuff planned out. I was going to attach it to this chapter..but that would be a really long chapter so haha



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