Chapter Seventeen

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Arianna P.O.V.

       I stared at the screen with a blank face. One Direction walked off the stage, that was it. I suddenly felt a pang of saddness. I switched off the TV and flopped back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Eleanor was still standing by the TV, squeezing the blanket that she had grabbed when they were about to announce who made it.

       "My poor baby!" Eleanor suddenly yelled and flopped down on the couch next to me.

        "I can't believe they lost." I said turning to face Eleanor.

    "And all the hard work they did, all for nothing, I just don't think thats fair." Eleanor said. "I disagree with all this, I think One Direction deserves to win."

     "I wonder what their doing right now." I say to the ceiling. "The poor things are probably being stocked by reporters while their trying to walk back to the X Factor House." I sigh.

        "I'm calling Louis." Eleanor announces.

       "Are you sure? I dont think its the best time at the moment." I say.

     "I don't care, I want to give him a hug and tell him he did great, because he really did, they all did." She said frowning.

      "Ok Eleanor you know him better than I do, go ahead and call him." I say to her sighing heavily. Eleanor stands up and paces the room as she waits for Louis to answer. I suddenly feel obligated to call Harry too, but I really shoudn't. I mean Louis and Eleanor are boyfriend and girlfriend, me and Harry are....are...what are we? We not dating...definatley not dating. I feel like were more than just friends. But maybe thats just me. I feel like I've known him all my life, which technically i have. But this is the first time I've actually gotten to know him. I feel like he's a whole new person all together from the little boy I went to school with.

      "Louis!" Eleanor yells, interrupting my thoughts. "I'm so sorry baby, how are you?" It becomes silent as she listens to his voice on the phone. "Listen, you did brillant, don't feel bad. How are the other guys?" Eleanor asks. I strain to hear Louis' voice through the phone. Eleanor just nods sympathticly as she listens. I couldn't hear a word Louis was saying. Eleanor walks into the other room, still silently listening to Louis, this couldnt be good. I sat staring at the blank TV screen all alone now. I flipped open my phone and read the messages I had sent Harry.  He repiled with a thanks and a smiley, cute. I wanted to text him again, just to say thats its ok and you did fine. But I just dropped my phone. No, I'm going to just let him be.

           Suddenly Eleanor runs into the room with her coat on. "I'm leaving." She announces.

            "What?" I say getting up.

           "Louis sounded really sad, I could tell he was trying to cover it up though. He said he wanted to see me, so I'm going over right now." Eleanor says.

           "But Eleanor its late and...and"

          "And what?" she says. "Look Arianna, I can so tell you want to call Harry, and you really should. I mean, I'm sure it would cheer him up to see your face."

         "But Eleanor what if your wrong?" I ask unsurely.

         "I'm not, just trust me, call him, or text him at least." She said. "Ok I'm leaving, I'll be back...whenever, text me when you go home."

             "Ok." I say with no emotion. She runs out the door in a hurry and I am once again, alone. I get up and walk into the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror. Could he really like me? I looked awful at the moment, which is unusual for me. I mean I'm pretty right? I course I am! I was suddenly taken aback by my own thoughts. It had never once come into my mind that I wasn't gorgeous. Why now? Its Harry. Ever since hes come back into my life, I've changed. Is it for the better or worse? I turned away from the mirror and suddenly felt like crying. I don't know why, I just felt all messed up and confused.  I buried my face in a couch cushion. Why was I so sad? I wasn't just sad, I was angrey for some reason. I didn't know what I felt but I didnt like it. I didn't want to be alone. I wished Eleanor would come back. I wish Harry was here. Harry. Harry Styles. I repeated his name in my head then stared crying harder. I just want him to hold me and tell me he loves me. No..thats wrong, hes not my boyfriend, I have a boyfriend. Jason is my boyfirend. Then why do I want Harry? I was so confused, quite frankly I didn't know what to do with myself.

            I suddenly got up and wiped the tears from my face. I felt silly for crying, I had no reason to. I went to the bathroom and wiped off the smeared makeup. I stared at myself in the mirror again. I put fresh makeup on. I don't know why, but putting new makeup on after crying always makes me feel better. I stepped back, I looked like my old self again. I walked back into the Eleanors little family room. I picked up my phone on the couch and relized a had one new message. I opened it up, it was from Eleanor and labeled urgent. Oh Eleanor, everything was a crisis with her. But when I read the message my heart seriously skipped a beat: Arianna get your butt over here harry looks seriously depressed and I saw him staring at the text you had sent him on his phone. he needs you, and I think you need him <3 Eleanor. Eleanor never sends texts that long. I re-read the message and I couldn't control and huge smile that spread across my face.

           I ran out the door with no coat, no shoes, and in my pajamas. I got into my car and sped off towards the X Factor house. All I could think about was Harry sitting alone, like I had just been, being confused and sad. I was going way over the speed limit, and wasn't stopping at stop signs. The more I drove on, the more I relized Eleanor was right. Harry doesn't just need me, I need him, and right now, I think I need him more than he needs me. I drove up into the parking lot and ran out of the car. My barefeet froze on the cold concrete. It was dark, and I didnt know which room was theirs. I had never been to the X Factor house before, only once, and that was to see the movie. I had no clue where the rooms were or where I was going. I could see my breath in the cold nights air.

           "Hey young lady, where do you think your going?" A loud voice suddenly boomed. That scared the living day lights out of me and I jumped into the air. I couldn't see the person who was talking, they were shining a light into my eyes. I was frightened and for reason, just turned around and ran. What am I doing? What in the world am I doing? I didnt know. 

         "Hey come back here!" the voice said and ran after me. I ran harder. I turned around and the bright light was still in my face, it blinded me. Suddenly I ran into something and fell to the ground in complete shock and horror. I opened my eyes and realized I was on top of somebody. I blinked in a confused state as my eyes adjusted. I saw a familair face. It was Harry. I immediatley broke down into tears as he wrapped his warm arms around me. I clutched his sleave with my hands as I sobbed into his chest. His heart was beating fast. He just rocked me back in forth in his arms and squeezed me tight. I could smell the familiar smell of his cologne. I heard the man's footsteps suddenly come to a hault. Even thought my head was buried in Harrys shirt I could feel the bright light on us. It slowly lowered and went away. I didn't look up, I just cried and held Harry tight. I heard the man walk away slowly, his footsteps faded. Harry was completely silent, and probably completey in shock, as was I. I looked up into Harrys eyes for the first time. His face was serious with worry but completely calming at the same time. His eyes were red from old tears and looked very tired and worn out. He took his hand and gentley wiped my wet face, and for the first time, I couldnt help but smile, and he smiled back.

Ok i totally wasnt planning for this to happen but it was too cute so I wrote it anyway hope you enjoyed  :)

<3 1Dforever23

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